" Can I live alone without marry or kid till end of life"..
Just need your views on this hoping I can get some how clarity on this topic..
Displaying 1 to 45 of 45 comments. |
No Picture 263363 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
@Harshid, How Are you dude? Yes regarding the future of being Gay, Bi, or TG According to me regardless of whatever your sexual orientation is our life will be what we make our of it. Do you thing regular straight guys are happy in a married relationship? I guess not all of them. There are complications in almost every relationship either with a friend, foe, spouse, mother, father and siblings. The result lies in how we handle ourselves throughout the journey. Final verdict is what I want for being Happy is important. I know the complications of being Gay or bi in a society with different cultural orientation but that doesn't change who we are inside. Only thing we all are stuck is hiding our true nature n living a constructed image of life. For many if us it's difficult to take it but let's face the challenge n live the life. We are special. Yes living alone, lack real longterm relationship commitments haunts us but we should start accepting it. I have a cousin who is gay but got married due to family pressure but couldn't continue the relationship n his married life ended pretty soon, he is around 40 now n lives his own life. No one questions about his marriage or life as he has set his own rules. I know t-shirt not an easy way to answer your question but I hope I have tried my best to add value to your thoughts my friend. |
No Picture tonedbloke | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
The fact is also there is a fear of who will look after us in our old age if we are not married. A married guy has the comfort feeling that he has his wife and kids to look after him when he is in need. Though in this day and age that is not an assurance- as families keep breaking apart and kids cannot be relied upon as a safety*** to support you in your old age. We do not even have any support system for single people. It would be a good idea to create a retirement home especially for single gay men where they can rest assured that they would be looked after. |
No Picture Valentine84 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
Future of a gay guy is very much the same of any tom,*** and Harry. Being straight or gay or bi or anything doesn't make any difference to your future as long as you earn good people who would miss you when you die or love you for what you are no matter what.
If you think u are married and have kids, they would take care of you at old age - come on that sounds so cliched these days. If that was the case why do we have many old age homes ?
Even with a man with loving close knit family and affectionate children could die all alone if his destined that. Aren't we reading people killed by muggers, stranded in no mans land or even lost flights.., so there is nothing in your hand you could control about your future.
What you can do is give your best shot and live the moment. Spread and give love and stay true to your loved ones. Make happiness rather than seeking for it, your future is always there for you based on your karma. KARMA IS A BOOMERANG - so you get what you deserve and that's your destiny
No Picture intro_vert | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
Yet another insightful question!
@harshid I understand how you feel. It is a burning question in many single people. What surprises me is our imagination or I rather say expectation that old age is something to be feared, is always ridden with diseases and destitution that we immediately become psychologically dependent ( which I feel is the worst) on our still non existent future family.
As someone already said we are what we make of ourselves. To add on to that, fear and doubt bring us closer to the object of fear and doubt.
The future is always better, regardless of people or circumstance. And I wish for you to get the future you dream of, and be happy .
No Picture Chichu | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
I am 38 single bi I have this same burning question |
No Picture Exotic1234 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
@harshid - I don’t know your age but the reason that becomes important to answer this question is because what you want out of life will keep changing every passing year. The way you think in your twenties will be different from thirties forties and fifties. However let’s face it living alone is a rather difficult proposition human beings by nature are social animals there is an innate desire in each one of us to relate to others we all want the world to love us and live a happy life. Living a life alone will not help you with that. Yes you will need at least one person in your life with whom you can just be yourself. It need not come out of marriage it could be a friend or anyone with whom you personally connect, who brings out the best in you. A child gives a purpose and a meaning to life it’s a basic human nature to be a nurturer or care givers and trust me gay people love to nurture. While I think your own views will change each year I think living alone can be depressing. Look at the western world where people commit suicide because they get lonely with no social or family fabric that binds them. The key to a happy life is being surrounded by a few happy relationships. |
No Picture Ragu for fun | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
Spark and Exotic have spoken my mind....our gayness is one of the issues in our married life...it is not The only issue....many straight guys have shitty married lives..so now comes the question of living alone...I ask this question at least once a week to myself....definitely the answer is u can live but every thing comes at a cost....if u have a kid then how much of a divorced dad can u b? Can h sail through loneliness (not even have some one to fight with).....I think the answer lies in ones own maturity in handling life and making it interesting without depending on one person....when u r married u tie ur happiness to that one person...if u have an incompatible spouse life becomes miserable....so try to create a world for urself with many ppl in it....and if u can find a way to b happy without depending on one single person then u r ready to life a happy single life till ur end....find some purpose in life and it will rock ur world.... |
No Picture Ragu for fun | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
And the secret with life is, if u truly are happy with urself then life will gift u a person at some point who is compatible with u....but that gift will only come to u when u r hardly expecting or looking for it.... |
No Picture 263363 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
Respect each and every contribution in this post. One thing we all fail to understand is happiness is never outside or gained from someone or being with someone. Happiness is within you, within us. Being Happy is our ability we fail to recognize within ourselves n keep searching out elsewhere. After all being Happy is GAY |
No Picture Ragu for fun | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
@spark...buddy that’s what I meant when I said that we shouldn’t tie our happiness to one single person....even though happiness has to be sought from within, the level of maturity to achieve that state is extremely higher...man being a social animal is heavily influenced by his sorroundings...hence it is present to be GAY with ur environment and try to create ur own... |
No Picture Exotic1234 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
@ gayspark - There is a detailed Harvard study on happiness, you can read it or there is also a wonderful YouTube video on it. Harvard studied the lives of 724 men from both the poor localities of Boston to the affluent Harvard grads from the 1930’s till date to understand what really makes a happy life. Year after year they recorded the observations after interviewing the respondents and their family./friends. The study has clearly established a close association between happiness and having a strong social relationship like spouse, family, friends etc these are established mood boosters while isolation (living alone) is a mood buster. While I agree happiness comes from within; the reality is it is also with reference to social relationships. How the close people around you make you feel also has a bearing on your happiness. It’s a good study and you will like it. |
No Picture 263363 | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
@Exotic1234 True men within relationships in family, friend etc tend to live longer and happpier and merrier according to many british studies and it holds true to almsot many countries in the world. After all you need something to live for. But there is a thin line between that and totally depending on someone for all your happiness. I agree with your opinion without doubt |
No Picture Harshid | Posted On Apr 17, 2018
Thanks a lot for all individuals who posted the comments.am happy to see the response from each individual...thanks again.. will read your comments and respond it |
No Picture 279743 | Posted On Apr 18, 2018
The future depends on how you shape it! A lot of us worry about future especially given the kind of society we live in. Have a good support network be it friends or family! Develop some sort of passion which can be pursued. Humans evolved to be social and need bonding as said by @exotic Studies show that people with friends tend to live longer. Every relationship comes with a baggage. It is upto you to make those relationships hassle free and less convoluted. Another thing is to take life as it takes you! Enjoy your ride as much as you can. People in the west generally tend to be more superficial when it comes to attachment to other people be it family or friends or partners. We Indian men are inherently more attached to family values and that's one reason we kind to overthink about future and fear the worst outcome of being stranded alone in an island with no connection. The reason why suicides are less. I knew a dutch guy who was well into 40's and I used to chat with and wasn't seeing other people. He badly wanted to have someone for himself. He ended up dating another friend of mine in a long distance relationship. It was just a shock to me one day when my friend calls up and says that Mr.Dutch's sister calls him and asks him for his address saying he committed suicide and sent him loads of gifts which he had purchased. It might feel as if the whole earth below you is caving in when left all by yourself. Its better to accept reality and be ready to face whatsoever.
Que Sera,Sera (Whatever will be,will be )
No Picture Valentine84 | Posted On Apr 18, 2018
I am gonna borrow something I watched on a TV series "The assassination of Gianni Versace" in the scene where Versace s sister confronts her brother's gay partner Antonio
Those questions actually linger in my mind too... Of course these questions have an introspective perspective to every gay person. |
No Picture 279743 | Posted On Apr 18, 2018
@valentine : Versace's brother and sister never were very accepting of Antonio! They in fact even modified his will and did not give what he was supposed to get But that question can resonate very well irrespective of orientation :) |
No Picture manpasand | Posted On Apr 18, 2018
@harshid I have thought about this many times. In my opinion it is better to get married if someone is okay to get along with girl. Being alone will be difficult long term. There is no guarantee wife or kid will take care completely especially one cannot expect much from kids. However there is a good chance of getting partial support. Marriage can give you some direction and responsibility but comes along with restrictions. Good luck to you and you take right decision |
No Picture Mahesh80 | Posted On Apr 18, 2018
A profound topic on an existential issue for gay men, with brilliant view points from all our guys . Thanks for starting this thread Harshid! In fact I was thinking of starting a similar kind of topic in a few days time. Basically, the fear of death and old age sprouts from our limited (false) identification with our body, mind, emotions, circumstances, with the limited name & form called “me”. Human beings simultaneously exist in multiple dimensions; unfortunately we only identify ourselves & concern ourselves only with the outer shell of our being, all the while neglecting or being ignorant of our inner dimensions of existence, and hence all these psychological fears and sufferings.
Once our identification expands and we start identifying ourselves with the entire creation around, these fears vanish..this is the path of love / service; that’s why we see many social workers (irrespective of their orientation) choosing to remain single, they willingly choose not to have a family, to involve fully in the service of others, they just don’t fear about their old age or death. There are others like scientists, academicians, lawyers, artists, doctors etc. who willingly choose to remain single to contribute with full focus in their chosen domain. The path of love is not possible nor suitable for all, in that case one may choose the path of knowledge...in this path one meticulously & objectively introspects himself, as to “who is the one who fears? who am I? “What am I?” “Where am I” and dissolves the false ego of “I & me”, thus dissolving all the associated fears and psychological sufferings that go along with it, leaving behind just a “harmless ego” in him, with which he carries out his day to day activities. Once our false egos and understandings drop, one doesn’t really care whether he lives or drops his body.
There are two important laws that operate in our lives: one is cause to effect rule..If we want something or someone or some favourable situation, we plan and do some activities to obtain it, after obtaining it we feel happy; here the cause is followed by the effect. The second rule, is lesser known, least understood and practiced. This is more powerful than the first rule. Here the effect is followed the cause. Here you create the effect in your mind and the cause follows it automatically. If you always feel very happy and contented as though you have got the object or person whom you desire or a favourable circumstance you wanted, invariably you will sooner or later attract that object or person or situation into your life magically. I have often used this second principle in life successfully. Let’s practice this and attract favourable circumstances in our lives. If we fear a negative circumstance, we would as well be attracting that into our lives, hence we have to always beware of our thoughts and emotions, they are quite powerful. The best option will be to use the rule 1 and rule 2 in tandem to obtain best possible results in our lives.
Along with the above mentioned inner aspects, on the practical side, we need to have certain plans in place so that we don’t end up burdening others:
We must have a financial plan for our old age; we must have a systematic health plan as well: regular exercises, clean habits, eating healthy wholesome food, if required taking a medical insurance.
Very few are capable of living in solitude without harming themselves, others may choose to live with a well wishing friend or in a commune of like-minded people. Or in an old age home; there are many good old age homes in Chennai.
Good friendships and relationships need to be chosen & nurtured carefully over a period of time, which will form a physical and emotional support system for us. If interested one may choose to adopt a child as well, I myself came close to adopting an underprivileged child few years back, I haven’t formally adopted him, but support him financially from time to time.
In this fast paced materialistic world family life no longer provides the social security that it once provided. Within my relatives circle I was quite shocked to witness so many parents being deserted by their children during their old age, hence we need not assume that we are missing out the social security provided by the family life.
If we could die with a smile on our face, then we have really lived our life successfully and meaningfully. Let's hope for that. |
No Picture tonedbloke | Posted On Apr 19, 2018
Mahesh80@ Really liked your philosophical approach. The fear of the unknown future is always present in most humans because we are so attached. I liked your advice on financial planning and having a good social network of people around you. Old age homes have really come of age and are being planned well knowing that quite few of the new gen are looking at staying single or in live-in relationships. I have planned my financials well saving a decent sum for any eventuality in the future. I have got a good mediclaim policy. Trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle right from the beginning. A few additiional points that I want to add is- maintain a good relationship with the family- brothers and sisters and their kids. They would definitely be there for you in times of need if you have a good bond with them. Another point is to start enjoying quality time with yourselves. Inculcalte habits of reading, painting, music, gardening. These hobbies keep you ina good frame of mind and will help you also enjoy alone time. You will actually look forward to being by yourself. Realise the difference between "loneliness" and "aloneness". The former is depressing but the latter is enjoyable. |
No Picture Mahesh80 | Posted On Apr 19, 2018
@Tonedbloke --- Thank you ji! I quite agree with you that our brothers, sisters & their kids could possibly be there with us at the time of need, if we have an affectionate rapport with them...not just them sometimes even good neighbours become like our family members helping us a great deal when required; its much more common in the villages than in cities. In general, having a good rapport with all, whether its workplace or home,without compromising on our freedom & self respect, is very important. It helps us both inwardly & externally. |
No Picture raja bot | Posted On Apr 20, 2018
Just in one sentence
‘Stay single through out yur life’
The laws are not goingg to change Acceptance was limited, is limited and will be limited. People will make fun of gays saying ‘ ivan pottai ‘
Indians have a regressive mind set and this mindset Is not going to change atleast in another decade People living in cities may not have a tough time But living in towns and villages people will be fraught with Shame. Many people are coming to terms with homosexuality now but a lot more to go... Gays have to live in the shadows, have to live a double life and will be harassed by the society. This is the simple truth of a gay indian. |
Kani2707 | Posted On Apr 22, 2018
This thought arise me long ago like any other gay men... to me (as someone mentioned here) it depends on the age, living life style...
Before coming out to my parents I though abt it but wasn’t a big deal to me... I worked out nearly 4 to 5 years on how to come out & this question has a little part during late 20s. When I come across this thought I was really confident that I can live alone very much. Well more than the confidence I had.
After coming out and dealing all the problems (still goes on) and early 30s I started losing the confidence a bit. On seeing my parents (they r old and taking care to one another) and hearing stories about ppl living around the house in my hometown - though it would be bit (my guess is it would be massive) difficult to lead a life alone. But achievable.
People around me: Dependencies:
Family and siblings: I haven’t got any support from them. Well they brought me up, spent money for my education and because of that I’m into a stab job. But unlikely I don’t get any support from them being gay or my future. Fact is parents can’t be around through tour my lifetime and siblings has to look into their family & more importantly their children’s future. Can’t depend on them. Move on. Relatives: Just ignore!!! Move on. Friends (Including Gay) & colleagues: There was times I had friends. But lately having thought about everything and concluded that no one going to be around with me. I have to make the decision and face the consequences. Nobody is going to tell me what to do and not to do. Gay friends (Quality) are bit exclusive. Many would be in the same state so they don’t stick around which is understandable. Mostly they get married. Unavoidable. Even I don’t stick around with many of them. Colleagues are just for work related and nothing more. Move on. Social Work: I have been part of CSR for quite sometime. It was my best time ever. I still contribute as much I can. But that does take the loneliness thought for a while. Again I come back to square one. Move on. Workaholic: I’m indeed workaholic but unlike I’m not into R&D who dedicate themselves into research etc. I’m doing my work for living. That’s it. So doesn’t help much to take off my mind from these thoughts. Move on. Adoption: I think one can support a child for education but can’t adopt.To my knowledge adopting a child to a single man (irrespective of sexual orientation) is unlikely. The order of preference is: Married couple, single woman. Move on.
My initial options: - Move into an orphanage - Move into an old age home - Move into an ashram (My landlord’s distance relative - Husband & Wife - moved to a ashram in their old age. Not sure if the name and location. Pretty sure it’s not any sexual explicit one.)
Verdict:People around me are very temporary. Nothing last for ever or at least near to ever. Everyone has their own responsibilities, priorities to look into. Not ignoring those. What I’m saying is people don’t stay. They move on or disappear. Moreover the expectations, money minded, using for some needs are more in this gay areas. I’m not denying the facts there are some exceptional.
Having said all these thinking / overthinking about my future doesn’t help me at all in anyway. It creates confuses me a lot and push me to depression state all the times. Although I shift to the void mode still I have to survive and love the life as much I can. So get up in the morning and survive each day. Live the life for me. Clean, healthy and bit adventurous sometimes. That’s all matters to me!
PS: I have no idea of a guy (bi or gay) who got married and settled, leading a life.
PPS: This is purely based on my experience.
PPPS: I initially thoigjt of not responding by giving all my personnel things. Well I dont listen to myself. |
No Picture Harshid | Posted On Apr 23, 2018
@ Kani..your post is detailed one and u just expressed what I have gone through so far..tx ..but always we can't conclude something for future life .. |
No Picture CherryBlossom | Posted On Apr 25, 2018
@harshid yes it is possible and do not worry much. These days marriage does not guarantee anything much except responsibilities. Being a guy one has to earn and run the family. If a guy becomes disabled or not earn it becomes a problem to survive if spouse is also not earning. I am a insomniac and always wonder if I would be able to work and run for next 20 years.Being single too has its own cons. But being single one can save money for future. If you are not the only kid and have some family relations it is plus and can manage life easily even if single with some support from them. If only kid for parents then try for marriage or seek a long term gay partner. Then about spending time one can think of adopting pets. They too show lot of love in return.Real need for support is only during old age and one never know the spouse will always outlive even if someone is married. Senior home culture is slowly develop ing so we can go there if there is not much support from family. End of day one should have money,relations,friends and above all good health whether we choose to marry or not. |
No Picture Mahesh80 | Posted On Apr 25, 2018
@cherryblossom - that was a nice optimistic post dude!
I ve met few wonderful asexual women (not TG or lesbian) in my life, they have refused to marry to dedicate themselves for a social cause, they are my good friends & are social workers..i used to wonder if i could marry them; infact one of the girl's parents have long been insisting me to marry their daughter..they dont need any se*, they just need a guy in their life as a support thats all. I ve remained undecided on this issue for many yrs. Though being a gay, i love the warmth of a women's love & affection..though i may not get aroused by them. |
No Picture intro_vert | Posted On Apr 25, 2018
@mahesh80 you are absolutely true. A woman's love is truly warm and special. I find them extremely charming. There is a great attraction in femeninity. And ofcourse not sexual in my case |
No Picture Mahesh80 | Posted On Apr 25, 2018
@all - I welcome ur suggestions in this regard, about the prospects of me marrying the social worker that i ve mentioned in my previous post. |
No Picture greenguy12us | Posted On Jul 8, 2018
I have not seen a single guy who is married and is happy. I have seen the burden of monogamy in their eyes. How they are frustrated and bound by family pressure. Lot of my friends are just vanished after marriage. They stop all contacts, and dedicate whole life to spouse and kids. Sickening! I better stay single and happy. Will never marry for this reason only. I want to be free. |
No Picture funguy2016 | Posted On Jul 8, 2018
there r many truely bisexual man who r leading good family life..some r lucky with wie cooperating with his nature, some r lucky with wife being kinky and they enjoy with men together.
in some cases,they get to men sometimes for sexual flavors as and when they get time...... i guess its pure GAY men who face lot of issues after marrying..
No Picture munnabhai | Posted On Oct 14, 2022
A simple question to the creator of this thread....
Is marriage the only solution for a happy life? What gurantee that your own son / daughter will look after you.... Or your so called Partner will be by your side forever.... Just be happy with whatever comes on your way.... Whoever cross your path, show respect and try to understand everyone, without any ego and attitude... Life will be always good with good people.... |
fifty | Posted On Oct 14, 2022
I have seen good people suffering . Better to start thinking and planning about one's old age, whether you have been good or bad to others. This is applicable even to those who are married and have children, but all the more for those who choose to stay single. |
No Picture Raajiv | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
Its okay till late thirties.m u r young and mingle off here and there.. but as soon as your fourties start and specially during late fourties, u start feeling along because ur options of hook ups are now limited.. u tends to meet every tom *** and harry who is ready to lay with u...less people are intrested in that age of guys.. nevertheless say that true and life long gay relationship is very rare.. that feeling is depressing.. at that stage of life u think u might have made mistake which can not be reversed.. u experience societal seclusion.. everywhere u qre being judged of being alone... Not married..
I know i sound odd to the community but thats the fact in indian context.. So its better to start thinking and take decision now |
fifty | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
Raajiv, no comments about first part of your comment about ***. But second part is true. Your friends, cousins are talking about their children and their achievements and you don't have anything to share. Till they are single, you have social outings. But soon in family gatherings, you find yourself to be off man out.
What decision are you suggesting? I will say, look for a gay lefe partner rather than *** partner. |
No Picture ToBeFreeinLyf | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
The truth? The future is dark, sad and lonely for people like us. This society is not built for gay men. It is built for men who get married and have children. It is built for men with religion and men who all have the same goals in life: work, save money, buy a house, get married, have children, educate them, marry them off and die a satisfied man knowing that your duties are fulfilled. We are the outliers. We are not part of the society. And so we do not have a future in it.
If you want it to be rosy, you gotta struggle. Struggle against your family, the society and everyone you know. If you're lucky, you just might make it better. In every other case, you will be alone and sad. Ain't no reason to sugarcoat the truth. |
No Picture Raajiv | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
@ fifty.. i already said that (true) gay life partner is rare.. how many of us do we have one?? Most of them are temporary for few years.. i have not seen any gay relationship which started early and lasted till last breath.. gay relationship (even short lasted) will only provide physical and emotional support.. does it provide stability, security and family.. ( i am strictly talking in indian context).. even if u find one.. than also u will have to fight the society whole life long... Who will rent flat to two gay parner in their 50ies... They also have yo answer the society.. and such questions goes on life long...
My suggestion would be 1) move abroad to a gay friendly nation leaving everything behind (family) and never plan to come back... 2) start a family here if u can not move abroad.. live a dual life as most of us are living... Keep ur secrets to urself.. love and care ur family.. i ll suggest to find another married man (gay/bi) for discreet relationship.. 3) if one and two is not ur options and still u decide to fight all odds and come out as gay and live a gay life.. stop expections from other and prepare for ur future( medical, finance, moral support) etc..
Ps.. i am in option two.. and have no regrets.. |
No Picture thansrin | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
Hi Rajiv, you message is clear and agreeing with your views and opinions. Adding to below, everyone is insecure about the end of life , there might be a small changes in the perception towards gays as we are copying western culture very quickly. 1 - ensure to concentrate on studies and find better careers 2) Start saving money when you start earning 3) maintain your health and body 4 ) support your family if possible |
fifty | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
I know a few gay couples in India, living together Yes, they are too few. There are gay matrimonial pages. But things are not going to change on their own. We have to strive hard to bring the change. People are fighting in the courts for gay marriage right. We were decriminalised through a court struggle. As regards preparing for your own future and not expecting from others is concerned, everybody, whether gay or straight has to do that. Nowadays I see more couples with no kids, couples with only one child and kids going abroad and settling there.
fifty | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
My thought is meant for those who choose not to enter a straight marriage. Bisexuals can of course marry women. They can do favour to single gay men, by involving themselves only with other married men, like you do. |
No Picture Raajiv | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
@thansrin..apt additions.. one has to focus on his career, finances and interests.. engage in some social activity.. look out for alternate incomes and work on their health and body in order to be happy in future...
@ fifty.. agreed with u brother.. but the change is really really slow.. not much changes has happened since discrimination except some ott and movies showing homosexuality along with mainstream.. it will take another decade or two to accept the changes whole heartedly.. may be when we become grand paas than we may except young generation as they are.. but wat about our lives... I am not being selfish here but just want to clear that due to societal pressures many of us can not fight for the cause.. even if we want to.. the singles who doesn't wish to enter a straight marriage are free to do som. They are doing great work for the community and i along with several other here are proud of and thankful to them.. |
No Picture MatureGuy | Posted On Oct 15, 2022
Dont dwell on what will happen in your 50s and 60s. I'm 59, never married, no relations. Living life peacefully. Ensure financial stability and life will take care of itself. Enjoy your sexual encounters when you can |
No Picture Asimas * | Posted On Oct 16, 2022
Once a bottom he can never be happy in life with girl I enjoy the present if you think about future you will get depressed only & not feel in happy in present |
No Picture Needfriend45 | Posted On Oct 16, 2022
I unmarried bottom never had real sexlife . Yes I have fear about my rest of life . Just pray god . Go temples. If possible help others Just think all is good in god grace . What to do . After parents literally orphan. Unmarried don't have respect among friends and family .. |
No Picture Cute_Rowdy | Posted On Oct 16, 2022
Unmarried don't have respect among friends and family? Dude, which world are you living in? Salman Khan, Ratan Tata, Rekha, Abdul Kalam, Lata Mangeshkar...have you heard of these names? Stand for yourself and stop thinking what society thinks of you. Live for YOURSELF first! And then for those who love you! Please stop spreading negative vibes around. |
No Picture kunal16 | Posted On Oct 17, 2022
@need u r right i agree with u. this is real reality of life for gays. we cant compare ourselves from stars like salman etc but on the other hand u should shart looking for real friends around who can be with u for life. just general message no offence. @cute this is not negative wibe he had just shared what he thinks so make him understand or suggent him ways so secure his future life emotionally rather than taunting him. we alll are here to express our views without any judgement. |
No Picture *** | Posted On Jan 15, 2025
@Cute Rowdy, I get the gist of what @Needfriend45 is trying to say. All the names you are listed are of rich and successful people. They all have/had strong network to protect and field them. Is that same priviliege available to a guy from a small town in jharkhand or odisha? Probably not.
When I first read the title of the topic, I misinterpreted as something about future of gays in the society in terms of legal, healthcare access, visibility and perception. But reading the comments here I get a sense that people are talking about what happens to gays and their life as they age.
This is indeed is a million dollar question and well, the answer is Million dollar.