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Being used - share your experiences

Submitted by Pandi1980 Location: All India (All India, India)

We all might have crossed or heard about this at some or any point in this G life.Share that moment when u realised that some one had used you for any means passing time,money, emotions...

Not here to judge about the action.Just how u felt and how u overcame that feel.

Am sure those who had been used by others would definitely made some mistakes like believing or trusting that person blindly or with some reasons.Don't like to argue and pointing their mistake again and again.They might have matured now

Just share some experiences and situations or point at which u felt that you had been used

Admin Note: No posts, no matter if it is your own experience, even if it is relevant to the topic and might be real will be allowed that narrates any kind of sexual activities involving minors or underage persons. This is strictly not allowed on our website.Members of OhMojo are warned about this and if this continues, we will be constrained to delete the entire thread.

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

Pandi - I guess you are young but you will learn soon enough that life has a funny way to teach us the lessons that it wants us to learn. If someone has used us our smartness is in making sure we learn from it and make sure it does not repeat the same mistake over and over again. If we have been a victim more than once then we have to introspect and understand what makes us so gullible and correct it rather than pondering over the history of why and how we got exploited.

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

@Exotic - I got your point.Recently, for the very first time I thought that I had been used by one person.will share it elaborately in next comment.

But, as u said am very young soon will learn to handle all things.Thanks for ur comment, it gives me a great message

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

To be honest being a bot or vers bot hurts,. Because top or vers tops think that they are alpha male and bottoms are inferior.

Most of the tops that I met are not reciprocate the same I do in *** and emotions. I kept falling for the trap.

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

@Hellosweetshere - I understand your pain but thats not actually true in all cases. I have seen bottom guys being more promiscuous than top or verse guys. Infact I have heard bottoms confess that no matter what kind of person he is, a big *** is a turn on for them. So a role of a person has a least influence but it's the moral integrity of the person matters than the role he plays.

Coming to the topic of being used up. I often use this comparison "USED TISSUE", that's the feeling I often got from people who laid me down. As rightly said by 'exotic' it's your teachings from life and experience over age you get to know how to handle it. When I was young, I was seduced by a 52 year old guy even elder than my father. All he did was a buttering up talk for 3 long months until he got me to bed and from the very next week he didn't even bother to return my calls. After so many years he finds me in planetromeo and again asks me for a date. Had he asked me for a date back then I would have readily accepted him but now I realised how easily I had been fooled by him. I learnt my life lessons mostly the hard way but what all these experiences taught me were that I shouldn't repeat those mistakes and learn to move on. Also I always wish I don't hurt anyone the way I was been hurt and for the very same reason I don't meet anyone below 25 and years and when I realise someone falls for me emotionally I try to make him understand.

I had a nice chat with a fellow ohmojoian and he gave me this advice which I am gonna share here "We invest in shares or stocks anticipating the monetary returns, similar when we invest on people we expect that emotions as return " Like investments are subjected to market risk, investing on a person is our own personal risk. Thinkwise and invest your emotions else you will always end up being used up only.

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

@Valentine84 Thanks dude. Yes not all of them. But there are good people exist like u Gayspark Ragu..... Im glad about that. But as for as im concerned most of the time tops didn't take my calls. When they call I spoke n met them ... Thats what happened . my emotions and desire are not respected. I do have own share of a good tops respect n protect u help u. 90% are not like that

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

@valentine - Being exploited by a 52 year old at such a young age is horrible. In fact every day we hear about the child rapes being reported all across the country. Wonder what kind of a unsafe world we are leaving behind for our children.

Anyway I totally love the last line you mentioned. Must be a really wise guy who told you that !! 👍😀

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

@exotic1234 - worst part that uncle rather grandpa told his age only a week before he got me to bed but by then I was easily made his prey and his age didn't matter to me. Looking back I still feel very ashamed, if not my orientation why should I fall a victim to the lust of an oldie.. That's my worst experience ..

Oh yeah., About the last line, it was indeed a diplomatic guy's words but only those within the quotations, the last half was my add on and so I have to share the credit with the fellow 'ohmojo-ian' . Good that 'oh mojo' reminds me a lot of the community pages of the good old Orkut days..

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

Pity hearing all your stories of victimization.
Fortunately, in my case i wasnt abused by anyone.It was outta my own sheer curiosity and liking i got into this and should say that the other person, though quiet older than me allowed it to happen.
I was jus in my 4th std , we had our family friends and this guy was around 14 yrs elder than me. Those days we used to visit our relatives near triplicane during summer holidays. Since marina was a stone's throw from triplicane, most often than not, we used go for a stroll to Marina and spend some time there.

While elders were chatting somewhere , myself and this guy who was already in his college used to go around playing ( those days marina was not crowded the way it is today). There was this stage called Sirani arangam which is undermined now. Around that place there used to be a lotta dark pockets. One fine day, while playing, i happened to touch his manhood inadvertently and there was this surprise waiting for me . I was so damn excited feeling the size of it despite being flaccid. Think of a 4th std guy feeling a thick meaty girthy one for the first time...It was bliss. I got hyper excited and without taking a second thought started exploring further, to which he dint object. There was this second pleasant surprise waiting for me - A fully erect one. Speechless for a while and was caressing it to my heart's content.
This became a practice then onwards. But *** n stuff all started only from my 20s. :):):). Lovelyl exp to cherish.

So, in my case, it was me who a kinda played with that guy instead the other way around.

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Posted On Apr 17, 2018

This happened to me when I was 16...
I had a friend who was 15 at the time, a year younger than me... We were roommates in 'a' hostel (not gonna go into details about that).

We were very close and I thought he was one of my best friends at the time. One night we were lying in my single bed, talking, late at night face to face... He was talking about his family and stuff... Our faces were close,... our lips touched, but we didn't move away... It evolved into kissing and a make out session.

This went on to for a few nights in the next week. He like being touched and I liked touching him... Made me do a HJ and one night a BJ... It was my first experience with another guy (actually another person period)... Thought we were in 'love' LOL.

I graduated after 2 weeks, couldn't talk to him again for a while be coz of hostel restrictions.
Tried msging him in FB. Told me not to contact him anymore, coz he knew "What You Are". He couldn't even say the word 'gay'.

The words I associated him with: Best Friend, Love, My first. All shattered. Was heartbroken and disgusted with myself for a long while.

Conclusion: He just used me and threw me away when I was of no use anymore...

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Posted On Apr 18, 2018

Past is past. I had all good bad times. But never ever had a meaningful conversation with any tops.

Now whoever I talk to they make a lot of sense.

So far I spoke to Valentine and Ragu. To be honest I never ever spoke my heart out. But here I could do.

Most of the conversation used to be.. Place irukka? Sari night un roomukku care.. Dei en roomukku variya ... Dei en friend kita unna pathi sonnen. Unakku ok na num kudukkure... Etc......

But here we can discuss about a lot of things. Its really good platform to pour ur heart.

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Posted On Apr 18, 2018

Being a DOOR MAT sucks and is really a sad thing to happen. It literally crushes the soul of the person used to the core it takes a long time to get out of the inferiority complex it creates. I'm no exception to it. It happened to me in my just once. Such a naive n gullible guy I was. I used to travel 2 hours in B'lore traffic just for a 20 minute meet almost everyday to Cafe Coffee Day for more than two weeks. I trusted that guy and his sugar coated words to fall for him and speak long hours into the night! Here comes the day Mr.Dumbass comes home , sleeps with me only to hear back never again.

Life teaches you lessons and sometimes it is hard. Just reflect on it and you'll learn something and make sure not to repeat the mistake. Its difficult to find love in a world were *** is so easily available. A lot of people can't differentiate lust/infatuation and true love. The other reason is we tend to have sky high expectations. Don't expect anything in return.

I have seen most tops in India do that! They wouldn't really care if the bottom is enjoying the act and also make sure they get to climax and satisfied emotionally/physically and if they are done with their business they call it a day. This attitude stems from the societal norms where they consider them more macho and take on the role of a man and the bottom is played off as someone from the weaker *** who can be controlled or dominated.

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Posted On Apr 18, 2018

@neelsachet : It’s a part of growing up in life buddy. As long as you have learnt from it it’s all good. You meet all sorts of people in this world and everyone comes with a different agenda. If you probe ask questions you almost get an idea about what the other person is looking for. Unfortunately when we are *** the part between our legs takes complete control from our heart and mind. That’s the reason we feel cheated. If you reflect back closely you probably would have got signals that you chose to ignore. Being dumped is a sad feeling but it happens to everyone. In the gay world more often than not it’s only about looks and looks and looks and finally hit the bed. That’s why I have come to respect this forum on Ohmojo where it’s all about sharing opinions and views on varied topics.

Also coming to the other point it almost looks like a case of Tops Vs Bottoms. In the western world most men consider being a top and a bottom as being different sides of the same coin.They change the role based on the partner and the mood. In India and a lot of countries in our neighbourhood (Pakistan for sure since I met few of them in London) being a top unfortunately gives the men an impression that they are not really gay coz they are doing a mans role. This belief also results in several s ex starved straight men exploring the gay world. It’s a misconception but you can’t correct it.

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Posted On Apr 18, 2018

I feel that quite a few of the so called tops are really just straight men searching for a hole to put their *** in. For them it doesnt matter the gender of the person they are enjoying with. These are not gay top men. The true gay top men would never be "pure top" as they would understand the need of the bottom partner and at least caress and make out with them. There would be some emotional connect as well.
My first "love relationship" was with a 37 year old Iranian man when I was 17. He was "pure top" and only wanted to be *** and then would ***. There was no kissing nothing. But I was at such an impressionable age at that time that I felt he loved me. I had never had *** *** with anyone before that. The act was so personal for me that I mistook that as love. He was in the merchant navy in Iran and used to come to mumbai to give his exams. He used to stay a few weeks, give his exams and then leave the country for months at a time. When he was in mumbai I was his to be used as he pleases. During the absent stage, there was no communication what so ever. I used to wait for him to come and out of the blue he would come and call me and i used to run to him without a thought. He had a wife and kids back in iran which I came to know much later. I was such an emotional wreck at that time that I couldnt concentrate for my board exams and though I used to be a bright student, I didn t fare well in that important exam. Luckily I did make it to a great profession later.
This relationship with the Iranian continued for 3 and 1/2 years and it was during one of the long period of absence when I met my current lover. I wanted someone as a friend and he was there. Slowly it blossomed into a love relationship. Though the ex (iranian) did come a few times in between and almost wrecked my current relationship, we weathered the storm and its been 25 years now with my current boyfriend, still very much in love and looking to be with each other till death do us apart.
So though I was used in the first relationship, it did give me a lot of strength and experience to help me in my current relationship. I can appreciate my current boyfriend much more.

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Posted On Apr 19, 2018

The topic might had been much more complete & wholesome if it had asked us to narrate the instances when we have used others for our own ends as well..at times the hunted becomes the hunter as well..our minds r so tricky, it will choose to remember only when we are exploited all the while conveniently forgetting the instances when we have exploited others...only when we analyse both these together objectively, will we make a real progress, otherwise it could become a hypocritical exercise.
During my school days & during the first few yrs of my college, i used to be quite selfish, short tempered, arrogant, vengeful, ungrateful in my dealings with people around & even with my own family members..then came severe blow after blow in my life in every aspect, adding to all that was the confusions relating to my orientation...i almost went to the brink of mental collapse..it was an eye opener for me, it was make or break scenario for me. At that point I started reading good books on holistic living, eastern philosophies & psychology and also got the friendship of some very good souls...all these gradually created a u-turn in my thinking process, emotions, behaviour & attitude towards others..as within so without..as my attitude & behaviour changed positively, so did my fortunes, i started attracting more and more good luck & good people into my life..life became very peaceful & blissful. Most of my prayers were answered. I do make some slips rarely while dealing with people but quickly rectify & atone for them.
Living as a single person, has its own risks & pitfalls..close relatives & friends would often come asking for money, many times it wouldn't be returned back as well..they think that being a single person, i wouldn't have any expenses at all...at times people within my inner circle have put me in a very complex situation or indulge in emotional blackmail to extract some favour from me.

This happened many yrs ago, one of my friends wanted to stay in my house for a week, since many guests had come to his house from his native place...week became a month and month became months..for 3 months he showed no signs of going back to his home. He used to leave home at odd hours, return back late in the night, bath for an hour, take food at odd hours etc..situation became unbearable for my parents, then somehow we plotted an idea and packed him off..later on he realised his error and apologized for his behaviour..
Now I neither exploit anyone nor do i prefer to be exploited either..but to those in my inner circle i would like to be vulnerable & flexible to a certain extent..

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Posted On Jul 7, 2018

Most tops do that. I have given BJ to so many top cab drivers , we exchange numbers, but not a single one calls back or recieve calls. I have given them best time of their lives, but in vain. They don't answer calls. I feel so bad. And the ones who call back , ask for money.

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Posted On Jul 9, 2018

had a neighbour who lived in the adjacent block in delhi who lived with his family, only called when he wanted to *** me, which was more than twice a week. Ah well not essentially only he used me, coz i used him as well.. i wasnt looking for anything else from him other than the huge monster *** he had and the enormous energy he had to ***! time well spent i must say lol

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Posted On Jul 13, 2018

bottoms are victims because in the indian soceity it is plain humiliating to get *** in the *** and maybe strangely enough this exact humiliation aspect is what turns many on.One has to understand that there is a lending of power during the act when a bottom gives power to a top to do what he wants .But for most tops,they are not gay,many think that the act of *** a guy does not make them gay and they are manly hunks with a huge ego just doing it because the bottom wants them to..a true gay person are mostly versatile,where pleasure is to be given both ways in a respectable manner. most dont respect you and think of u as just another peice of meat and bottoms end up as victims.

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Posted On Jul 13, 2018

one of my friend and me used to have drinks together
after heavy drinking
he started playing with my ***. n he said he wants to *** as he was gay and he had crush on me from long
he *** me , i loved that the way he *** and later on we met so many times and in bandra at my place he used to come
i started kissing him as he wanted to kiss him. licked his *** also those things even i was enjoying
so m here to have fun with more guys

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Posted On Jun 2, 2019

Being ignored if they don't like you is best thing then he saying he loves and cheats you and played wt your emotions.. The more trust u keep in a guy there is more chance of getting hurt always keep 50% doubt it will always help you if othe guy is ture no issue.. But never look life from your window try other views of your friends about your partner.. Gives a complete understanding for future steps and further proceedings in life.. Don't share unneseary information not needed..

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Posted On Jun 2, 2019

Bottoms have to wear loaded top.he never care the hurts to bottom when he is in full. Some bottom have to face damage in *** musles badly.

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Posted On Dec 23, 2023

This incident happened with me 2 years ago when i was chatting with this guy for about 3 months and exploring about sexuality. One day he asked for a causal meet and i being hesitant to meet anyone for the first time decided to meet at his place. Went there and had a good talk and suddently he said he wants to see my peepee and i hesitantly denied as i wasnt prepared for that as we planned for a casual meet. but he convinced me and i dropped my shorts and undie. He started playing with it and kissing it and started *** it hardly i was in a shock and dont know how to react as it was my first time getting ***. He *** it and made me *** and drank all the ***. asked how it felt, i was shy and in guilt did not say anything and just left. sometimes it hurts being betrayed and robbed of your trust.

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Posted On Dec 24, 2023

@Armaan_098 wow......this is so better than what could have gone wrong.......he just *** you......imagine what all could have been done.......but actually this is kind of a fantasy ....to get *** like this.....not sure how it feels bad for you......even though I understand you only thought of casual meet, but when someone is coming ahead and giving you pleasure by ***, how can you not enjoy it. Anyway, that's my thought, you must've had your own reasons.

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Posted On Dec 24, 2023

@hotlund obviously getting *** is amazing feeling but at that time i was just exploring and had mixed feeling about it. It was more about i was not expecting that and wasnt mentaly prepared for that, had we planned that before than i had enjoyed it more and would visit him often.

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Posted On Dec 25, 2023

The problem is if I share my experience then mostly would report me thinking that I am lying or making things up. But I was curious about private parts of both men and women from an early age of four or five itself. I used to wonder if both men and women have same looking private parts or not. And why do we need to hide our private parts. Why am I supposed to be ashamed of being naked in front of others. This curiosity was taken advantage of by certain individuals much older than me. I never told anyone because I kinda enjoyed being pleasured too. It was a game for me. Playing hide and seek with cousins who were 10-15 years older than me where the game was that if I get caught then they could strip me naked. I liked it when some uncle lifted me up in his arms and kissed me. I liked resting my butt on their hands or forearms. There were some uncle's who liked to shame me after pulling my pants down. My cousins used to rub their fingers and *** all over my naked body after catching me while playing hide and seek.

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Posted On Dec 25, 2023

This thread is more seducing and makes *** after reading some hot stories!! Wow.. beautiful shares.. i too have my stories as u all have.. but i cant stop reading all the stories.. sorry to those who experienced pain.. nothing disrespectful for u'll.. just for the the rest stories..!! Keep sharing guys

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Posted On May 8, 2024

My experience: A few years ago, I met a dark, tall North Indian man from Kandivali, Mumbai. He was manly, hairy with a nice dark thick *** and big balls. I instantly agreed to meet him at his flat as I go crazy for dark hairy men.

When I reached his home, he was nice and friendly, offered me water and after a small talk, he told me to strip and I did as I was told. Then without any foreplay he sleep on the bed on my stomach, then he *** me like a wild beast. He was great in bed and I loved every moment with him. After that he immediately, told me to dress up and leave.

After few days, he again called me for ***, this time for overnight fun. This time he again after he *** me he told me to leave in middle of the night at 2 am.

I really felt bad about this and feel he used me as his personal *** slave and kicked me out of his home after his sexual desires are satisfied.

He called me for the third time after a few days, then I refused to meet him. He still calls me for *** and talks in a sweet manner like everytime, but now I know true intentions.

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Posted On May 8, 2024

Some of btms are like this only...*** lo chud lo...apna matlab nikal gaya to fir baat bhi nahi karnge....they don't even reply after done their job..some of them want new guy everyday...kuch log sirf baat karnge 2 3 months Milne ki bari aye to milnge nahi...unka sirf chat kar ke hi man bhar jata hai...kuch log sirf pics ke bhukhe hote hai...kabhi kabhi Aisa lgata all this is waste of time

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Posted On May 8, 2024

I am being used by my neighbor uncle, somehow he had a hint that I was gay as I was living with my mature boyfriend, so whenever my boyfriend was not at home he used to come and talk to me and give me hints about starting sexual talk, and he is doing all this even though he is married and living with her wife, just next to our apartment. So one day he seduced me and showed me his *** and I lost my control and started *** him desperately till he finished. After that incident I feel bad and guilty of adultery, as well as I was also scared that what about our other neighbor's come to know. So next few times I avoided having *** with him even though he tried to force upon me. I avoided him 3-4 times but fucker did not give up, and he comes and talks to me and tries to seduce me. And after avoiding him for few times I fell into his trap again and made out with him a couple of times more. I dont like making out with him, and I have said to him few times that I don't want to keep sexual relations with him, but he still tries to force himself on me. And although I evade him many times but sometimes I fall into trap of lust and give into temptations and give him a blowjob, and make him ***. I want to stop this cycle and want to get rid of him, but he is so smart whenever he notices that I am avoiding him, he tries to get me emotionally and make him fall for him. I want to end this cycle withhout hurting his feelings.

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Posted On May 8, 2024

Beautiful thread!! Love the experiences!!

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Posted On May 8, 2024

I use to go for studies at my friends place during my teenage around 16-17 years of age. We use to study and sleep late. We both use to study during winter season, so we shared same blanket then. Its super cold in my hometown during winter season, so we use to shiver always. I had a habit of falling in deep sleep, so many a times i never knew about things happening during my sleep.
One time in same manner me and my friend studied till 1 or 2 am and went to bed. We were in same blanket as usual and i use to wear loose pajama and tshirt in bed. Also i was slim back then opposite from now, but i always had a big booty.. which my friend use to tease me for everytime he saw me in pajama or shorts. So we were very tired of studying till late and before than we had played soccer the whole day, and our legs were killing us. He said my legs are killing me and same thing i said. He said can you please put ur legs on my legs i will do the same after some time, i agreed n put mine on his. Then we were asleep, but in the middle of the night i woke up for the first time, n saw my pajama and undies were under my knees stripped half. And my friend was not in bed, bt in washroom. I was shocked first, later i thought to act asleep and not move anything to see what happens next. My friend came in sometime to bed and cuddle me from behind first. There was another shock to me that he was too half naked below tbe waist. He had a hard and thick long *** which was poking me in back. I was shocked thrilled afraid happy curious and had thousands of emotions running through me.
He me from behind tightly with one hand on my chest holding my tiny boobs n nipples, and other my slim waist. He played with my nipples and was kissing my neck and back from behind. He slowly undressed me completely now, and come upon me slowly and started *** my nipples and kissing my neck then my belly button. He was dark in color and use to gym so had a hard rough hairless body. He was heavy and had huge rough hands. So his every touch was orgasmic to me. He then licked my balls and *** holes. When his tongue touched my hole it was so difficult to not act but i somehow managed. He didn't stop there, but then he spread my *** slowly and put his tongue as deep as possible and tongue *** my hole, i started moaning and moving. He still thought i was asleep and moaning in my sleep. He then put his finger i my hole and finger *** me for some. I was about to come n dont knw why he stopped, i was disappointed. But he then again hugged me from behind and started dry humping me from my back with his huge monster. He rubbed his *** my back and *** and simultaneously held my *** and jerked it similarly as he moved. He kept going n after a while he came on my back and i too came in his hands. There was so much load on the bed. I was on heaven and he was breathing heavily too. He then went to washroom cleaned himself and me with wet cloth very slowly. Then dressed us both and went to sleep.
I understood one thing that this was definitely not first time he did this. Because he was very pro in doing everything, and knew how slow tk act and wht precautions to take. When we woke up he had the smile on his face he had every morning and spanked my *** like always he does jokingly, but now i knew the real reason of teasing my *** and everything.
I never told him about the thing and now i use to sleep in day time at my home to enjoy the night with him. He never *** me actually with his *** to not go far and wake me up, thats what he thought Lol, but it was all worth it.
He is now married has children moved overseas, but i still miss all of that!
Even if he will read this he wont knw its me writing this about us!
Beautiful memories, loved getting used!!
Dream to have it again sometime with same discreetness and care and passion with someone else of course!!

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Posted On May 9, 2024

@Roykhannaa one hell of a dream. Such perfect story. The best part is he never *** you with his ***. I just love this guy. Wish if I had someone like that.

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Posted On May 9, 2024

@hotlund yeah man.. i was beautiful and smoothly been used from a while and went on till the year ended of our high school!

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Posted On May 9, 2024

It happened to me when I was in college. I was 18 that time. My barber to whom I go from childhood did it. He usually gives me a haircut and head massage. After I joined college, he always made me wait till I was the last customer even if I went early. So after cutting my hair as usual he started giving my head massage. Slowly he went to my back and started massaging my shoulders and back. I found nothing suspicious so I let it continue... In subsequent visits... He slowly went even lower with my massage. From my upper back to lower back. And one day....he put his hands in my underwear and started pressing my butt. I was shocked for a second , got up from the chair and asked what he was doing. But with a calm face he looked at me and said " nothing , don't worry and nothing to fear, it's normal only. Just try it once If you don't like it, I'll stop." Those words and his authoritative figure both made me quiet. I was looking at him dumbfounded, since that was my first experience on being hit on. He then put his arms on my shoulder and made me sit on the chair again. That was the time when I realised that I'm a submissive bottom. He then boldly came to the front and then started massaging my balls and c**k. I closed my eyes tightly and sat there without any protest . Letting him do whatever he wished... Within minutes I came in his hands and he started laughing at me. Asked why did I come so soon. He then gave the keys to his restroom upstairs and asked whether I wanted to clean myself. I said no thanks gave him the money and ran home. I didn't even look in his eyes.

But that experience kicked something inside me. I liked that feeling of vulnerability and submitting to the will of another person. I had a little fear of getting caught but the excitement was more than the fear. So again the next time I went to him. After seeing me the next time he was very excited and happy and understood that even I was into it. From then on we had this kinda relationship for nearly 4 years. I always used to go to him. He'll make me wait till last. I'll quielty go and sit on the chair, for the next one hour he played with me however he wished. I don't even choose my hairstyle. He used to cut it however he wished. I just sat quietly and took everything like a good little boy. Usually the humiliation and shyness I felt that time aroused me even more. So that was my first being used experience

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Posted On May 9, 2024


Always fantasized with my barber, but it never happened

Loved the way you explained the thing...... Amazing

When I was about 13 we had to prepare for our ICSC FINALS, had to share the tuitions as it was expensive, this boy I was sharing my tuition with was dumb as ***, slowly I touched his *** and made him ***, that was it. He was adicked. He wanted it everyday. Just mutual masterbation.

Every class. Every MWF, he use to call the sirand ask him to come late, or give me an early time, this once I was in his room. He use to force ***. At times I never got a hard on. But he kept on pursuing........... It started with me..... But then it got so forceful...... I requested and changes my batch.... Told the teacher this time was not preferable........

This boy was very hard to shake off........ Beware of what you start,, it can become dangerous..........

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Posted On May 10, 2024

Thanks ANDYfook. I just explained the start of that relationship. The next 4 years was the one which was even more exciting than this

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Posted On May 10, 2024

Nice comments from each one of you all..

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Posted On May 10, 2024

I always used to fantasies for my tuition teacher in my school days...

I had a private tuition teacher who used to visit my place... I asked him lot of things about *** & he used to explain me....

many a times I used to wear only shorts with no underwear and I used to play with my *** by getting out of my shorts from inner side

My tuition teacher used to stop me from doing that & used to tell me that he will inform my father...

he had a huge bulge as well but nothing happened :(

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Posted On May 10, 2024

I have heard a saying … when you *** you come to your senses… I’m sure a lot of people might take advantage but even good guys can’t help it … once you *** all sexual feeling goes … it’s bio … I once stopped coz I came too quickly and dint want to continue… guy was not happy … but I made up to him later ;)

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Posted On May 10, 2024

@joy toy 5000 absolutely correct dear.. thats one saddening and wonderful feeling felt simultaneously!

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Posted On May 11, 2024

@joy toy that's why connecting at emotional or intellect level is necessary, so when you *** your mind does not turn off. 1-2 dates before s*x.

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Posted On May 12, 2024

well, to many of us it must have started with being USED, like me....sometimes in the Local Busses, other times in the public loos...
I recall 2 incidences - 1st time ever (i was 15years old) - met a SIKH guy say around 25 yrs old
1 - i took lift to reach my tuition class and the guy in the car dropped me, he asked me what time i finish, then i found him waiting for me outside, he offered to drop - instead took a detour and parked the car at a Icecream Hawker - offered 1 to me also, started talking about all kinds of things my future plans , sports, my interest in subjects, on the topic of girls,,,he patted my thighs and mocked me ( aapki toh bahit GF hogi) - i said NO, then he kept his hand on my lap casually and did not move it.,while talking about girls and naughty bits about them....i obviously got a hard-on and he made his move., and said...you must be very big., requested me to show him.,,.me being too naive, just followed to show him...he took intiative to pull my underwear down.,,.and said...oh u dont clean your hair.,,.and started rubbing my foreskin.,,.and touched my balls.,,.gosh., ,.i came within fraction of seconds,.,.I did not realise what happened....he told me dont worry clean it,.,.and he offered to clean it his hanky,.,.and then during this,.,.he came closer and without notice kindof gulped my *** in his ***,.,.,.i could not react - was in shock .,but YES, I was erect again in his ***,.,.he *** me madly.,,he kept saying .,,.you have a *** like an adult.,,.girls will be very happy,.,.and he also mentioned that he will introduce me to many girls who will be happy to be my GF....after 5 mins - cam again in his ***...he licked it clean and swallowed it all.....then i put my pants up in hurry and began to get down of the car....he hold my hand and told me....that he will drop me keep sitting....i let him drop me.,,.NEXT Week Same Day he was there again when i ignored him,,,,but honestly, the rush in my blood and the number of time i must have masturbated thinking if that,.,.the following week.., he again came and this time i was back in his car,,.same drill.,,.this time it was a better secluded corner.,,.and i was fully nude in his car,...he did as he pleased licked my ***., *** MY ***.,,.,.a few time,.,.made me *** his ***....this continued for entire year,,,,then i grew out of it,,.and stopped going to the same tuition place... I did meet him after a few years.,,.we xchanged numbers,.,.he was married then,.,.still invited me to his house while his wife was downstairs I went up to the roof and he *** me at this attcik.,,.but I was already corrupted by then, twisted to the sorts to understand my choices.....and here I am after donkey years, I Love getting a BJ from Guys.,,.I have even graduated to *** them (very few - married men only).....will pen down the 2nd encounter another time, when I find time !

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Posted On May 14, 2024

I had taken some money from a senior in my school. He was in class tenth and I was in class eight. I had forgotten about giving the money back to him. Every day he used to ask me to give him the money back but I used to make excuses and tell him that I had forgotten to bring the money. One day he found me in the school washroom and grabbed my *** from behind. I got scared. His rough manly hand was grabbing my flaccid small soft ***. I thought what if someone sees me with him holding my ***. I turned around to see if anyone was behind us or not. And he planted a kiss on my cheek. He started telling me that I look like a big fat girl to him because of my moobs and ***. He pinched my *** slapped it and then pinched my nipples over my shirt itself. I was too ashamed to let him know that I was liking what he was doing to me. He probably saw it in my eyes. So he teased me by biting his lips and went away. I picked up my pants which were around my ankles by this point of time and walked out of the washroom. Later he made me give blowjobs to him and his friends in exchange for letting go of that money which I owed him.

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Posted On May 14, 2024

Omg.. wow!!

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Posted On May 15, 2024

My cousins had a habit of pulling my pants down and making me feel embarassed. I used to just feel very scared and insulted as my *** and *** used to get exposed and I wasn't even strong enough to fight them off. My cousins have pulled my pants down many times. But at that time I wasn't sexually mature enough. I didn't know anything. Instead of getting aroused I used to just feel humiliated. I wish I knew half of what I know now at that time itself.

One of my childhood friends once caressed my stomach under my t-shirt right above my jeans and then slipped his hand in my jeans. I wasn't wearing anything underneath my jeans. He kept grinning at me and I didn't do anything stop him. It was his birthday. I just closed my eyes and allowed him to do whatever he wanted. We remained friends long after that but nothing sexual happened after that and we never even talked about it. As if it had never happened. He had made me *** in his hands under my jeans itself.

In school there were some bad kids who used to show their penises to each other. I too showed my *** to them and saw theirs as well. One of them gave me a handjob and I gave him a handjob as well.

I was in class sixth and this cousin was a college student. He had a habit of grabbing my *** and balls. At that age my *** and balls were tiny and he could grab them easily. But he once let me grab his ***. And his *** even in flaccid state was so much bigger that I couldn't wrap my fingers of one hand around it fully. I wonder what would have happened had i started giving him a handjob after grabbing his ***. But I just squeezed non sexually and let go of it. I didn't know anything about *** at all. I hadn't even started watching ***. Other rich kids in my class had started watching *** on their personal computers from class three or four itself. I got a computer in class eight. So I started very very late.

I am virgin. But *** has rotten my mind so much that I would even like to do it with a man. I just need sexual stimulation. Man, woman, shemale anything would do.

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Posted On May 15, 2024

Nice thread

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Posted On May 15, 2024

I was just 15 and I didn't have much idea of ***. Grew up in a village with hardly any exposure to *** and least about gay ***. We had regular visitors who used to come for asking help. One of those was a sannyasi who used to read the palm. Dad didn't ask ever for reading the palm but used to give rice and coconut to the person. He was well built, dark and may be 30 years.
One day I was aline at home and he came. As usual I offered him water to drink, some food to eat. Then went in and brought some rice to give to him. I remember giving him a few bananas too. He held my hand and in the pretext of reading my palm, went on caressing it. He then pointed at one line and said that my *** will grow big when I grow up. I was embarrassed and felt shy. He told me that he can make it grow bigger by some medicine and other things. I touched my *** and slowly started rubbing it. I was feeling embarrassed but also feeling aroused. I was feeling shy because our dog was watching us all the time. Lol.
In no time he slid his hand inside and started stroking me. He took my hand and put it on his crotch. It was huge. He removed it to show. Huge black one. I touched it. But I was shivering more out of fear. Then in a sudden move he started to *** me. My legs gave in and I was trembling. And I felt such a warmth of his *** that I still remember it. I grew panicky and asked him to stop. And ran inside. He went away.
After a week he was back again and this time he asked me to come to the jungle behind the house. He *** me again and I came in his ***.
After 2 weeks he came with another man and this time I saw for the first time *** ***. The other man *** him and he was *** me. A sannyasi taught me gay ***.

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Ram1988 *
Posted On May 16, 2024

Wowwww... But be careful @rahulkumarmumba

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Posted On May 18, 2024


Boys who like boys, start getting pressure from their parents to get married, many opt to become sanyasi, it seems this person left his house to be a sanyasi. But in truth he wants to be unmarried and free with other men. This happens very often in India, as the concept of same *** mariage is not allowed. He would be going around asking for food like a sanyasi, but he would have noticed this 15 year old boy. Waited for the right time, when the boy was alone.... Then tried his luck........

Very true story, very well written.... Thanks again

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Posted On May 31, 2024

Got used by my neighbour uncle first when I was 15. It was painful but later I kind of liked it. Whenever he used me after I never used to resist my *** watered for his ***. Years later, now that he is no more. I still love to be used. All of my guy friends think that I am gay and have a big ***. They keep joking when I am *** my ***. I purpose fully buy condoms in front of them even though I don’t have a girlfriend. They joke what am I going to use it to make my *** bigger lol. It’s true I used the condoms to insert anything I can get in my ***.

Now I have a guy who uses me whenever he wants. Calls me drunk to *** me even when I am at work. Insults me in front of his friend by telling them I *** *** even though I am not openly gay. Forces me to come to his house to *** him and his friends. Even the girls I know suspect I am gay , which is fine I don’t want to lick their *** unless it’s filled with a man’s ***. But after all these years of humiliation. I have become a person who will do anything for a guy who can *** me good. *** drinking, *** swallowing, humiliating me and my family members verbally it just no longer matters. I have sadly or happily reached a point where I want to be used and all I think about is ***.

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Posted On Aug 1, 2024

I had shared my experience with a classmate called Sunil. I knew he was straight but I was addicted to the taste of his *** and the smell of his neck. We used to catch up every evening on our building terrace and chat. He used stay about a km away but we were like goof friends. He was really mad about girls but was a bit obese and really didn't have the courage to talk to any female. After we had our first encounter sexually we stopped it for a year. I used to give him hints for blowing him but he kept saying he only liked girls. One day when we were on the terrace he said that he was watching *** all day and really wants to *** a girl. I told him the hole of a girl and my *** are both holes. I have like a girly butt. Nice and round. He said he wanted to *** me. I was like really happy. I told him let's do it on the terrace. It's pretty dark in one corner and no one would come. He asked me to sit on my knees and he pulled down his pants. He kept calling me Sayali while I put his entire *** in my ***. He was super hard and I was super slurry and hornt for his ***. It was almost a year since I swallowed his ***. He was just using me for his desire. I was ok cos I wanted a ***. He asked me to strip for him. I liked being naked in front of him. I was naked within seconds. He made me lie on the concrete floor with my *** facing him. He started fingering me so hard that I was literally moaning. He tried to insert his *** into my hole but it was too tight. He started fingerings with three fingers cos he was too angry that so *** want going inside. He made me sleep on my bum and sat on my chest. He started pulling his *** in and out of my ***. He finally came in my ***. He was done. He wore his clothes and just ran away. I just Lied there and continued masturbating after swallowing his ***. I just felt like a street side whore that day. But I loved the feeling.

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