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Height of pervertness

Submitted by Rahul xv Location: All India (All India, India)

Share crazy and pervert feelings ..what you have done crazy in the past and what you want to do which gives you difference experience

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Posted On Oct 12, 2024

Once in a loo there where 3 old uncle take me to a room and lock it from inside and and make me nude and finger my *** one my one the lick my *** and *** and nipples till I *** . I *** 7 times in their *** they all where lick my body and *** on my *** I was awesome feeling all are above 60 plus uncles and I like old uncle when they do this kind of stuff

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

I like old uncle who are pervert and do things with me grope me finger my *** *** my *** I love horney pervert uncle who want to eat young boy like me also love to fullfill their incest fantasy

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

I have a matured +45 slave who likes to play with my *** and clean it. Likes to drink my *** and be my dog. He likes to take pain and humiliation. He is both cuck and inc. anyone +45 with similar fantasy ping me

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

@love_cruising your experience is awsome .. I have tried the same with my nephew when he was in 10th and now he got into college

The difference is I succeeded and still we have fun secretly whenever we get time … boys nowadays are not shy and very open and most of them are good bottoms and they love to *** and get *** badly

Even if they have girl friend they are curious to *** *** and get *** ..

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

Good you did not proceed..
There are certain boundaries....

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

थोड़े टाइम पहले मेरी बुआ ने नया मोबाइल लिया तो पुराना वाला मुझे दे दिया।
मेरा मोबाइल बहुत पुराना था तो मेने बुआ का फोन रख लिया और मेरे वाला बेचने का सोचा
मैं में मार्केट में गया वहा कुछ शॉप थी जिनपे रेट जानने के लिए गया । एक शॉप थी जिसने एक हैंडसम बंदा बैठा हुआ था जो 35 साल का होगा। हाफ शर्ट पहनी थी, बाइसेप्स बड़े थे, चौड़ा सीना, बड़ी गोल आंखे जो भूरी थी हल्की सी जैसे ऐश्वर्या राय की है और शेप की हुई दाढ़ी मूंछ, देखते ही मन होता था के काश इसके साथ s*x हो जाए एक बार बस, मर्दाना आवाज और खुले batton से दिखते छाती के बाल मन मचल जाता ही इसे मर्दों को देख कर।

में उसकी शॉप पे पहले काफी बार गया हूं मोबाइल की एक्सेसरी लेने पर कभी।उसको अकेला नही देखा, दो लड़के काम करते ही वही कस्टमर हो सामान देते थे।
में जब गया तो शायद वो बाहर गए हो या खाना खाने गए हो ,
मेने जानबूझ कर gay p*rn ki video hidden फ़ोल्डर से में गैलरी में डाल दी , और गूगल पे भी gay hot pics खोल दी, उसके अलावा मेरी एक दो बिना शर्ट वाली pic भी गैलरी में डाल जिसमे मेरा एक हाथ मेरी चूची पर था।
बस 5 मिनिट में उसकी दुकान के सामने ये सब किया और फिर मोबाइल लेके उसकी दुकान में गया।।
दोपहर थी तो कोई कस्टमर भी नहीं था।
मेने कहा ये मोबाइल बेचना ही तो कितने में जायेगा ?
उसने मॉडल पूछा और कब लिया था ये पुछा
मेने बताते हुए मोबाइल उसको दे दिया लॉक खोल के। वो मोबाइल कैमरा चेक करने लगा तो उसी के दुकान की एक फोटो उसको देखने लगा क्लियरिटी के लिए तो गैलरी में उसकी नजर मेरे पिक पे भी गई वो वो मेरी तरफ देखने लगा।और फिर उसने गैलरी के वीडियो भी देख लिए पर कुछ नही बोला। में भी मोबाइल में देख ही रहा था। उसने यूट्यूब खोला और पूछा साउंड केसा है तो मेने बोला बजा के देख लो फिर साउंड चेक करके बोला ठीक ही साउंड और फिर उसने कीमत बताई 5000 तो मुझे कम लगी।
मोल भाव करते हुए मेने कहा इंटरनेट स्पीड देखी बहुत शानदार ही 5g सपोर्ट करता है ऐसा बोल के मेने उस से गूगल खुलवा दिया जुसमे गय पिक सर्च किए हुए थे। वो देख के बोला 5000 ही दे सकता हूं इस मोबाइल के।
वो गूगल पे फोटो देख रहा था नीचे स्क्रोल कर कर के तो मुझे लगा इसको इंट्रेस्ट आ रहा है तो मेने बोला 5000 k साथ कुछ और दोगे ?
वो बोला और क्या चाहिए तुझे ?
मेने कहा आप बताओ क्या दोगे ? वो बोला ग्लास गार्ड लगा दूंगा तेरे नए मोबाइल पर,
मैने पूछा और क्या दोगे ?
उसने बोला एक इयरफोन ले लेना ।
वो मोबाइल में gay k*ss, s*ck के पिक देखते ही जा रहा पर कुछ हिंट नी दे रहा था की उसको s*x करने में इंट्रेस्ट है या नहीं।
दस मिनट तक मोबाइल देखा पूरा पर मुझे कीमत नहीं जम रही थी और न उसका इंटरेस्ट दिख रहा था तो मेने बोला के में घर पूछ के बताता हूं और मोबाइल लेके आने लगा।
उसने बोला के तेरे नंबर देजा अगर कोई कस्टमर आयेगा तो बता दूंगा तुझे।
मेने अपना नंबर दे दिया और आ गया।
अगले दिन दोपहर में फिर फोन आया और बोला के एक कस्टर आया है फोन दिखाने आ सकता है क्या ?
मेने कहा15 मिनिट लगेंगे।
उसने बोला आजा
में गया उसकी दुकान पर आज मेने फोन से सब वो वाली चीज हटा दी थी।
उसकी दुकान पे गया तो कोई कस्टमर नही था।मेने उसको पूछा के किसको दिखाना है फोन तब उसने बोला के कस्टमर तो चला गया
फिर उसने फोन लिया और देखने लगा तो फोन में कुछ नहीं था।
वो बोला के वो सब हटा दिया क्या,?
मैने बोला हा बेचना ही न तो सब डिलीट कर दिया
फिर मेने आगे रह के पूछ लिया आपको पसंद आया था क्या वो ?
वो कुछ नहीं बोला।
मेने बोला कस्टमर तो नहीं है तो में जाता हूं । फिर तब जाके वो बोला के "करेगा"
मेने पूछा क्या?
वो बोला जो कल मोबाइल में था वो
तब मेने देर ना करते हुए उसको पूछा के कहा कर सकते है तो वो बोला रात को 10 बजे आना यही फिर बताता हूं
में रात को गया तब वो मुझे शॉप की शटर गिरा के शॉप में पूछे ले गया जहा कैमरा नहीं था
वहा जाके सब उसने मेरा l*nd पकड़ा और बोला के मूंह में देते तब पता चला के वो मर्दाना बॉडी में एक प्यासा बॉटम है। उसको देख के लगता था के ये स्ट्रेट होगा या top होगा पर उसने तो सीधे मुंह खोल के मेरा चूसने लगा।
मेने भी बिना रुके चूसने दिया और उसने धीरे धीरे मेरा पूरा पेंट और अंडरवियर निकाल दिया।
चूसते टाइम वो मेरी आंखों में ही देखता रहा पूरे टाइम।
जब मेरा निकलने वाला था तो मेने कहा उसको तो बोला अभी मत निकालो और झट से पीछे हट गया मुंह से l*nd बाहर करते हुए
मेने थोड़ा रिलेक्स किया और फिर l*nd शांत हुआ तो वो फिर अपना पेंट खोल के झुकने लगा मेरे सामने तो मेने मना कर दिया बिना कंडोम के करने से, वैसे भी मुझे बड़ी एज वाले बॉटम नहीं पसंद।
तो वो फिर चूसने लगा और बोला की उसका मन तो g*nd में लेने का है। पर में बिना कुछ बोले उसकी गर्दन को पकड़ के अंदर बाहर करने लगा उसके मुंह में।।
बीच में मेने uska l*nd पकड़ने की कोशिश की तो हाथ नही लगाने देता
पर एक बार जबरजस्ती हाथ में लिया उसका तो बहुत ही छोटा था मूंगफली जैसा।
यकीन नहीं हुआ के एक गदरिले मर्द का एसा l*nd हो सकता है जैसा किसी बच्चे का हो। गोटिया भी छोटी छोटी थी
मेने अपना हाथ हटाया और दोनो हाथ से उसका सिर पकड़ा और झटके देना शुरू कर दिया और तब तक सिर नहीं छोड़ा जब तक के मेरा सारा वीर्य उसके गले में उतर गया।
हालाकि वो वीर्य मुंह में लेना नहीं चाह रहा था पर पता नहीं क्यों मुझे हल्की सी चीड़ आ गई थी , वो मेरा l*nd or वीर्य मुंह से निकलना चाह रहा था पर मेने कस के पकड़ा था तो सिर्फ मुंह से थोड़ी लार की बूंदे ही बाहर आ सकी।

उसके बाद हमने बिना कुछ बोले कपड़े पहने और काउंटर पर आए ,उसने शटर उठाई और बोला प्लीज किसी को बोलना मत।
मेने कहा नही बोलूंगा चिंता मत करो।
उसके बाद 2 दिन बाद दोपहर में उसने फिर कॉल किया और बोला मोबाइल के 6000 बिकवा देगा। हालाकि मेने मना कर दिया मोबाइल बेचने से।
फिर वो बोला ऐसा कर रात को आ 10 बजे के बाद
मेने फिर माना कर दिया क्योंकि मुझे अब उसके साथ s*x नही करना था
पर उसने बोला के नही करेंगे कुछ , ऐसे ही आजा एक बार तो फिर में गया

वहा गया तो उसने मुझे एक इयरफोन देके बोला ये मेरी तरफ से गिफ्ट है
मेने लेने से मना कर दिया, मुझे उस से फ्री में कुछ लेने का मन नही था।
पर वो और ऑप्शन देने लगा चीजों के जो पसंद है वो लेलो (हालाकि सब 1000 से 1500 के बीच की होगी) पता नही क्यों उसके मुझे गिफ्ट देने में इतना इंट्रेस्ट था

फिर मेने बोल दिया के आप इतना क्यों कर रहे हो , कोई जरूरत नहीं इन चीजों की वो में किसी को कुछ नहीं बोलूंगा चिंता मत करो और में वहा से आ गया।।

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

When I was studying in 8th. The coconut climber who was 46+ he regularly visit my house as he was the bar mate of my grandfather and he look after our farms. I put my moom's used panties and bra on the farm toilet for him to see. And he used to sniff it. One day I saw he was drunk and smoking beedi on our backyard I put mom's dress and open my window slightly. He saw me and come closer to window and began to touch himself. I got the backyard toilet acting like I didn't saw him. He followed me and entered inside toilet and kiss me hard s**k my lips cheeks and tough. He got a sweaty big black co**k I swallow it. He deep throat me till I vomit. And turn around and press his dirty a*s towards my face. And forcefully make me lick it. He crush my whole body with his iron hands. Pinch, bite and press my b**bs and nipples. Finger my a** hole. And c*m inside my throat making me drink.

The highlight was he call me with my moom's name through out the session

Later it become a daily routine for me to serve that black hung uncle. He also offer me to some of his friends.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

I once got my *** pounded hard by a 60 year old village uncle on a charpai (wooden bed) under the night sky right outside his house almost on the road. Neighbouring houses could have seen us. But it was still fun. I had gone to my relative's house which is situated in remote isolated village area. During the night in summer it's cooler outside in the breeze instead of inside the house. My distant cousin's father's friend was heavily drunk that night. And the whole village knew about him being a drunken jobless tharki always *** ki d of a guy. He was staring at my big juicy girly fat *** since five days. And whenever he used to get a chance to touch my ***, he used to touch my *** and smile and passionately lewd comments on my ***. He had a big thick black *** also. I didn't tell anyone about him touching my *** and I didn't visibly get angry at him for touching my *** and passing comments on me as well so he thought I am enjoying this. He flashed his *** to me. It was a black monster. We had gone there to celebrate my cousin's wedding to which this friend of my cousin's father was also invited. After celebrating and getting heavily drunk at night nobody was in sense and people just slept wherever they got a chance. I didn't drink. I was sleeping alone on the wooden bed. This guy found me lying on the bed with on my stomach with my *** pointing up towards the sky. He took advantage of the situation and started pulling my pants down and licking smacking and slurping on my *** cheeks and *** hole. After some kisses and foreplay he poured mustard oil on my *** and started pushing his *** into my *** and soon started ploughing my *** hard. I got *** like a stupid bitch.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

My boyfriend and I got drunk at his friends place. We were monogamous until that night when I started being a whore and fought with my boyfriend. All his friends got angry for the kind of filthy things I was talking so they decided to whore the *** out of me. He told me would enjoy me watch getting raped and abused by his friends. There were 4 of them who tied me up with my legs apart and slapped my balls n hole. *** my nipples and slapped me so much. They pulled my hair and squeezed my balls to torture me. My boyfriend started pissing in my *** when they *** my ***. One guy was stamping on my balls and keeps abusing me. They used *** to lube my hole and pissed in my *** after finishing. Then they all cheered my boyfriend to *** me while making me lick their floor, feet n armpits. I still remember the way he pounded my hole when he’s angry jealous and hates me. It was the best. They gave me too drink after that and let me sleep but they kept taking turns 2-3 times flooding my hole with their ***. And they got their waiters also to *** me. 2 Biharis abused me in Hindi and *** me. Got *** by 6 guys that night multiple times. Wasn’t able to walk so my boyfriend got me home some how and fingered my hole all night and pissed in it all night

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

Some other Height of pervertness that I have done is:

1. When I was teen, I used to smell & feel the underwear of one of my tenants who was 3-4 years elder to me. His clothes were let to dry at the terrace. I was so mad to touch his *** that during an event when he was wearing a kurta payjama, his *** line was visible and I got tempted beyond my control. Whenever I had to pass along him, I tried to be very close to him and passed my hand through his crotch. Making it to appear an accidental touch. I loved it then.
But now when I recall the moment, I feel it was stupid of me. He would have very well known that that touch was intentional and I am gay.

2. During my teens, when I was introduced to ***, the addiction for *** got another level. There was an uncle in my area in 30s. I knew he has *** in his phone and computer. I visited his home often since we were close and I played with their baby. During that time, I used to find moments, to sneak into his phone and watch some *** content and again keep back the phone before anyone sees. I used to play rhymes for the baby on their computer. One day, I found there was a pen drive connected to his computer that was full of *** videos. With lots of guts, I stole that pen drive and brought to my home and copied all the videos on my computer. Next day, I casually went to that Uncle's house and kept back the pen drive at the Same place. Lol. God knows whether they discovered the missing pen drive that night or not.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

Well I have encountered far many perverted men in my life than anyone could even think of. These encounters are frequently from random men. However, I wanna share one instance which tool place recently. There was one creepy old man who used to regularly follow me in the bus everyday and stare at me. Although I have caught him many times starting at me creepily, I ignored him thinking that he must mentally ill. One day, the bus was very crowded and I was standing in the bus. He saw me standing and he came and stood behind me. As I have seen his creepy behaviour before, I was a bit cautious about this guy thinking that he may try to steal something from me. To my shock, he started rubbing his big *** against my sexy big white *** while pretending that it was accidental. Ofcourse I knew that he was doing it intentionally and I was feeling extremely awkward and embarassed to even react. I acted normal and ignored him as I was feeling shocked and scared thinking if anyone would notice. He got bolder and started to scratching his rough stubble beard and moustache on the back of my neck while whispering something into my ears. I was literally scared. Fortunately, I found a seat in the front and sat there. He creepily followed me there and stood right beside me. He was fully hard and I could see his big *** bulging out of his trousers. He brought it closer to my face and I didn't know how to react. Later, I got down at my stop. Soon after I got down, he too got down from the bus and he started following me at a distance. I was literally confused and didn't know what to do. I gathered all my courage and went to him and asked him what he wanted. He shamelessly told me that he has been fantasizing about me everyday and even jerks off several times a day fantasizing about me. He said that he's crazy about me and is very eager to *** me. Hearing this, I became shocked. He told me that he has a room and he doesn't mind to even pay me to *** me once. He was talking without any inhibitions and that kind of made me blush. He immediately got the signal and instructed me to just come to his room. He took me to his room and he enjoyed me for the whole night. We have met a couple of times after that. He once asked me if I can be his wife so that he can take me to his native village and *** me everyday..

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

I was going home by trying to hitch-hike, no one was stopping at first, then a guy stopped and offered me lift on his two wheeler, he said he was going to use the same route. I was so happy that I finally got a ride.

While on the move, he started chit-chatting and asked me to be comfortable, I told him that I am comfortable. Then he asked me to sit closer to him, otherwise I would fall off. I sat a bit more closer, he again asked me to sit further closer, to this I kindly refused. To this, he moved back a little and was almost at my crotch. I was feeling weird but I ignored as long as I reached near my home. The next he does is - he started talking about girls, and asked me questions, if I have seen boobs in real, if I have touched a girl, if I was a virgin, if I masturbated, if I liked boobs or *** more, many more questions on the same lines. I awkwardly answered a few, mumbled or ignored the rest. I would admit here, those questions did turn me ON, I was getting hard. His intention was that only, on pretense of scratching his back, he breezed through by crotch area, I felt his hands on my hard ***. He must have also felt that, this happened a few times, then he just placed his hands on my crotch and started feeling it. He also passed a comment that I was enjoying our talks. I just replied that anyone will get hard if they talk about girls, boobs and ***.. He kept on groping and rubbing my ***. The next thing he did was to unzip my pants, that guy was riding his two-wheeler while trying all sorts of things. I didn’t resist till he unzipped me fully and put his hand inside, trying to move my underwear aside and touch my raw skin. At this point I was too turned on, hard AF and also could feel all the pre-*** oozing in my underwear, though his shenanigans felt real good but it felt weird and freaky too, so I moved his hand away. He must have felt that he was almost there.

Then he didn’t attempt to touch, next he stopped his vehicle and asked me to get down for a bit. I was uncomfortable, since I had a hard-on and it was very clearly visible over my pants. He looked so happy seeing that and kept on ogling at my crotch. He asked me how I was feeling, I told him ok and ignored him.

The place we were standing was near a barren land, with not much people near. I would be lying if I say that I was not scared. I asked him if we can continue moving or if I should get another ride or walk. To that he said, he just had to pee urgently. He asked me if I wanted to, I obviously knew he wanted to see my ***, so refused. He then went to just a few meters away, probably so that I can clearly watch him. I turned away and waited, then he shouted the fake name that I gave him, I thought he must have been done. So I turned around, to my surprise he still had his *** out, he just wanted to show his ***. He had a fully hard *** and was slightly stroking. This was the first time I had seen a ***, obviously other than mine and a few accidental ones. I am not gonna lie, he had a huge ***. After getting a glance, I told him that I was leaving, I will manage somehow.

He must have felt that it’s not working, so he straight away jumped to the point - he asked me if I will allow him to *** my ***. He said that it won’t take much time and no-one is ever gonna know about it. He also gave all sorts of offers, he even said that he will take me to a MILF and show me what real *** is. I was *** but scared too, too many uncertainties, so I said no and walked off.

Thankfully, he didn’t follow me and went his way.

I sometimes wonder, how it would have felt if I have given in to my *** self, haha.

(Answered in a rush, will later on edit and try to detail out more and refine it, incase anyone is interested!)

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

Guys share more experiences.. all the perversion stories are best .. very interesting forum

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

When I was a teenager I was into guys who were at least 5-10 years older to me. The thought of men a little older to me, but not too much would get me pre cumming. There were several incidents during my teenage years where I would day dream about *** of people around me, just to see or touch and to watch or feel it getting erect was fascinating. There was this guy who was my neighbour, we used to call him bhaiya only at my age back then. He was 7 years older to me, in college. Tall, fair skinned, jawline for day and lean body type. I just knew he would have a very nice ***. His thick lips and big eyes were so pretty. I somehow wanted to just touch him. I those days when I was young in my village people wouldn't be able to date much, let alone gays, but "straight" guys were super chill and *** and would casually have *** with gay guys because *** was rare but bussy was available. So I had already know that this "bhaiya" doesn't mind feelings a guy and rubbing bodies together to ***.

One time due to a wedding in their house, he slept in our house in my room. My room also had one of my cousins of my age and my neighbour. I couldn't sleep that night knowing he's sleeping right next to me. Why it was so irresistible is that I have actually felt his *** before and he has also felt my *** before. It happened twice. Once when I was sitting in his laptop he started to get hard. He was only 17 and I was 11 back then. So I wanted to feel it again. I knew he wanted to also but of course the age gap made it wierd for him.

I was a very *** kid so I didn't want to waste this opportunity. I was a small kid so slowly I slid towards him on the bed and I came very close to him. He was sleeping in his white vest and loose shorts with loose underwear too. I could see his face a little bit in the dark. First I made sure I don't look like a pervert and tried touching him randomly on his stomach and chest and waist area. Once I was sure he'll not wake up I bravely started going for the crotch area. I put my hand on his inner thigh area right besides his *** but not on his ***. I kept my hand here for a minute. My heartbeat was racing faster than Ferrari. I could feel his *** with the back of my fingers. And then I started touching his *** very gently and slowly and I kept checking whether he is awake or properly sleeping. Now I our my whole palm, gently and softly on his *** and by this time his *** was semi hard but just a few seconds when I touched the whole ***, it started to grow. Slowly he was getting hard and I could feel him get har through the shorts. It was amazing. A small honey teenager was living his perverted fantasies and my mind was blown. I wanted him and to touch his *** for 2-3 years and now I could feel it completely.

Now I didn't want to waste this night just by feeling it over the shorts. So I got more brave, and because he wasn't waking up, I slid my hands inside his shorts and underwear. But this time I didn't care whether he would wake up or not. Because I could feel him get complete hard so he might be dreaming of *** or might know what is happening but didn't get up because he was getting touched. In any case, it was a win win for both.

When I took his whole *** in my hand, the warmth of his *** made me hard and I was pretty cumming a lot. Also, his *** was better than I imagined because it was long but it was thick. So thick. He must be 7.5-8 inches but thickness was even more impressive. My whole hand didn't fit (Ofcourse my hands were small too but I'm 24 now and my hands are pretty much the same back then)

I started to gently stroke it and I could see him enjoying it in his dream. Whenever he would move even the slightest I stop jerking him but I would keep my hand on his *** only. I was afraid if I let it go once, I might not be able to insert my hand in his underwear again or if he sleeps on his stomach then also the opportunity will be gone. So I kept doing this. Gently stroking his ***. It was a great night. The only thing better would if we got to feel each other naked because back then I was doing a lot of SIDE stuff. There was no word for SIDE then, but I was into it a lot and mostly do body rubbing naked with guys and not ***. It was so hot! I still get hard thinking about him. He's married and have kids now though. I still know how his *** feels and whenever I see him, I still get a hard on but I'm mature now so I behave. I don't know whether he realised I masturbated him that night. I believe that he did, he didn't in the beginning ofcourse but when I was satisfied with touching his *** and took my hand out, he seemed to want it. He twisted and turned a bit after that without waking up and put his hand on my waist and brought me close to his crotch area, now I could feel his hard *** on my *** but he didn't do anything. He didn't rub it against me or anything. He just slept and in the morning we were a little away because I might have moved in my sleep. Nobody said anything because he was older although he was himself a teenager at that time.

I still like these moments more than *** right away. The mystery in not knowing who's gay, straight or bi was fun back then. The feeling of bodies and rubbing *** with friends, was so satisfying. Simpler times aahhhj

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Rahul xv
Posted On Oct 15, 2024

My pervertness is whenever I see any lonely public places i started dreaming about masturbating, taking selfies and videos there.

daily i go to office in cab..it's a long bus, whenever there are few persons in the bus , i go to back seats and start playing with *** and masturbation. I have done it for 6 to 7 times till now while crossing Kukatpally to hitech city. I feel awesome doing nasty things in public places.

Yesterday one girl in another bus caught me doing that and she was smiling. I think she saw me halk naked as i pulled my down pants till my foot.

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024


Amazing real experience mate .. many of us would have undergone such experience atleast once in our lifetime .. I remember lots of my teenage experiences by reading your experience

I wish I would share a lot here

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

@manlymeat30 thanks, hope to read your stories too

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Posted On Oct 16, 2024

This incident happened in February 2020. This guy is a 19-year-old Muslim student from Kerala doing a Para Medic Course in Kengeri side. I know him through a common friend. From the 1st time I had seen him his pink lips fascinated me & I always wanted to bite it. Those days I was staying in Kengeri alone and travelled home weekends to Indiranagar.

He always used to chat saying he would want beer but he hesitated as he could not go back to his PG after drinking, I said he came sleep over with me and go back in the morning one weekend he agreed. That evening I picked him from his PG, picked Dinner & drinks for both of us. Had 2 rounds of beer & dinner then around 12 we decided to rest.

When we were in bed, I rolled my hands over his chest , & felt his nipples I loved the feel no hairs clean chest , he said wish there was a girl now for ***, I just laughed at it. Slowly I ran my hands over his tracks his *** was hard pretty hard. I pulled his tracks down & underwear’s also , & slept over him removed my clothes also , I was trying to remove his T shirt he himself did remove it. I pumped my *** in between his thigs he enjoyed & held me tight I kissed his pink lips at first, he pushed me when I kissed his lips then he was ok, he was thin small guy but his tool was 7 Plus.

After some time I went down & took his tool in my *** & started he was moaning pushed me aside then ran to the bathroom & shot a huge load.

He came back dressed & said he wanted to sleep , we held each other tightly & slept around 2 in the morning I started feeling ***, same thing happened but this time he was more co-operative. & after 30 minutes actions he said lets sleep after we both leaked.

I woke up at 6 in the morning he was sleeping , seeing him sleep I felt *** & kissed his lips & moved around & hugged me, we did it again this time till was the best he was doing more than me doing .

We leaked 3rd time & then he got ready I dropped him to his college. Evening as I was casually trying to message him on WhatsApp I noticed that he has blocked me I called him he cut my call, I texted him, he replied saying do not try & contact me please

I still don’t know the meaning of this

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Rum Bun
Posted On Oct 16, 2024

Perversion is part of ***. It adds flavour. I hv been suc king dciks from 13. My neighbor anna and his friends. I lost my virginity also.
One day anna stood in doggy position and asked to scuk him like calf drinking milk. I was happily scuking him. Suddenly he pissed in my ***. I was unprepared and drank. Then I realised how good it is. From then i never wasted anything from men’s body. Anna and his friends experimented their perversions with me.

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Posted On Oct 16, 2024

@rum bun tell us more, how did it start between you and Anna. How did his friends come into the picture

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Posted On Oct 16, 2024

Trying a close friend and roommate is a perverse thrill for me .. whenever I get an opportunity to try roomies and co traveller etc , I try everybody .

When I was studiying college, I stayed in hostel . Each room had 4 students with separate beds . Being a small room we use to join the cots and all use to sleep together . Sometimes friends if friends also come for a sleepover . We talk till midnight and dhen all would sleep together . There was a guy in our group, tall and atheletic body . He was a sportsman and so he doesn’t go to college regularly . I always find place near him and just to feeel his breath and manly smell would be awsome .

For so many days I didn’t try anything. Once during a rainy season like now , most of them went to their native and only few stayed in hostel . There was no rules and so went out fr a movie and we came late . We were sleeping together and I planned to seduce him . As we were sleeping closely , I made sure that my hand touched his body and he could feel my movements clearly . I was not even erect but I just acted as if am shagging and I moved my hands to and forth . I also made sure that he clearly felt that am masturbating .

His was opposite side and after my movements he slept flat on his back . I can sense he was watching me . I moved my blanket down and exposing my nipples and with one hand I played with my nipples and with other hand I shaked my ***. All of sudden he whispered, Wat are you doing ? I was expecting it but acted as if I was shocked . I told him I was *** and couldn’t control. He gave his mobile and opened his *** clip collections and told me to watch and also to show him . I saw his hands moving down and he was fondling his *** . He was fully covered with blanket yet I could see his *** was erect . In a funny way I removed his blanket and teased him that his brother got ready . We became comfortable and we both were watching and playing with our ***. For sometime we didn’t talk , shockingly I held his *** and he asked what ?

I said nothing and I was checking the size . He asked how is it and I said it’s huge and started to stroke and he held mine for sometime and he took his hand . I didn’t let his *** go. Without hesitation I bent down and took it fully in my ***. He must not have expected , but he enjoyed it and closed his eyes. He was moaning big and he held my nipples and moved me back . He *** my nipples badly and forcefucked my *** and ejaculated fully in my ***.

I can never forget the day I seduced him and the thrill minute by minute I endured while touching him . Later we became *** buddies and whenever nobody was in room we use to have fun in room , hostel bathroom , auditorium , playground etc

We are still in touch and he is married and has 2 small kids . Now it’s been long years we had *** . But remain good family friends .

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Posted On Oct 17, 2024

Wowwwww so *** reading all the encounters

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Aj Craz *
Posted On Oct 18, 2024

With two tamil dirty labourers near the railway track where they usually comes to *** early morning...

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boyforfun *
Posted On Oct 18, 2024

So many...recently was in Pune to visit a friend. After we came back from a party I went to the terrace to make a call, since he lived with roommates and I wanted privacy. Was roaming around the terrace and saw bra and panty on a clothesline. Couldn't help myself and started to sniff the party...cut the call and immediately wore the panty and jerked myself until I came and then licked it clean.

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Posted On Oct 18, 2024

Once I entered a fully crowded bus with no place to stand. I some how got pushed till the middle of the bus. Now I was stuck and couldn't move any muscle at all. I was wearing elastic shorts and a thin t shirt. I was not wearing any under wear or anything under the t shirt at all. I was fully surrounded by a group of government school boys. They looked very rowdy types. These type of government school boys are too old for their class and don't focus on studies. They just go there to look at female teachers and female students that leave school when boys evening shift starts and girls shift ends. These boys had bunked school and were in a public bus at 4 pm. These boys are always keeping an eye on whose pocket they can pick. Some times they comment on someone's *** or fat moobs and laugh amongst themselves. They saw me staring at their bulges. They got the hint that I am a gay slutty sissy bottom bitch and soon they started fondling my thighs, *** cheeks and belly area. They were already surrounding me and since it was so crowded it was only me and those boys who were surrounding me knew what was happening. They made a circle around me and completely guarded me from the views of others. They pulled my shorts down and started fingering my *** in public moving bus itself. They were pinching my ***, *** and running their hands all over my body by inserting their hands under my t shirt also. They grabbed my wrist and put my hand on their *** and made me give them hand jobs. This kept on happening for almost thirty minutes. One of those boys was of short height. His *** was at the level of my nipples. He was *** on my tight nipples while his friends were grabbing my ***, fingering my ***, fondling my *** and touching other parts of my body. They were grabbing my hips and trying to thrust their body against my ***.

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Posted On Oct 18, 2024

Jab mai teen age ka tha gaon me rahta tha. Ek baar Mai khet me bathroom karne gaya. Aisa nhi tha mera first incident gaon apne age ke ladko ke bich regular ye sab hota h. Aur mere bare me bahut se logo ko pata bhi tha. But apne age me hi. Us jab khet me gaya toilet kar hi rha ki piche se ek 28 yr ka gaon ka ladka mujhe baithe hi piche utha liya aur side me khet ke andar le gaya. Piche fingering chalu kar diya. Mai embrace feel kar rha bol mai bol dunga. Tab usne mujhse bolne laga tum itne logo ko dete ho shayad usko mere age wale ne bata diya tha.
Fir mujhe bhi majburi me chupchap usse karwana pada. Usne gand dhone tak nhi diya mitti me hi litakar bahut der tak kiya. Fir ek saal jabtak uski shadi nhi hui leta rha.
Bura is baat ka nhi ki wo leta tha kyunki us time mai bahut ke sath karta tha. Bus wo badtamiji ke sath karta tha. Jab uski marji apne cowshed me ya khet me le jakar bus thik laga ke karna chalu aur maal gira kahani khatm. Aur kitni baar apne dosto se bhi karwata tha.

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Posted On Oct 19, 2024

Most of the post I read in this thread doesn't amount to perverseness, it's rather sexual groping or encounter in public which is common and happens everywhere in the world. Serious Perverters are those who have an abnormal or deviant behavior, here's a couple of good examples: Hitler sexual gratification, he likes women to *** and *** on him while he is lying naked in the bed; another example, in USA, John Gacy a gay serial killer liked to have *** with young boys and then, kill them.

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Posted On Oct 19, 2024

@Pixie any deviancy from normal behaviour can be classified as perverted. Perversion word itself means degeneration from normal and socially unacceptable. No matter how modern and liberal a society becomes, groping in public and or indulgence in sexual acts in public view itself will be perverted. Involving ***, *** and blood or murder with *** is just extreme perversion but that doesn't mean that public *** is not perverted.

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Posted On Oct 19, 2024

Dear Brownbiitch, Who would like to reach such heights, the law of the land will land him serious punishments. We all are common persons.

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Posted On Oct 19, 2024

I'm sorry if I offend some of my friends here. It's just my fantasy tough, I'd often fantasies if those baba smoking *** have gay encounters with some cuties.

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sec50 *
Posted On Oct 20, 2024

well making out with ur own father counts as perversion! I know for almost everyone of u might think .... it's *** ..... well i myself find it very awkward to share it with anyone..... even my boyfriend ( whom i have shared my all secrets) doesn't know about it ...... here , being anonymous , i can share it .... first of all i m youngest in my family.... have 4 elder sisters .... and this thing happened when i was 16 or 17 years old ..... now i m 27..... i literally had no one to share my thoughts .... how i felt ... how did it feel to get attracted to a man .... i literally didn't know what should i do .... with my feelings..... obviously coming from a tier 2 or 3 city ..... and not very frequent reach to internet back then ..... it just happened..... i remember i have seen a poster of " dunno why.... na jane kyu..... " ...was being promoted as India's first gay movie...... until then i knew gay mean " happy" ... a part from my 6th class poem ....jack n jill went up the hill..... happy n gay !!!..... so i searched it on internet when i went cafe for some work..... gay meant M2M .. typical that tym of language...even youtube had some gay themed movie clips....i got to know at least whatever i feel ...some of people across the globe feel the same......so once while searching *** i searched gay *** and damn...... everything was there ... so it was very new to me.... i knew i was attracted to male body..... but i didn't know what all i can do with a man ..... well time passed things happened.... and coming to the main part.... i was very respectful to my father ...still i am..... but i always been mumms boy..... i never ever slept with my father knowingly....... i always used to sleep with my mother... even waited for my mum to complete all the chores ..... so that i can sleep with her...... but there comes the tym ..... in summer days we used to sleep at terrace .... i hope u all know how it is in towns..... so 2 cot ...at times iron folding ones... we used to join them to make a double bed .... and mosquito***.... and me mummy papa and my youngest sister ( elder to me ) used to sleep so ...at time me nd didi used to fight who will sleep with mummy...... and very few times i had to sleep with my father.... Bonding between me nd my father was as usual.... now i can talk to my father directly... but back then my mother used to be the bridge.... u can't say a communication gap ... but yup i think it is in general how it used to be back then.... now a days dads are cool.... so when i used to sleep with my father.... i used to have strange emotions...and feelings...
u can say adolescent hormone rush....or no one else male in the family..... or what so ever... i was so much that while sleeping even if i could feel my father's breath near me.... even on my hand or shoulder ... i used to wake up with raised heart beat......but never got courage to do anything..... as the tym passed ...i became more comfortable even if i had to sleep around my father..... my mother was also happy for the change as she was taking it as at least i can have a bond with my father..... well tym reached from summer to near winters ( oct - nov ).... now whenever i got the chance to sleep with my father... i used to touch him .... of course when he was slept.... used to touch him with my fingers in his lips ... nipples and around his crotch... gentle enough not to wake him up....... at times used my lips gently on his nipples.... nothing more...... i don't know what i was feeling back then ... now i m ashamed of it .... but back then his body was my experimental body i guess.... and yup his deep breath while sleeping made me felt very different... sexually exciting tbh..... once i touched his crotch he was sleeping.... he used to wear amul macho underwear where there is a crotch opening in front... i put my 2 fingers in it ... and rubbed whatever i felt is there.... my father got a hard on.... and he changed his side ..... i was frightened nd shocked........ but he said nothing..... and there was one instance of similar kind around winters .... i remember only about blankets so it must be Winters ...... there i kind of massaged my father's *** while he was in sleep or pretending to be in sleep.....but when i got it out from that crotch pocket in his underwear..... he changed the side.....nd i did nothing afterwards..... the last incident i remember was on Diwali the following year..... i was teasing him while sleeping.... my hugged him as i used to sleep with my mother a few years back.... my hand was around his chest.... my lips was around his neck so was my nostrils...... in the night...after celebrating diwali.... when we slept.... in middle of night i kissed him on his nipples then his neck ...and cane upto his lips .... i pointed my tongue and traced his lips with it .... i dunno what happened to him....... he kissed me back.... smooched me deep ... took my lips one by one in his ***..... it happened for a good 5-7 minutes... he traced my back with his hands.... when i did the same he put my hand aside .... and change side and slept ...i couldn't sleep the whole night..... i didn't know about him..... he slept i guess... because i could remember him snoring..... but in the morning when i woke up ... my mummy said to me kl to papa se chipak ke soye the .... i was ashamed felt really bad.... saw my father smiling in side..... i think i learnt my lesson that day..... never ever touched my father this way again..... but i liked whatever happened..... i respect him very much... he is my hero.... ....i love him very much.... but i don't desire him like this.... that was i guess hormones....or adolescence.... or i don't know how to say it .... i m ashamed to share it to anyone because no one will understand..... evey people can call it made up story... but it is my true experience..... it lasted only 1.5 yr around....but i m grateful ...i could decide what's wrong what's right!

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@sec50 those are beautiful moments and memories, please don't be ashamed of it. You are lucky to have a nice father and to have shared these beautiful tender moments with him.

There may be a lot of idiots who won't understand this but a young man getting intimate with the man who made him, loves him, Is the best connection. I hope the fun resumes again. Dm me if you ever wanna talk about it. No judgements here.

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sec50 *
Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@Sandeephard well thank you for kind words..... yup i myself don't feel anything against it..... whatever happened... i enjoyed it ... i hope he also enjoyed it.... but.... it was a moment.... now I don't want it to happen.... i respect my father.... adore him ... i love him.... but as i said i can't see him sexually now ... so yup.... but i feel quite overwhelming whenever i relive those moments in my mind .... it is truly special for me..... well whenever i read stories about mothers sisters ... brother... roommates or cousin or uncles ...i won't believe them at first.... but then i recall my own incident... i think these things can happen... and are happening in society .... not maybe in that exotic manner that these guys use to describe in...... but in the subtle manner that i have experienced myself!

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@sec50 .. appreciate your boldness to share … unfortunately we live in a hypocrite society .. though people like things inside , they pretend they dislike it .. as I have mentioned in other forum I have seduced my brother and many cousins and we have had proper *** so many times .. now we are grown up and we maintain the normal family bond and we love each other and we don’t talk about it also .. it’s quite normal … though doesn’t happen in all families , it do happen in many houses

I had many friends who love incest , a junior in my college had regular affair with his father and they were deeply in love ..

Many of my friends’s sexual partners are their own brothers even at 20s ., som straight friends have *** their sisters and they fantasise their mom

Biggest irony is that most searched *** in India is mom son *** .

So u don’t feel ashamed buddy .. u still love and respect him and he loves u na , that’s Wat all matters

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sec50 *
Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@Manlymeat30 Thanks a lot for appreciation..... ! and yup it happens around!

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@sec50..nice thread..very gd that u opened up and expressed it..it requires great courage to express and liked the way u said he was ur hero..very wonderful to show respect and love..gd that u isnt carrying guilt..u really looks very matured at such age..god bless u with happiness and love..
Be remain happy and keep smiling..

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@sec50 it is dirt of ur mind bro. M2M *** is normal now a day it's wrong or right may be matter of arguments. Sorry but some relation is over all relation please never involved parents in ur story. It may happens with cousins even siblings but with father no way.

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

@Sultanpur007 Agar 2 mard ya aurat ne ek dusrey ke saath bina zabardasti, ek dusrey ki razamandi se band kamrey me kuch kartey hai, toh hum kaun hotey hai unpar judgement dene waley.

Aaj samaaj ki nazar me M2M *** galat hai, ya samaaj usko samjh nahi paata, sweekaar nahi karta, iska matlab yeh nahi ki M2M *** galat ho gaya.

Mene apka experience bhi pada hai aapkey cousin aur uski wife ke saath, kuch logo ko na samajh aaye, par us-sey woh galat thodi ho jata hai.

Isi tarah aapko kuch samajh na aaya, ya pasand na aaya, toh woh galat nahi ho jaata.

Aapko jo nahi pasand, aap woh mat karo, koi zabardasti nahi hai.

Mera khud ka sapna hai ki agar kabhi mera beta hua, aur 18+age ke baad, uski mere saath kuch karney ki iccha huyi, toh meh bahaut khush hounga.

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Posted On Oct 20, 2024

Dear Brownbiitch,
Well, in India, Gay & Lesbian *** is abnormal does that amount to perverseness? I like to smell men's crotch, it arouses me, is that abnormal, too.
And what behavior is abnormal and who sets the rule, Heterosexuals?

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024

sec50, Manlymeat30, Sultanpurp007,

According to Sigmund Freud who is the father of Psychology, it's normal for a growing child to have Oedipus Complex. Oedipus Complex means a child having sexual desires or feelings towards the opposite-*** parent.
Since sec50 is gay, his sexual feelings or desire towards his father is normal but to act on your sexual desire without restraint or inhibition is not normal. This is perversion.
Even though, Biology has classified human beings into animal kingdom but we are very advanced and highly evolved specious. What distinguish human apart from animal is that human behavior is motivated by their instinct, intellect and logic whereas animals behave purely on instincts hence their behavior is reflexive behavior and animals are incapable of reasoning or rational behavior. Hence, it's ok if animals have incestuous *** with their parents or siblings or offsprings because they behave instinctively but not with human beings because we are creature of moral principle and conscience. Every religion, society or community in this world prohibits such incestuous *** because it's not just perversion, it's pure evil.

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024

@sultanpurup007... Kya issue he apko yar. Jab bande ne sab kuch details me btaya he ki kya hua tha or kis situation me hua tha. Wo sirf ek moment tha jab wo dono feeling me beh gyem vese bhi dono ki marji se hua tha.
Or to or sec50 ne khud bola ye ke usko guilt he us bat ka or wo apne father ki respect kitni krta he ab bhi. Fir kyo usko galat sabit Krna chahte ho ye sab bol ke.
Wo samjhdari se chizo ko handle kr rha he or kya chahiye ?

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sec50 *
Posted On Oct 21, 2024

Well , Thank you everyone for complements and I welcome all the criticism..... Though my incidence has very little amount of sexual activity..... but i know with the perspective of what social norms must be , it's wrong! ....... i would suggest as someone here said animalistic..... but i would still defend myself.... homosexuality itself is animalistic and primitive..... who are straight or so called chaukidars of society are against it because it is against social norms which in turn decided by the society not any God or Divine figure........ and again leaving behind what is right what is wrong......... my situations around that tym were different and led me to the incidents....... if i would have proper guidance or sexual education and proper psychological interpretation .. what was i feeling and going through in my adolescence.... all of it would haven't happened..... it was pure instinct ..... not even a single tym it came across my mind OMG i m doing it with my father...... there were only 2 males in the family at that tym....... me n my father...... and the feeling or interest towards the same *** empowered me ..... and i had done it ...... now i don't regret it .... i kind of keep it as a happy memory.... but i don't want it to happen again..... now even my sisters are married.... i have brother in law.... but i never objectify them sexually..... that was the moment of pure rush of hormones .... adolescence... lack of guidance n education..... but now i have myself got to a certain point where i know who i am what i want ..... and the reason behind putting this part of my life in this thread is that i myself consider it to be perversion... so i opened up ....and yup i regret it that it happened... it would have been better if it hadn't happened..... but as it happened i have this in my sweet memories..... i respect my father a lot and i love him as any son should!

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024

Let me tell you something of extreme perversion. One of my ex colleague's brother(about whom I had already mentioned before) is a gay. He is presently doing Phd in a reputed IIT. He had multiple sexyual encounters in his life. He is very pally with me and tells me everything about his sexcapades. About an year agao before he joined his PHD, he took a break from his job...and went for a solo trip.He was visiting various places in North India. And almost every place he had sexual encounters--with Taxi Drivers, Hotle Bell boys, and co passengers. In Haridwar, he had *** with a young taxi driver. He seduced him inside the car they were travelling by talking about ***, girl friends, prostitutes and lastly about m2m ***. The driver was a man in his lates 20s, a localite, a married man with two young kids, and apparently straight.But he got carried away and let my friend touch his tool first; and later allowed him to blow him. My friend had a night stay in a lodge, and he booked the same taxi on the second day... They went for sight seeing and in the evening he invited the driver to his lodge room. They had booze(although it was not much as it was leftover in a bottle which my friend was carrying with him during the trip). And after that they again had ***... He blowed the driver; and proceeded to rim him...That made the driver super excited and he only initiated ***...They did not have any condom, so they had raw ***....and again after a break of some hours, they had a second time.. after this they were using the washroom for freshening up. There my friend suggested that the driver gave him a golden shower...The driver was shocked but his horniness took over him.. and he pissed all over my friend, including inside his ***. I have myself seen a golden shower earlier and it was super, super exciting , but hearing about this incident was equally exciting ; if not more. I think I have shagged a couple of times thinking about this incident. Now that I am recollecting that incident, I am hard now...

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024


Ignore the fascist moral police officers like @sultanpur007 and who criticise u .. they are no different from cruel homophobic .. like homophobic sadists judge llgbt people as evil , dangerous and mentally disturbed .. now these new cultural and religional fascists brand us as EVIL ..

There is no point in arguing with them .. it’s just waste of time and better to ignore them and live our life happily and make others happy. Let them all read our happy experiences and burn in the cultural hell .. cheers 🍻

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024


Thanks for your lessons professor 🖕 am happy to be an animal - pervert - dirty scum .. u can name me as u wish .. I care a damn 🖕

I know Wat I am and am happy fr who I am .. u find happiness by judging somebody and trying to prove you are a HOLY GAY with principles , morality etc .. so do it for the rest of you life 🙏 may god bless you 😂

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Posted On Oct 21, 2024

@Manlymeat30 AMEN BROTHER


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Posted On Oct 21, 2024

You have refreshed my memory... when i was also living in town.. I had multiple sleeping encounters with my dad... Not had actual ***.... Never get any response... But i have touched him..*** too..those nights were very scary + thrilling 😃....while trying to hold the bulge....

Respect is always their...when you care ....

It's ok... ...untill and unless you are having good heart and pure intensions...

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Posted On Oct 22, 2024

Nice to see people like me jinko apne father k liye feeling he. And isme koi galat bat nhi. Hum apne father ki hi parchai he to father ko pasand Krna ek tarah se khud ko pasand krne tarika he.... Jaruri nhi he s*x hua hu dono me par sote huye hug Krna ya chest pe sir rkhana, ya touch Krna ye sab ki feeling alag he.

Mera dream kbhi pura nhi hua ye sab krne ka par ye post pdh ke lga ki meri soch galat nhi he agar me bhi ye Krna chahta hu. Par lgta nhi is age me unke sath kbhi sone ka moka milega ya agar mil bhi gya to me kr paunga ya nhi.
Respect ❣️

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Atall00 *
Posted On Oct 22, 2024

There are a lot of things that i missed in my past many chances i missed because i was scared to try with them.. Even there were some close moments like touching hands cheeks shoulders in a flirting way...by the way i only like uncles...at first it was my maternal uncle who used to kiss on my cheeks when i was a kid by that time i didn't know about *** but i like his kissing me... I wanted him to do more and more Continuesly....he kept giving kisses on cheeks till i turned 16..he didn't even kiss his son like that so i considered myself special for him then by that age i was aware about *** ***... So i dreamed about me with him like having ***...maybe he wanted it too but he was also scared like me... Now i am 33 but whenever i visit there place he doesn't give me kiss on cheeks anymore but he still hugs me... Now i don't want to have *** with him because it's not fair in relatives... Thank god i didn't try ever or touched him in his pants... Then 2nd was my neighbor uncle he was also like him... He doesn't give me kisses but he used to touched me on cheeks shoulders biceps many times he did that... One day i was sitting on his stairs he opened his door and sat down keeping his legs around me... That was a nice feeling guys... But still i didn't try to rub my *** on his pants i just stayed still but he was running his thighs on my waist... That's it after sometime his son and i got into fight on some other matter and i stopped speaking with his whole family even with that uncle he tries to talk with me but his son got in my brain now i hate him.

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Aj Craz *
Posted On Oct 22, 2024

With My Parents in a Cheap Lodge
Dad was drunk. At night i removed my clothes got out of the room locked it and pushed the key inside with a note ''come to common toilet area''...
And i went to common toilet and kneel down between the cubicles ready to take *** of everyone who come there.