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Terminal 3, Delhi Airport

Submitted by SachVarsh69 Location: New Delhi (Delhi (NCR), India)

Any specific toilet or washroom at Terminal 3, Delhi Airport to cruise or have fun ?

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Posted On Aug 10, 2023

All toilets in T3 have low partitions, so.you can try your luck. Before security, the toilet at the end of check in area ( if you are facing security, it is on your right hand side) is mostly used by the CiSF people, so lot of hot eye candy. The toilet in the middle of the terminal is mostly used by passe gers and airline staff so always busy. The toilet on the left end is not very busy.

I have only been succeasful once in playing, but lot of hot eye candy to see. If you want to keep going in the toilet and not make it awkward, the best thing to do is to hand the clea er 100Rs tip on your second.visit and smile....he wont bother you on your aubsequent visits.

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Posted On Aug 11, 2023

Mostly impossible, to be honest. Especially since the janitors won't leave the washroom the *** alone. Extremely risky at that, since apart from voyeurism, not much can be done without inviting danger. The doors of the washroom show your feet and the cleaner guys are always bothering.

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Posted On Jan 15, 2025

Even though cruising at some places is difficult you still feel excited to try. Would be trying my luck tomorrow at T3.