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Kalewadi phataThe loo under the flyover opp to ganesh medico bfr the signal of kalewadi phata nr the BRT Bustop going towards Aundh route Went once fr the *** saw sm guys were thr a good croud was thr 2 3 bikes were also parked out of the loo its more safe then dange chwk dange chwk loo is open frm all side then also many guys cm thr its alwayz active kalewadi phata loo is more safe v less peoples knw about this place its full covered loo so its v safety fr having fun thr most of the guys who don't hv place cm thr n enjoy the fun I too enjoyed thr 2 to 3 times mostly after 8:00pm is the best time to enjoy mostly after 8:00 many guys cm thr in search of fr fun with guys its v safe n secure place to hv fun @ night after the dinner mostly after 10:00 pm many youngster teenguys cm fr the walk so this place cn b more active tht time so I request all guys all over pune n pcmc try to make this loo more famous n active so tht each n every person can cm n enjoy the moment so do cm visit this place so tht all cn get the partners of their choice many guys go to the loo @ rahatani chwk which is not so safe to hv fun alwayz sm1 keeps going in n out n no 1 cn enjoy @ this place all outsiders cn c what's going in kalewadi phata loo has a v best option no 1 cn see what going in we cn see others D*****k who stands nr us so its v easy to hv fun n get guys as this place will b famous the place will b more active so publish this place keep going to this place n make this place more active