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Nudism (Naturism)

Submitted by Indrachaap Location: Mumbai (Maharashtra, India)

Any nudist spot

Nudism or what they call it as Naturism is the nice concept. In foreign countries there are many groups enjoying this. In nudism there is no division as per your sexual orientation.

Is there any group of nudist in Mumbai? or is there any nudist place in Mumbai

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Displaying 1 to 50 of 70 comments.
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Posted On Jun 3, 2016

Naaga sadhus are original nudists of civilized world. They come in open for kumbh mela.

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Posted On Jun 3, 2016

nudism in good spirit with like minded people around is absolutely wow.. feeling relaxed and free..

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Posted On Jun 4, 2016

Hi, we exchanged mails already....i am nudist or naturist...i enjoy the nude beaches in Europe very much...i miss this in India. TC, hugs

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Posted On Jun 11, 2016

Maybe we all can form a club and do outings to places where we can practice this? Would be a great to do it.

Incidentally, did you know that the first Nudist club in the world was formed here in India and right in Mumbai. It was based in Matheran! Although it was only 3 guys :-)

Quote from wikipedia

"The earliest known naturist club in the 'western' sense of the word was established in British India in 1891. The 'Fellowship of the Naked Trust' was founded by Charles Edward Gordon Crawford, a widower, who was a District and Sessions Judge for the Bombay Civil Service. The commune was based in Matheran and had just three members at the beginning; Crawford and two sons of an Anglican missionary, Andrew and Kellogg Calderwood. The commune fell apart when Crawford was transferred to Ratnagiri; he died soon after in 1894."

There is a good chance that they might have been gay and were having a great time in the midst of nature :-)

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Posted On Jun 11, 2016

How about making history and forming a "Fellowship of the Naked Trust" again after more than a century!

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Posted On Jun 11, 2016

So when & where are v going all nude?:-p
V must definately do that
Or if mayb if sm1 can arrange a place...
V can all b nude & njoy..
Not necessary that *** b involved...
Lets create a whatsapp grp for starters...
Wt say?

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Posted On Jun 11, 2016

Agree.. its a good idea..

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Posted On Jun 12, 2016

Yes guys, creating a whatsapp group would be a good start. I'll create one. Send me message privately with your numbers and I'll add you to the group.

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Posted On Jun 12, 2016

Continuing on the history of the Fellowship of the Naked Trust, here is the article in mumbai mirror that first published about it.


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Posted On Jun 12, 2016

Let Life (the group member) organise the whatsapp group. He's been on the website for a long time. I'd rather share my number with him than Snappi who's had just 88 profile views till now. And I have seen Life's several comments in many different threads.

Snappi, no offence, dude, but this is the time we need to be very discreet.

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Posted On Jun 13, 2016

Hi Guys, I have received private message from quite a few guys but many are not comfortable with whatsapp group as the number is visible to everyone. i think we can create a group on some other app so that we can add people without anyone having to disclose numbers. the admin can confirm the numbers privately later if a outing or meeting is organised. so please suggest which messenger will be suitable. some have suggested kik messenger, some blackberry messenger and some telegram. I have not used any of these so not sure. people who have used kindly confirm and I'll create the group and add everyone who has shown interest.

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Posted On Jun 13, 2016

kik works best! I have sent my kik id to you over PM

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Posted On Jun 13, 2016

I am Ok with Kik. Would prefer Skype. Easily blends itself to multiple channels: chat, talk, video

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Posted On Jun 13, 2016

I second the comment that Life should organise us on this topic

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Posted On Jun 15, 2016

Great initiatives....keep us posted.....Sure i would like to be part of the group.....

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Posted On Jun 15, 2016

I would also like to be the part of the group

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Posted On Jun 15, 2016

Guys...a lovely idea. WhatsApp is a common app that's handy with almost everyone and wud advocate for that.
Agree that numbers are visible but we all hv common interests..so no harm

Life...appreciate the initiative..will ping u my number...pls add me

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Posted On Jun 16, 2016

Since 'Life' is busy and hasn't responded yet, I am planning to take the initiative and make a group on kik. All those who are interested, please send me your kik ids on private message.

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Posted On Jun 29, 2016

Guys, please do not post your KIK IDs here. Buzz me on my kik ID if you would like to get added to the group. Do mention that you would like to get added to the Fellowship of the Naked Trust (as I'm part of other groups too).

Also, as an update, we are having our first group meet this Saturday (2nd July). We are restricting to a limited number of guys so if you wish to attend, please buzz me on my kik ID (life_riot).

Please also remember that you have to follow certain rules for the onlin group as well as the actual meet before you buzz me.

Here are the rules for your reference:

Etiquettes for conduct by members here in the online Group:

1. This is a group for discussing and practicing Nudism/Naturism. It is NOT a group for *** solicitation or organizing *** parties or orgies.

2. Keep the discussions on topic of Nudism/Naturism and anything that's related. Too much off-topic discussions are not allowed.

3. Every member must post an introduction with their Names (real or fake), their profile name on ohmojo, age, location and their experience with nudism if any.

4. Every member must have a Display Picture on their profile. It need not be your actual picture. This is necessary for smooth flow of conversations as KIK messenger does not display names.

5. Do not send repeated private messages to other members of the group. If someone has politely declined or has not responded, that means they are not interested. Don't pester them.

6. Failure in following these etiquettes will result in a ban from the group.

Etiquettes for conduct by members for the Naturalist meets

1. It is Naturalist group and not a *** group. The purpose of meets is to get together, chat, eat and drink in a social manner just like any other social group. The only difference is that everyone will be naked. Naturists are people who like to be nude in a non sexual setting. It has nothing to do with *** or arousal.

2. No clothing including underwear is allowed without any exceptions. Only footwear may be used for comfort. You may carry a towel for use in case of spontaneous erections but don't use it as a way of not being nude unnecessarily. If you are new and feel shy at first, remember you are not the only one nude there. Most people get used to it quickly.

3. Getting an *** is absolutely normal and natural. If it happens to you just sit it out or cover it with a towel till it subsides. Displaying it proudly and parading around with it is considered bad manners. You wouldn't strut around if you had an *** when meeting friends in a social setting, would you? Also, don’t gawk or stare at others. It may make them uncomfortable.

4. ***, overt or covert, is not allowed under any circumstances. Remember it is a social setting so your behavior must not be like you are in your bedroom.

5. No smoking or drugs or chemicals of any kind is allowed at the meet venue. Alcohol may be consumed but care must be taken to not overdo it and indulge in inappropriate behavior. If the hosts request restriction on alcohol then no alcohol will be permitted.

6. Everyone is welcome regardless of age, race and ethnicity or body types. No shaming based on body, age or other physical attributes will be tolerated.

7. This is not a space for cruising or seeking one-night-stands. If you like someone, talk to them and understand whether they are interested back. Asking for personal details or phone number is not appropriate unless they voluntarily share the details. If someone politely declines your advances respect their decision and don't pester them further.

8. As a matter of security and for the comfort of everyone, cell-phones will not be allowed in the main section of the get together. All cell-phones must be handed to the host or organizer for safe keeping for the duration of the get together.

9. No photography or recording videos of any kind is allowed. If anyone is found indulging in it they will be expelled from the meet immediately after confiscating their equipments and deleting the recorded contents.

10. Basic hygiene is expected for everyone's comfort. While trimming/shaving pubic hair is not mandatory, do keep in mind that this is a social meet so groom yourself accordingly.

11. This is a free social group with everyone having equal responsibility so please don't make demands of any kind. Be polite, thank the host and the organizers and make yourself useful wherever possible.

12. The group meets will likely be organized at private residences or other places specially arranged for the purpose. Considering the nature of the group, it is very imperative that all specific additional instructions related to the place and rules set by the host are strictly followed by everyone. This will be communicated before any meet.

13. If some place is rented for the meet in or outside the city, members will be required to contribute their equal share and a pre-registration may also be mandated.

14. Only verified members will be allowed to take part in the group meets. The verification process will be communicated before a get together happens. This is very necessary from the security and trust angle.

Also, for those who are not well versed with the concept of nudism/naturism, we have answered some Frequently Asked Questions to help you understand.

Q. What do I wear in the naturist meet?
A. Footwear is optional, for comfort of moving around depending where the meet is. Apart from that, nothing at all. That's the virtue of a naturist meet, eventually.

Q. Can't I even wear my underwear?
A. Well, the point of a naturist meet is to be entirely naked, in the natural form that we are in. If one person wears underwear, it's unfair for the others who are in the nude. And they might feel exposed because of you. It's also about getting comfortable with your own body, so don't worry about being stark naked, because everyone is, and no one is judging.
Also, even if an exception is made for just underwear, its size becomes a matter of debate and eventually the whole activity loses its point.

Q. What should I do or remember before attending such a meet?
A. Manscaping or not is up to you. As stated earlier, it's about getting comfortable and confident about your own body. But since it's a social activity, courtesy expects you to be well cleaned and odour-free. Remember that we belong to the species of Men, who need extra strong soaps; use it and some deodorant too. (PS: please don't fart.)

Q. Is there going to be *** in the meet?
A. No. Anyone suggesting so or attempting to indulge in hanky panky will be politely asked to gather their clothes and excluded from the chat groups and further meets.

Q. What do I do if I get a hard on during the meet?
A. It's a men-only meet. So it's completely OK if you do. There's nothing shameful about it. If you're uncomfortable about it, you can cover it with a napkin till it subsides, but, again, no one is going to judge. Slowly, with frequent meets or after one has settled down in the first meet, it will not be a problem.

Q. What happens during a naturist meet?
A. Apart from everything that a regular bunch of guys do when they catch up fully clothed. Discussions, movie, food, non sexual games, etc. The agenda of such meets is to do the usual things that one does daily, but without clothes. The intention is not to sexualise anything, but to free the mind of the fear that requires you to "cover up" your insecurities.

Q. What if I meet someone I know at the meet?
A. There are two options. If you meet the person before everyone is de-robed, you can have a talk with him and see if you're comfortable to be naked around him. Because even he is going to be so. If you think that's not possible, or have your personal reservations, you're free to leave. The other option is to just not care about it and enjoy the meet. Perhaps such instances might lessen the awkwardness between you two.

Q. Can I tell me friends about it so that more people can join?
A. Do not discuss the meet with those who are not going to be a part of it. It's a secret meet and a lot of it is on stake, including other members' safety. We do not require more members to make it bigger, so don't spread the news everywhere. It's not a nudist movement. We want quality, not quantity.
Don't discuss other members with your friends. Respect the privacy of others. Irresponsible behaviour on anyone's behalf will result in exclusion of that person from the group and the meets.

Q. What are the basic etiquette of naturist meets?
A. Please act maturely during such meets. Passing lewd or crass comments or even pointing or letching will not be entertained.
Respect everyone's personal space. Remember that they are going to be without clothes, they might not be comfortable with you slouching onto them or with even unrequired physical contact.
Maintain personal hygiene and also of the venue. It's OK to bring a towel if you are going to use it to cover the seating areas in case you sweat.
Participate in the meet actively. Do not be a wall flower. It's more about the interaction than being in the nude.
Please respect and treat the venue with care if someone is hosting.

Q. What about phones?
A. Everyone will be requested to keep their phones in one place during the meet. For everyone's comfort and obvious safety measures, you won't be allowed to handle it for any reason. Receiving a quick call can perhaps be allowed. Needless to add, that photography, video shooting are not allowed.
Please do not ask for people's contact numbers for arbitrary reasons. The chat app is where you can connect with them. Do not insist if they are hesitant.

Q. What if I have some 'sexy' underwear? Can I wear it to the meet?
A. Since it's a bunch of fun, gay dudes, we wouldn't mind you sporting it. But it can be just for the time till everyone has arrived. Once the meet starts, we change into our birthday suits. (Footwear i.e. socks or shoes still allowed.)

So if are interested in joining in, buzz me on kik (ID: life_riot) and we will tell you the procedure for verification and getting the invite.


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Posted On Jul 2, 2016

Wonderful initiative. I'm a nudist for a very long time and have been looking for such group.

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Posted On Jul 23, 2016

Hi can any one share the admin details for naturalist group

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Posted On Jul 23, 2016

The original group on kik was moved to Telegram app but I do not moderate the group any more so please do not contact me for joining the group. If you are interested in joining the group, please post here for details so that the new moderators may respond.

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Posted On Jul 23, 2016

can any one provide admin name or group name so that i can request for group menbership

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Posted On Jul 24, 2016

hi, I would like to join this group, am on kik as well as telegram messenger with my same username "versaman85".

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Posted On Jul 24, 2016

I don't think now days this group exists

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Posted On Jul 25, 2016

It exists on Telegram. Get in touch wid d admin

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Posted On Jul 25, 2016

Can you share the admin ID or ask him to add me my ID is parlemale

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Posted On Aug 6, 2016

not able to trace admin on telegram if any one can help me with the ID

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Posted On Oct 21, 2016

How do I get added?

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Posted On Nov 17, 2016

no one is responding as i think this group is closed now

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Posted On Nov 18, 2016

Had a nice experience on Wednesday night at Silver beach juhu (pvr juhu/jvpd beach).

Went for a walk around 11 pm in some hope & started walking towards versova side. Made eye contact with a decent guy in 20's who was jogging and asked him the time and he asked do you wanna walk together. Discussed football etc, he accidentally touched above my crotch & apoloised, I said it's fine. Told him I'm a nudist and like to take night walks with my *** out to which he said go ahead. I pulled my track pants with undies upto my thighs, he admired my tool and would touch now and again to appreciate it. It was quite dark hence was safe enough to do so. In no time he too got his shorts down and we continued our walk. We were feeling each others parts regularly now & were very hard. He hinted if there would be girl he would love a bj right now, I volunteered. We went near a rock and I blew him. He too returned the favour. It was great. We both jacked each other off and started walking towards the entrance. We would playfully caress each others ***. He asked for my no. But I refused for privacy reasons. Wonderful experience and safe.

Try it out guys

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Posted On Dec 1, 2016

I am operating a naturist group on kik messenger.
It is a safe group only for men interested in completely nude non sexual meetup.
Identity will be verified before the meeting.
Offcourse the charges for food at the meetup would be informed along with the venue date and place for the meetup.
NO ***
all above was strictly followed in the last 4 meetups arranged from my group.
The members present for the past meetups were 4 to 5 people in each meetup. But they were decent and followed the rules.
Time duration of one meetup is 1.5 hours.

Activities in the meetup were as follows:
1) Introduction round. Deep Breathing and relaxation.
2) Discussion about any current issues
3) Watching a movie for about 1 hour along with having light snacks.

Underwear is not allowed in the meetup. Also do not bring any valuables like gold or diamond ring alongwith you.

Please do not apply gel or oil to your body before the meetup. THIS IS NOT AN ORGY

Please do not send *** clips or nude pics to other members in the group it may cause for complaint and removal of that member.

Amyone here only if really seriously interested can contact me on my kik i.d. which is
sunny desilover
or can also post their own i.d. to me privately here on this website.

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Posted On Dec 2, 2016

addme @parlemale

View Gay Profile Picture
sachin 9
Posted On Dec 3, 2016

I would like to be part of Nudism group. I am from Mumbai and do let me know the procedure

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Posted On Dec 3, 2016

I am surely interested. Been doing so while alone at home for past 15 years . Want to try in group.

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Posted On Dec 3, 2016

Whoever are interested to join the group...send your kik messenger id to me in private message. Please do not write your id here or do not express interest in joining the group publicaly here on the group.
Since this group can also be seen by people who have not logged in. Use your brains to maintain privacy among who all ha e become members of the group.

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Posted On May 4, 2017

Anything is happening?

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Posted On Jun 18, 2018

I would like to join the group (if it still exist)
Please pm me with the latest group name so i can join

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Posted On Jul 23, 2018

If anyone would like to get added to the Nudist Kik group (Kik is preferred as its anonymous and privacy is assured), then please message me inbox. Don't post your kik id's here as its against Ohmojo policies and your comment will be deleted.

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Posted On Jul 28, 2018

We are almost 10 ppl now...will plan a nudist meet soon. Anyone who want to get added let me know your kik id strictly in inbox

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Posted On Mar 4, 2019

We have almost 20 guys in the ohmojo kik group but meetings are not that frequent. LAck of place is main reason. Anyone else wan join the group? Well just to clarify nudism is the main objective and too much of sexual conversations and hookup messages are not allowed in the group

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Posted On Mar 4, 2019

I would love to join
I am an active nudist and I have attended 8 to 10 meetings in Mumbai
So I can give you inputs too if I know about any meet.
How to join this group ?

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Posted On Mar 4, 2019

How to join ?

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Posted On Mar 4, 2019

I m also interested in join this group

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Posted On Mar 26, 2019

Im too interested.How do i join?

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Posted On Sep 28, 2019

Hello all
Though it looks like an inactive thread, still posting here.
Is there any nudist meet in mumbai today evening?
I am here in Mumbai for a day.

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Posted On Oct 17, 2020

Any nudist meetup or at anyones place or holiday

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Posted On Feb 20, 2022

Nudism.. hmm a nice idea and concept. Kind of platonic commune for the LGBT guys here to connect on ulterior level.
By observation any nudist group quickly turns into an discussion of orgy and who is T and B etc...

I am aware few yrs back a meeting was proposed for nudist Mumbai guys to meet. It was in Khandala and one of the member had booked a bubgalow. Initially 10 ppl agreed to travel and accordingly the bungalow was booked. On the D Day only 2 turned up. The entire costs had to be borne by the 3 participants.

Still they enjoyed the stay and inspite of now being countries apart are in touch.

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Posted On Feb 21, 2022

Great thread. I would be interested in a nudist meet. Am not against S*X in nudist meets but ya main purpose should not be diluted. Been to nudist meets in US, there we had thr wives, kids and even grand parents participating. Played board games while some cooking enthusiasts baked cookies and made squashes in kitchen.

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Posted On Feb 21, 2022

Lol yea i know.. Not such open groups but some pure nudist meets... where its not an orgy and as soon as one is done with his share of juices the person sneaks out

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