Hello n good morning,
Namaste, Namaskar, Shubh Sakal, Sadar Pranam.
Kindly read my profile details and all that is mentioned here, very carefully, before you message me.
And please note, a hello or a hi, blank n silent profiles will NOT be replied.
I am attracted n excited mostly towards elderly, older n senior men, hence I look for n seek men who are above 50 years, both locals n visitors, who can meet me in person in Pune city.
Young boys n men below 50 years can also be considered, if they are found suitable, like minded, compatible n if i do feel attracted n excited towards them.
Being very particular n choosy, I do not feel attracted nor excited towards all such men, who smoke, drink, booze, chew any tobacco, gutka, non veg food eaters, men who are found very hairy on their chest, back, underarms, around their *** n buttocks, men who sport a mustache n beard, any bodily piercings or tattoos, muscular, macho studs, gym toned, muscular, unclean, unhygienic men, obese, fat, stocky, overweight, paunchy, belly, bulky men, beary n beefy men, feminine looking men, woman hidden inside men, cross dressers, men who like to cross dress or want their man to cross dress or play the role of a woman or wife, transmen, *** fuckers - men who like to *** or get ***, who enjoy ***, men who cannot travel, cannot visit or cannot meet me in Pune city..., any or all of these categories seen n found in men puts me off, hence not preferred, so kindly excuse me so, sorry.
I have never felt attracted nor excited towards women for ***, hence the feminine gender do not attract me nor excite me in any way for ***, sorry.
To introduce myself, I am a single, unmarried n a retired man, soft, smooth, fully clean shaven on my inside appearance, with a clean shaven face too, am strictly vegetarian, with no unhealthy or bad vices. Being a romantic person by nature, I love to welcome my man, with a warm hug n kiss him passionately. Because, I feel, without kissing, there is no romance, no excitement n no enjoyment for me. Hence, kissing my man n being kissed is a MUST for me.
Over the years n being experienced, I have enjoyed intimate romantic sessions with all those like minded n compatible men, in gardens, in parks, on 2 wheelers while driving, inside cars on long drives, in cinema halls watching a movie together, in public places, in crowded buses n local trains.
Having a creative mindset, I like to invent n innovate new acts of intimacy with my men, so as to keep the romance inside me fresh, motivated n alive at all times.
As place is available n can be arranged at my end in Pune city, I prefer to meet my man in Pune city only.
I like n prefer older, senior n elderly men, who are strictly vegetarian n vegan, who do not smoke, nor drink, no tobacco or gutka chewing habit, who are soft, smooth, non hairy n fully clean shaven on their chest, back, underarms, *** n buttock areas and with a clean shaven face too, with no mustache / no beard. The reason being, I love to kiss my man passionately n be kissed, hence I feel more attracted n excited to kiss a face that is fully clean shaven. Men sporting a mustache / beard, puts me off n prevents me from kissing my man.
I am willing n open for 3 sum ***, with 2 other older men, who must be found suitable, like minded, compatible n exciting for me to enjoy with them. This is one area which I am yet to explore n experience, hence very excited n eagerly looking forward to it.
I never share my pics, number, whatsapp with anybody in such associations. It is not required n not needed, as they are personal n private and not meant for circulation. As I am on FB and on Telegram, I like n prefer to stay in touch n stay connected with my men, thru these 2 social platforms, for chats, for making voice n vdo calls, without having to disclose or share my number with them.
Keeping the above in mind, I now eagerly look forward to meeting all such like minded, suitable n compatible men who are loving, caring, compassionate, romantic, decent, cultured, respectful, interactive, expressive n communicative, down to earth, kind hearted n soft spoken, who can understand n be understood, who have their head on their shoulders n their feet on the ground and who wish to enjoy romantic intimate sessions with me in strict confidence n privacy in Pune city.
The rest can follow later on after seeing your response n interest to the above.
Thank you. Regards.
Good day.
rite2macs appears in the favorites list of 2 guy(s).