Home Guys Online in India Search Profiles Gay Cruising Spots in India

Frauds- Where they are, what they do, how to avoid

Submitted by m2m4fun Location: Mumbai (Maharashtra, India)

Just thought of putting up a post for people to discuss all the troubles they have faced over the years.

A lot of us have to deal with the paranoia of getting duped, tricked, mauled or any other dicey situation while cruising, and rightly so.

So please post about your experience, the location, how to identify and avoid those people, and what to do if caught. This will help us be safe through our collective knowledge and prevent others from going through the same ordeal as us.


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Posted On Oct 18, 2015

Avoid cruising in those places where u already hav these cds and trannys for prostitution. They mostly hav their *** bhadvas who wil keep an eye on you and then rob u or beat u
Mostly in ghansoli after mcdonalds towards airoli
Seepz bridge near reliance.
Mostly cheap areas. We're so desperate for *** at times we dont realize wats going on arround.

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Posted On Oct 18, 2015

CST station toilet. I was looted of Rs 5000 by a group of thugs who claimed to be cops. They usually come in a group and threaten you. They had this cute guy as a bait and he asked me to follow him to the toilet of long distance trains. After a while they entered into the toilet in which I was with the bait guy and started making noise and harassing. They took me to the lonely platform in CST and started threatening me. It went on for an hour or so and then I withdrew cash and gave it to them. During this time I saw that these people were hiding from anyone they saw in brown (police) uniform. They let me go after getting the cash.

1) DO NOT get scared. No matter what they do they feed on your fear. Thats all they have. DO NOT get scared. Keep calm and be confident that these are thugs and robbers. They are the criminals. NOT YOU. You should talk calmly and tell them you are not scared. They can go wherever they want. Tell them you are ready to go to the police station with them. If they start getting physical start shouting and making noise. STart yelling chor chor or something. Instaed of getting scared get them scared.

2) They will threaten to call your home and blackmail you. Tell them people at home know about you. They cannot do any *** even if they call as your family will believe you and not them.

3) Start using legal terms lawyers names and court cases. These people are uneducated and dont know ***. Tell them your lawyers name or an LGBT lawyer and tell them you will go to court.

4) Extortion through blackmail attracts imprisonment and fine. Tell them you know the law and will go to court or police station claiming you were being blackmailed without doing anything.

What we do is no one's business. Do not be scared. As long as two partners are consenting it is no one's business what they do with each other.

Be intelligent to understand language and attitude while talking to the person you will have *** with. He could be a part of the gang.

Be brave and have fun. *** them who act smart.

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Posted On Oct 18, 2015

As the admin of this forum, let me add my 2 cents for safe cruising in India:

1. The first rule of cruising: No Cruising Spot is safe! No matter how safe it may seem, always remember all cruising spots carry an inherent risk.

2. Sure, 2 consenting adults having *** is no-one else's business but remember: In India, Gay *** is criminalized even if it is between consenting adults. If someone is trying to blackmail you, it will help if you don't get cowed down and act fearless but that does not mean that the real police cannot legally act against you. Besides gay *** being criminal under section 377 of the IPC, the police can also book you for "indecent behaviour".

3. Always be cautious. Be alert, trust your instincts and back off if you feel something (or someone) is not right. Do not carry lots of cash, credit or debit cards or other valuables with you while cruising. Check for exit or escape routes before you get into any space. Do not follow anyone blindly if they call you just because they are hot. Many gangs are known to use good looking guys as bait.

4. Many known trouble spots that are risky are mentioned by cruisers in the discussion forums. Take note of those before visiting any spot.

5. Be discreet. Do not attract attention to yourself. You may put yourself and others at risk by doing so.

6. Beware of local guys and/or Rickshaw drivers. Many are known to act as informers for the police or other gangs that target gay men for blackmailing.

7. If you find yourself in a difficult situation use common sense. Being confident is the key. Unless you are in danger of physical harm, do not give cash or other valuebles.. Advice given by members above is what I'll go with.

8. If you do get lucky, always practice safe ***! Remember, a condom not only protects you from HIV but also from scores of other STDs.

9. Be civil to other cruisers specially older guys or effeminate people. They have as much right to be there as you. Do not call names just because you do not like someone. If you do not like anyone's advances, be polite (but firm) in saying no. Most people will leave you alone.

10. OhMojo.com as a website has no way of verifying any information that is posted here about the cruising spots. So use common sense and your own judgement. Just because someone says it is a safe spot doesn't mean it really is safe. Remember, even a cheater/blackmailer can post here and we have no way of knowing that!

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Posted On Oct 18, 2015

First and foremost thing about these frauds are that they may pretend to be cops and round you with all the other crowds as if they have raided. If you are the one who is dressed up with good way of speaking and a slight hint they perceive that you are scared or your tone is sorry sir. then you are finished. I was 3 times being robbed and from then onwards I said a big NO for such places. 1st Most dangerous place on ths place is MATUNGA ROAD Station loo, 2nd comes VILE PARLE LOO and 3rd comes ANDHERI EAST SAHAR PARSI WADA next to Hindu Shamshaan. As a matter of fact they can even hit you to make it appear as if you are doing crime and might also involve real cops who get some benefits from this easy weasy money. The amount of being robbed is Rs 5000 to even Rs 25000. If you are cruising ensure you are not dressed up and decked up (i mean i cant tell youll to be unhygineic but if you are shabbily dressed no body will be able to harm you. If you are having your wallet then you cant be spared mark my words, even though if you have seldom cash in it. they will take everything.
At last be safe.............

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Posted On Oct 19, 2015

First of all let me heart fully thank this gentleman for putting up this topic for discussion. I am sure this will definitely help many of us save ourselves from being humiliated or extorted. Keep up the good work guys

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Posted On Oct 19, 2015

HI guys I completely agree with all that the above here. I have been caught thrice by the cops well pretend cops. The first time at Matunga Station paid 1000 bucks and got away. Second time in a train where this cop well he caught us red handed in the Loo near Patwardhan Park Linking road Khar so there was not much I could do there cop was in uniform he demanded 20 grand ( it did not help that I was dressed really well returning from a club ) I managed to settle for 10000 and he let me go giving me a lot of advice on how to use 2 condoms while having *** apparently he learned that in a course he had attended. But a real cop I must say that he did not assault me or abuse me in any way. The third time was in a train when this "cop " rubbed up against me I got hard ( damn that hair trigger hardon )and when I alighted at mahalaxmi station he clamped onto me along with another "cop" .I did not realise what was happening and by instinct I threw him on the floor at the Mahalaksmi bridge. he then tried to hit me but the other cop stopped him . They then demanded twenty thousand which I bargained to 10000 and they let me go after that. After that day I was very carefull it put a morbid fear of cruising in me I felt that was enough money wasted when I was ***. So My strategy was only go with guys who are properly referenced friend of a friend that kind of thing or unless my gaydar went into overdrive.
A couple of months later I was getting into an auto rickshaw at Bandra station when this same cop came and caught me by my shirt whilst I was getting in. I was so fuckn pissed off that I cared a hang wether he was going to out me or not that I broke his hold off me and pushed the guy violently . He was so scared he backpeddaled and fell down on his back. I remember only shouting at him who the *** do you think you are repeatedly . A small crowd gathered and then a railway cop came in uniform to find out what the commotion was. No sooner did this guy see the uniformed cop that he upped and pushed his way through the crowd and ran away with his colleague. The uniformed cop asked me what was happening I told him what transpired there and how he was demanding cash from me. I asked the uniform if he knew the runaway man he said he didn't but he offered to register a complaint. I said screw it I knew they would not dare bother me again.
All this aside I am now super cautious when cruisinig and always dress ordinarily no jewellery no wallet and simply dressed. If some guy comes on to me very strongly then I am even more cautious. So if you find yourself superhorny take a moment look around and you may spot something fishy. Most time it is just a single glance that is enough to take away the element of surprise. Always I mean always have an exit route planned and a ready cover story would also help your case. I really did not mean to scare anyone but us gay folk have got to be careful warn each other of frauds and unsafe places.

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Posted On Oct 19, 2015

By the way the places that I listed in my post Matunga road station western , Patwardhan park liking road loo, are unsafe. if YOU CRUISE make sure you have a lookout standing by to warn you .

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Posted On Oct 19, 2015

these bastards do demand and they look fiercesome typical cops in civil dress they would talk also like usually the cops do with little marathi little hindi and they demand a lot

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Posted On Oct 20, 2015

My experiences (best forgotten!) were at Oval Maidan (near Churchgate) some years ago.
Once a group of guys literally rushed towards where I was sitting. One of them frisked me! The other asked me what I was doing sitting alone. When I said I'd come for a walk, one of the blokes laughed & actually (!) tweaked my nipple saying, "Lagtha he nipple dabane ke liya aiya he!"

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Posted On Oct 20, 2015

When I recounted this incident to a friend he suspected these guys must have been plain clothes.

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Posted On Oct 20, 2015

The second incident could have been a potential fantasy come true if it had played itself out in the desired way. A real hunk of a guy was sitting on the ground. I like a total jerk-head assumed he was cruising too. Went & sat next to him. My *** did the thinking (which was totally stupid!) & reached out for his ***. He caught my hand, raised his voice & started to make a scene. I was SO embarrassed & *** scared. Still "holding" my hand he walked with me asking me where I lived. It took some courage for me to "break free" & make a dash for it.

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Posted On Oct 20, 2015

Incident #3: Went & sat next to a cute guy who it turned out was from the Indian Navy. Made small talk. He was off to see a movie @ Eros. I almost thought I'd go with him & get cosy. What he told me next "deflated" my rising ***! He told me that he was a naval police. He was there to keep a watch on & report on any wrong activities of naval guys (I interpreted this to mean cruising & gay ***.

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Posted On Oct 20, 2015

Cross-posting from the Facebook group Yaariyan which is the youth wing of the Humsafar Trust as it is relevant here.

Posted on Facebook by Sonal Giani on 20th Oct 2015


Got to know of 3 people who got blackmailed over the weekend over their sexuality. The modus operandi is similar.

A guy comes to meet you for a night of fun. He decides to make a phone call and steps out of the house. Comes back in and starts getting cosy, very intimate and soon completely naked. Ten minutes into your love making session a doorbell rings. Loverboy hides in the bathroom, you open the door and a third guy claiming to be a cop enters. He asks for this loverboy and loverboy enters. Cop (assumed) beats you both and then extracts money claiming that he will take you to the police station and out you to your locality. To avoid the shame you end up paying money and then they leave together. You realise later that maybe they were not really who they were claiming to be,

So here are a few pointers if this happens.

1) If anyone claims to be a cop, ask them for their I-Card. They are suppose to carry their card at all times when on duty including in civilian wear.

2) If wearing uniform, memorize the name on the badge and the number of stars on the shoulder. This is very helpful when taking action later.

3) If cop does not have above, ask which police station he is from, google the landline number and verify if anyone like that actually works at the station mentioned.

4) If asking for money, call 100 and notify that a person claiming to be a cop has come to your area and is asking for money. Reporting and follow up of calls on 100 is mandatory.

5) If the person is claiming to be brother/landlord etc- Call 100 and say unidentified people are trespassing into your house".

6) If intimidating you that he will inform your family of your sexuality, even if you are scared and not out, look fearless and say "Everyone in my family knows about me, so what. I will call my lawyer."
If saying that he will take you to the police station. say "Yes go ahead, we will meet at the police station directly. But before that show me an Arrest Warrant, I will call my lawyer"

7) Do not divulge correct work place and home details when blackmailing begins. Stay fearless and argue.

8) If you are able to do none of the above, try to at least remember facial feature/car numbers/ phone numbers.

9) If they take you to an ATM for you to withdraw money, pretend your ATM is not working and get them to come in front of the ATM camera while withdrawing money.

10) And no need to tell loverboy all about your life on first day, ask for pictures on watsapp before date and keep them saved till date is over. Keep one person always informed about your whereabouts. Do not keep more than Rs 300 in your wallet while going out on dates.

11) Call Humsafar at 022-2667 3800 between 10 am to 8:30 pm and notify about the blackmail.

I hope this will help some of you. If you know of anyone who has been blackmailed please ask them to get in touch with me.


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Posted On Oct 21, 2015

I read in today's newspaper, blackmailing people about section 377 is a punishable offense, amounting to extortion and can lead to imprisonment upto 10 years :-)

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Posted On Oct 22, 2015

It is not pepper mint spray. It is pepper spray and I think to carry pepper spray is illegal. Do cross check.

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Posted On Oct 22, 2015

lol yea pepper mint spray is a breath freshener. Pepper spray is a spray to defend yourself from assailants. Women carry it, so am not sure if its illegal

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Posted On Oct 25, 2015

Carrying pepper spray is illegal, but many women do carry it. Most cops don't even know what pepper spray is and if carrying it is legal or not. Good idea to take it along to certain areas especially if you are going to one of those pay areas where crossdressers and trans people take you in deserted areas for fun.

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Posted On Nov 18, 2015

Today when I entered Kopar station loo, I saw 2 men accosting a guy and asking where he was staying. His partner ran off. The 2 so-called-policmen took the man by holding his pants from behind; all the while asking him where he was staying. I stood for some time. I didn't have anything to pee. The men took the guy somewhere. Bastards!!!!

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Posted On Nov 21, 2015

The information given by Ohmojo is helpful if we are blackmailed or come across any problematic situation.

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Posted On Dec 24, 2015

guys,pls dont go in kharghar stn loo.there is such cop team working to trap peoples.dont know whether they are real or not bt thy took peoples tnto the room in station premises so i think they may be real

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Posted On Dec 29, 2015

Hi Guys i was caught yesterday at kopar station toilet. There were 3 cops in Civil dress. As i entered 1 came and he was standing for a long time. i thought he might be interested and tried to touch him. He than hold my pants and called other cops. They showed me thier ID card and took me to dombivali police station. I was not tensed or frightened as i knew, that they take some cash and leave you or take you to court. And fine is approx 1200 (Not sure). They left me after paying around 1000 approx (as i gave all that i had they returned 300).

They tried to threaten me by saying they will call my family members and inform them why i was caught. Also giving me lecture and making me guilty as i was without ticket.
third they checked my valet in that few condoms were there. They wanted to check my mobile but i did not gave my password for mobile.
They left me after giving some gyan but i went to that loo again today and same 3 cops in civil were standing there.

I have few doubts, if any has any legal experience can comment here,
1.Do cops have a right to beat us or slap us in case we are caught in such situation.
2. Do they have right to inform our family members ? or can we take help of lawyer if one is adult.
3. They were asking for deposit around 2500 or 3600 and said once i pay fine in court balance i will get refund.
4. How much is the fine in court and can they put us behind bars if we dont have cash to pay fine.
5. They checked my bag and pockets , so can they check it without any search warrant???


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Posted On Dec 29, 2015

Thanks suraj for sharing your painful experiance.
I feel really really sorry for you.
It seems that its cop's business to do ffind gays and take money from them.
Any lawers please answer above questions.

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Posted On Dec 29, 2015

Suraj , you should contact Humsafar Trust. Numbers are mentioned above.

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Posted On Dec 29, 2015

We would all benefit from the pertinent queries raisttga loo in a station would be regarded as a public place. The cops of late have been in the news for harassing straight couples also.

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Posted On Dec 29, 2015

Oops...my earlier post came all garbled. A loo in a station is a "public place", so my guess is if caught in a compromising position we become all the more vulnerable.

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Posted On Dec 31, 2015

This incident happened with me in tha naigaon stn loo. Thre was a guy inside standing when i entered. He stared at my *** n i smiled n we started touching each othrs private parts. Suddenly a civil dress cop came inside. Took hold of our pants from behind n demanded money. That guy gave just 50 Bucks n was freed by him. Maybe he knew that person. But he took me to a platform seat. Whre three more cops came. They took my briefcase n searchd for money n took away 500 Bucks from it. I was very much frieghtened to even speak to anybody abput this. Maybe they r fake cops. But i was helpless.

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Posted On Jan 2, 2016

Thanks letsfuck, i wil save Humsafar if again if I am caught. In my case i was not frightened as those were reals as they took to Dombivali platform 1 police station. And second thing when my friends were caught in the past they were left after paying money. They were asking more money but luckily i did not had more money in my bank account as i had to show them bank balance mini statement.

Any body knows that can cops call our family members and inform them about the incident?? Or as an adult will they take fine take us to court. How much is the fine? and can they put us in jail? They also asked my mobile but i did not open lock of the mobile by saying it is my personal mobile.

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Posted On Jan 2, 2016

I go by same kopar station route everyday these days, i saw those 3 cops in Civil dress for consecutive 3 days, i saw them and ignored them. So guys be aware about kopar station is risky to visit. One thing i noticed if they find some is rich they might threaten you by giving all court, family reputation crap etc and get 10 -20k or more from you. They also discussed that they know guys use social media for dating n fun. They also told about a some compartment in train where guys touch each other and later go for fun. I knew they were talking about 2by2 in central line.

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Posted On Jan 6, 2016

There's a big trap set up at Borivali loo on platform no. 6 as well as on platform no. 4-5. They catch you if you touch their *** & take you to railway police station located on platform no. 1

Loo outside Borivali Platform no .1 near dahisar end skywalk is equally risky.

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Posted On Mar 2, 2016

@Suraj.. I was also caught at same Kopar station in last November . One cop was tall & fair and another was dark..right ?? Same thing happened to me.. took me to Dombivali platform no.1 .. after usual threatening.. asked me to pay 15000 .. I had to pay them 6000 emptying my account.. then they let me go after giving usual gyan. True..they know about 2 by 2.. so we have to become cautious in trains too..

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Posted On Mar 2, 2016

Now ..all the cops of Mumbai have found us as the easiest way to extract money. .

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Posted On Mar 4, 2016

One incident happen to me at versova beach !!

Met one guy at G4m his name he gave was Rojan and working some where near fame adlabs in as a sales manager !! Was decent well dressed handsome muscular guy. Which attracted me more was his looks !! We chatted and decided to meet for dinner after dinner we went to versova Rock beach which is quite deserted at late nights in one darn coner we sat and were chatting if u have been there on the beach u must have seen they have an entrance from the buildings which are behind too .... But that night building ground lights were off so it was quite dark we went to the top of the rocks and started the fun which went more then an hour ... It was almost the climax and we were almost naked and now it was that I was done with sr***ing him and he wanted to f*** me too I agreed and he was about to *** ... Suddenly heated one noise .. And a torch came on us we got dressed fast and saw one cop in khaki dress sitting next to us .. He stared asking all blady *** questions to me and him like he was saying him " kidhar mila yeh chikna " on which he said sir he's my friend and we were just talking n all on which he said " he was watching us from an hour and don't notice is talking and told" sirf *** marehe the tum dono" n he stood up to which my instinct I saw his boner n was hard like a rock from his pants he came close to me n popped it out n made me s*** him he came fast n said chalo saheb ke pass to which the guy who's I was with don't say anything n was watching me just blowing him and laughing ....

We went to a bigger cop sitting in jeep outside and he narrated him what were doing but don't tell him that he also made me *** him ... 😠 The guy whom I met was relaxed and not saying a work I found something fishy .. And the elder cop started to bribe me for money and told ek ka 2000 dena hoga !! I said I don't have n all then said ok dunno ka mila ke 3000 do I said why do I pay for the other guy .. N all he said that I have to n all then that guy said pls u give for me and he will return is back to me n all I found he was with the cops n all I have and left then the guy whom I was with came behind me .. Saying I am sorry n will give his share to me and ask my number ...

I said just f** off and take his share of money from the cops ..
So insane people are...

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Posted On Mar 6, 2016

You people are so crazy, fool and driven by *** that you don't even realize how stupidly and idiotically you are acting in public place. No wonder people take advantage of your *** obsession. Having ***, may it be gay or hetero is a very private act and strictly be enjoyed in private. Everyone knows what is ***, everyone is aware of each others genitals but that does not mean you go on showing off your lust and impatience for *** publicly.

What happened with you was certainly a bad thing but don't forget you invited the trouble, first by letting yourself carried away by *** obsession, secondly by trusting a stranger and thirdly by doing thing which you were supposed to do behind the closed doors.

Everyone on this forum, please be patient and have control on your mind and ***. Never go with strangers. And never get into sexual act with anybody in open place.

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Posted On Mar 6, 2016

I totally agree with the poster above. If you invite trouble there is no point in complaining about it. There is a perfect way to avoid it. Be more discreet and think from your head rather than your ***.

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Posted On Mar 7, 2016

Agreed with sangam_m.. however people engage into such activities may be due to lack of place.. i mean a room.

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Posted On Mar 7, 2016

I understand your concern, Mumbaicruiser, but it is worth controlling your feeling rather than having looted and humiliated publicly. And also think from other angle about it; would we like if all heteros start getting into sexual act in public? Do we not dislike it if we see somebody does indecent in public? After all we are human beings with brain that works thousand time better and also worst than animals on four legs. Have we ever seen any animal getting into unseasonal sexual act? For human being all day is a season and that's very reason why certain norms, rules and ethics were set by ancestors.

Even I have problem of place or rather it is pertinent for me but I never get into act publicly just because I have uncontrollable desire to have gay ***. I curb my desire until I get somebody really reliable and place.

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Posted On Mar 7, 2016

spirit is willing but flesh is weak ... I understand please do share it here as this is the only place u could be understood ....... I am not telling u to control but yeah let us listen to others advice and be safe if someone says place is risky avoid it

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Posted On Jul 30, 2016

I am new to this site and really happy to read this discussion.

My incident happened around 6-7 months back at Jogeshwari PF-4 Loo towards Borivali. I was there for some work and completely unaware of place. When I was peeing, guy next to me started looking over my *** and smiled at me. He must be 40+ and shabby. I didn't react much but didn't stop him. Then we came out and he stood next to me and asked where you live and come here daily, etc. I told, I came only for some work and did not reveal much. He told do you like me to *** you and u can do more. I did not deny but did not give much positive response. He still continued and told that he has place at Kandivali, let's go and enjoy. I said No, I am not much into it and don't want anything.

I started to leave for PF-2 from where I wanted to board a train to south. When I reach the bridge, he again joined me and took me to a side and started that let's do it. I said, no sorry I am not interested and started to leave.

Then came the shocking part. He literally slapped me over the bridge and started talking that how could you do such things with guy, I will take you to my sir and called up his friend who is just close by. By that time, I had started running to the PF-2. They kept following me and again hold me said let's go to police station and all.

I literally ran and rushed into a train which had just arrived. Was not sure if they were following me..It was first time that such a thing happened and I was scared to hell. I got down at Andheri and changed train just to ensure that one can't follow me.

Thereafter I decided, not to go to any loo or to talk to any stranger just like that.

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Posted On Jul 14, 2017

Refreshing this thread as it is relevant to the ongoing discussion related to risks while cruising.

I will merge these 2 threads soon.

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Posted On Jul 14, 2017

Im so so glad you guys are taking the time and effort to list out things... As much i love the thrill and risk... Its not worth the pain and trouble... I see alot men and boys getting carroed away and common sense seems distant.

Thank you for the ones who are actually bringing points to light... Bless!

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Posted On Oct 10, 2017

I am a south indian guy from Goregaon. On the night of 4-oct-17, I met a cute guy (he said he is from Goa) at nagardas road tabela loo at Andheri East . He had a Scooter. We both decided to have fun. Upon his suggestion we rode to a nearby roadside loo (having 3 booths), but could not do action there, since there are people around. After that upon my suggestion we rode to the Slum loo on the highway which is at left hand side when we go from metro signal (Western Express Highway, Andheri) to Gundavali. When we are about to enter the loo, we noticed one old man sitting outside on a concrete pipe and watching us, but we were not bothered about him due to the excitement. We have entered one of the toilet booths and had good fun. We then heard noises of many person outside and they knocked on the door. Upon opening the door I could notice that outside there are 7 to 8 men including the same old man. Immediately I tried to run away by overpowering them, I was severely thrashed and they have snatched my gold chain worth 20k and then they left me. The cute guy was also caught but he was taken away by one / two person. I don’t know what happened to him. They must have looted him. I have returned to the location after 5 minutes, but I could not find him. We have not exchanged name or contact no. I am sincerely concerned about his well being and I am deeply interested in him. If he is reading this post please contact me.

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Ashwin top
Posted On Jun 7, 2019

Yesterday i went there to pee and yes its a happening place and suddenly one slim guy he is around 26 and pretended to be gay and then i came out that guy followed me i was not interested in doing any kind of fun was waiting for my train that guy came beside me and started talking to me and he took me near the ticket counter and made me stand in a corner and said he just want to talk and started asking me questions like where i stay n all and he said he is top and then i replied im also top he said sirf touching karenge upar upar se koi nhi dekhega i said no ye public place hai and then suddenly two more guys wo where well built came i got scared and that slim guy started abusing me and started asking me kya kar rha tha toilet me n all and i came to know that they are fraud trying to extort money from me i started shouting and he was like chilla mat and then i tried to leave but then that slim guy slapped me so hard that my spects fell down i was so helpless i cant even fight back because they were three and i somehow managed to leave from there and yes all of this happened at a public place and no one tried to help me i felt really bad be careful of such fraudsters

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Ashwin top
Posted On Jun 7, 2019

All this happened at csmt loo

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Posted On Jun 8, 2019

Andheri loo on the bridge.... People are observe guys going in n some time follow them too very happening place but very dangerous as well try to avoid it as much as you can

The loo care taker is an *** he also keeps track n comes inside n shout ... Better to avoid

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Posted On Sep 2, 2019

Guys I guess there is a gang who is targeting LGBTs in general. I heard of this ' kania' guy from pathanwadi, noorani masjid, his one eye is punctured and that's why knowns as KANIA. Heard so many cases about him in different forums. He wear shades to cover his eye and write and speak good English . Once you meet , he creates a scene and ask you for money. Be careful if someone calling you near Oberoi or noorani masjid side. The same guy had a case in masjid Bandar side too.

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Posted On Mar 3, 2020

News from TOI : Noida: Executives trapped on gay dating app, robbed

Read more: Click here

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Posted On Mar 4, 2020

This is what happens when we trust someone without knowing their background

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Posted On Aug 8, 2020

This is Why I Will Never Visit a Cruising Place Again, and You Shouldn’t Too.
Bandra west, Bandstand

Last night I was returning home late from office. I wanted someone I could hold and kiss. My bike took me to my regular cruising spot, near a public loo. I parked the bike away from the loo. I didn’t go inside the loo, as I spotted a nice bloke outside (let’s call him Mr. X) – 18 years, slim, rough-looking, simple – my type! And he was looking at me.

I took him to a dark corner and kissed him on the neck behind his ear. He smelt sweet. As I moved my hands inside his shirt, he said in the local language – “Let’s go over there, I know a spot.” So I followed him.

After a few steps, two policemen arrived on a bike, stopped near us and started asking questions, “Where are you going ? What were you doing here ? What are your names ?” I answered the questions politely, as I was confident that they had no proof against us. One policeman took Mr. X to a corner and the other one tried his best to intimidate me, checking my pockets (maybe he expected to find condoms), asking me where I lived. I told him I usually come here to meet my “friends” and since they had not come tonight, I had started talking to this new person. By that time the other policeman came to us and said, “Stop lying, your friend says you were kissing him and taking him somewhere to get *** by him.”

I was shocked. Why the hell did Mr. X tell them all this ? Is he stupid or what ? I started off in an angry tone, “There was no such plan ! He is lying. I agree that I kissed him, but it was only on his neck. I had no intentions of *** him or getting ***.” I stressed on the part of clean intentions because I wanted to make sure that they can’t blame me for planning any sexual activity. Still one of them said to another in local language, “Let’s apply 377 on them.” I asked, “Why 377 ? We were just kissing. We had no plans of doing the activities that come under 377.” To which the policeman replied, “Kissing openly on road is considered as indecent activity in public place. Don’t you agree that this is a public place ?”

Now I was trapped. They started their game of threats and concessions by saying things like – “Let’s take him to bade-sahab (main officer)”, “Do you want to solve this here ?”, “How can we let you go without a fine ?”, “Tell us how much fine you can give.”

I realized that the new word for rishvat or bribe is “fine”. So the bargaining started. They said, “A court case and lawyer will cost you 10,000. You can give us 5000 and go.” I told them I can give only 100 rupees. They got angry, “Do we look like traffic policeman to you ? Do you understand how grave your offense is ? Let’s go to bade-sahab.” At this point I started wondering if kissing on neck really counts as indecency. I know that lip-kiss in public is not allowed, but kiss-on-the-cheek is allowed, right ? Then what about kiss-on-neck ? I was not sure.

The haggling went on. Mr. X was taken to another corner by his policeman. The one with me started checking my bag. Luckily I wasn’t carrying my laptop. But my wallet was in the bag. I was frightened they will find the wallet and see that I have around 10 thousand. They went through my books, deodorant, hair-fixer, medicines etc., each time asking me, “What is this ?” They looked at the medicines suspiciously, as if they were prohibited drugs.

By now, I started getting bored. I wondered how it would feel to go to their bade-sahab? I will get an opportunity to learn how police stuff works out for people who are caught for public indecency. Also, I’ll see how police behaves with gays when they cannot apply 377. But what if they keep me in lockup? My parents who already don’t like that I’m gay, will now be introduced to the concept of cruising! They’ll be shocked. Also I will be outed to all relatives and co-workers with zero effort! For a few seconds, I really wanted them to arrest me !

But they were back to the same question, “So, how much fine can you give?” Thankfully, they hadn’t found my wallet. I made a sad face and told them I have no friends around who can come and give me money. And that 200 is all I have right now. Finally they got convinced of my poverty. I secretly pulled out two 100-rupee notes from my bag without showing the wallet. Handed them the precious notes, turned around and left. No sorry, no thank you.

I made sure to take the long way around the building, so they wouldn’t see me taking my bike. On my way, 2 guys came up to me and asked, “What did the police say? Where is the other guy?” I realized I had totally forgotten about Mr. X. These two must be his friends. I told them I don’t know where he went. Poor guy. He was just 18 and had panicked so much.

I reached home, silently had food with family, told the story to close friends over chat. I got all sorts of reactions – sympathy, shock, laughter and advice.

There were also some doubts- Could Mr. X be involved with the policemen? What happened with me seems to be lifted straightaway from Onir’s movie I Am Omar. Was reel life replicating itself in real life?A friend remarked, “Cruising places are dangerous because of extortionist gangs operating there. Their modus operandi involves interrogating the guy you were with, making you feel guilty for both of you. You can’t even be sure if they were the real police.” And this reminded me that the police didn’t have any badges. Was it all a scam?

I am sure this incident is very small compared to what other people have to face. I have read that people get humiliated, beaten, raped and looted for huge amounts of money by police in the name of 377 and/or public indecency. The reason I wrote this article was to remind people about the risks of cruising. If at all you go for it, remember this

Stay alert, keep looking around

Choose partners carefully, don’t trust them

Don’t tell much about yourself, don’t flaunt your money

Never panic, stay calm and confident

As for me, I’m done with all this. No more cruising. Ever.

Thank you very much

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Posted On Aug 9, 2020

It is very common for cops to lay honeytrap in cruisy areas. It is easy money. There are many unemployed blokes ready to be bait.They get a cut from the spoils. A fair muslim good looking autodriver from Malad pathanwadi in his early 20s is used by Aarey colony cops for this. He moves his butt very teasingly if a man hires his auto and on seeing some interest from the passenger through mirror he initiates a conversation and then makes passenger agree to take the auto to an isolated area of Aarey forest. The spot is within clear view of a sentry post. I lost 4k negotiated down from 10k but the threats to reveal things to office etc were very traumatising.

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Posted On Aug 9, 2020

I go to BKC many times for cruising. I met this guy on grindr and we decided to meet in BKC famous cruising spot. We met and I started *** him. After our session, when we were about to leave the place, the guy told me he lost his bike keys somewhere and we started searching his bike key near the place where I gave him a blow job. Suddenly, he said ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????. (I found it. It is in my pocket). Meanwhile, one guy came there. He was in civil dress. He asked us what are you doing here? Show me your I cards. I refused everything. So he started abusing me and told me ????? ???? ????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ???? (Don't be smart I will bring you to Police station). He was asking many questions to the another guy. I sensed something fishy. I gathered courage and replied him ?? ???? ??. ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ???????? ???? ????. (Yes, no issues. Let us go to police station.) Because of this unexpected reply, he was shocked. I realise that he is not a police and I started walking towards the main road. He shouted again ???? ?? ??? ???? ?????? (Stop, dont move, bad word) I too replied him ?? ?? ????? ???????? ?? ??. (Come with me. Let us go to police station). And I continued my walking towards the main road.

Neither that guy in civil dress followed me nor the guy whom I *** called me till date. I think it was a trap but with God's grace and with courage I somehow manage to escape.

I know everyday is not sunday so we all have to be careful ..... Because of this corona, not only uneducated but less educated (don't want to disrespect less educated hard working people) are unemployed and they may us this path of easy money.

So be careful guy.

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