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Nudists / Naked meetingsPlan a naked/nudist meet (if next to a beach, even better) Gather for a meeting. Once all confirmed attendees arrive: - Brief intro/snacks - don't have to share real names (but organiser/s should check Aadhaar/Id card for safety of all) - Start a card game - loser in each round remove one item of clothing (can add one instruction also - sing, dance, etc...anything) - only 3 items of clothing allowed, group decides what to remove - Game continues till last person remains with 1 item of clothing, the winner - Winner gets massaged by all other players as a prize (no limits) - Snacks/Drinks if all are interested / Ideally non-smoking, but if smoker, has to be outside of premises/terrace - if available - Initiate other activities in pairs/groups/solo - watch, participate, mas...ate (+mutual), etc - talk, joke, recharge - Final session (with or without card game) - People head back to their homes (Discretion a must, mobile phones to be kept away on silent mode, costs to be shared) Any ideas fellow *** nudists? Possible hotel, resort, AirBnB, Lodge, etc? Anyone interested?