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Gay Sexual Hygiene

Submitted by Ballsdeep2 Location: All India (All India, India)

I can't believe this needs to be said but Tops, Bottoms, Vers, etc. all members of this website and this community:


Please add details here of how to maintain good sexual hygiene.

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Displaying 1 to 28 of 28 comments.

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

Whenever I indulge in oral ***, i always make sure I smell and check the *** for smegma or bad odour. And more often than not i had to send tops/vers away because they either have their *** covered in smegma or the odour from their *** is absolutely revolting.

Guys, it's not that difficult. You just need to make sure you wash your *** with soap and water while you take a bath and bottoms can make sure they clean their anus by "*** Douching" (Google it). You can do this whole taking a bath everyday and right before you leave the house for Cruising as well. Drinking adequate water will also help reduce the buildup of smegma.

These are simple yet effective tricks to make the act more pleasurable for both the parties involved and makes sure a single act of passion does not turn into a lifetime of suffering by STDs or STIs.

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

Hygiene tops every other priority when it comes to ***.
I make it a point to shower well just before having *** and if that's not possible, I ensure to wash my privates thoroughly.
Regular body odour is fine.. but anything off-putting is a strict no-no.
There is no substitute to hygiene. :)

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

Smell on private parts not preferred to have fun...
Wash clean it and do it...
For top bottom both

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

Hygiene is must for me as i am pure top i used to take shower and clean my *** before any sexual encounter

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

It's so important, glad someone posted about this. With hygiene comes confidence thus pleasure follows. Write it down "Safe *** is non-negotiable".

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I shave my private parts regularly. Brush my teeth and clean my tongue everytime before meeting. Make myself smell good. On the contrary I'm into sniffing and licking/rimming sweaty ***-cracks and pits. Idk why.. Men smell makes me hard and hornier haha

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I trim my private hair weekly. I am uncut hence cleaning *** 2-3 times a day. Before oral action I wash my *** and wash again after the action is over.  Use mild soap for cleaning like DOVE or J&J baby soap. 

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CCBomb *
Posted On Feb 5, 2025

Believe it or not, having pubic hair protects you from certain types of STD's and skin diseases. It acts as the first barrier and protects your skin from coming in direct contact with your partner if he has some infection and has not told you about it. I have seen a lot pictures out here where you can clearly see the guy has some infection on his thighs or groin and they dont even know it since they have already posted the picture. Also, carrying *** wash with you and washing yourself after the act is always a good habit.

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panpipe69@gmail *
Posted On Feb 5, 2025

For some time now the head of my *** has a black coloured patch.... a kind of pigmentation?
I've ignored it for a very long time.
Is it an infectiom?

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I shave my private parts every 3 days. I'm circumcised and my medium *** looks bigger when clean-shaven. Made out with loads of guys, they enjoy *** on a clean and cut ***. I too prefer clean-shaven and clean ***. Uncut *** where the skin pulls back completely are also nice to ***. Had a bad experience with a guy who had warts under his foreskin. Luckily I pulled back his skin before I could *** him and discovered his problem

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I agree. Maintaining hygiene is very important for a good session. Here is what I do and recommend to others as well:
1. Clean your *** every day while taking a bath. If uncut, just pull back the skin as much as you can (the more the better) and wash it properly with a mild soap.
2. Clean it with water after jerking off or if you are going to have *** after you have taken a ***. For me personally, the smell or taste of *** while giving a bj is really off putting. I also don't want my partner to experience the same.
3. Wash your anus while taking a bath and before *** session. Douching is also a good idea before doing *** but if you don't have the kit or even jet in your washroom then avoid having solid food within last 6-7 hours of the session. If you have eaten something during this period, try to take a dump so that it doesn't get too messy during the session. While some people understand that sometimes these things happen and they don't mind, not everyone is as understanding.
4. Maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth and clean your tongue or use a mouthwash before and after the session. Nobody likes to smell your bad breath.
5. Use deodorant regularly. P.S.: You may not realize but IT WORKS!!
6. Trim or shave your pubic hair at a regular interval. Personally I like the shaved or properly trimmed pubic area. Not a fan of big bushes. In fact I myself don't feel comfortable meeting someone if I haven't shaved down there in a long time.
7. Inform your partner if you have a skin condition or something even if it's not STD. Again, some people may not mind it but some do.

I feel these are some basic practices which everyone should follow to make sessions more enjoyable for themselves as well as their partner(s).

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Deepakkamble *
Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I love to wash my bottom partners *** n balls area before indulging into acts.

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

@turnip57 all this is only possible when you are going to meet outside you want look best smell best but you are in a relationship or living with your top it like husband wife. How can someone like *** *** if there is no smell no taste it will feel like rubber toy the *** is reward of ***.
If you have big *** & *** strongly there will always be messy. Top has morning boner everyday he will not ask bottom to go to washroom all the horney feeling will be gone by then. After sometime both top & bottom get habit don't feel grossly anymore.
My top is into smoking he is doing from morning to night I never smoke drink I have cough problem but I not fight for this he not changing I now have stopped complaining
I like hairy *** ball it goes in my nose *** feel like tingling laugh like the feeling my top don't like hair so I am always clean
Only those who have never done will complain everything those who are in relationship or like will always compromise or stop feeling bad after sometime get used to it

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

@Asimas: Agreed. It may not matter much if you are in a relationship or living with your partner. In that case your personal preference and compatibility would matter more. There would be many guys who like golden showers or scat play but that doesn't mean it's hygienic. The thread is about sexual hygiene in general and I commented accordingly.

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Posted On Feb 5, 2025

I am uncut and I've developed a habit of retracting my foreskin before I pee and washing my *** slit/ *** head area with plain water after every time I pee. The urinal at my workplace has a loose hose attached to it for that purpose and I do the same when at home. It feels very refreshing.

I wash my foreskin and *** head thoroughly with soap everyday when I take a bath.

I think most uncut guys do not even pull back their foreskin while peeing and their *** head must marinate all day in those few remaining drops of *** or even precum. Must get stinky.

I am a top, but if I feel like there might be a possibility of me getting rimmed, I douche myself well, several times over.

I only rimm *** that smell clean and try and use a mouthwash after rimming. Not right in front of my date/partner but as soon as I can. If I am outside and not carrying a mouthwash, after the date/*** I buy a large packaged water bottle and gargle thoroughly.

I do not engage in make out sessions with dudes who wear deodorants, perfume, moisturiser, lotions, potions, talcum powder on their skin or lip balm, beard/moustache gel, etc because if i do I always end up with some shitty bitter chemical-y after taste in my *** and throat which at times doesn't go away for hours. Makes me wanna puke. How am I supposed to lick or kiss my partners body if it is covered in cosmetics or such chemicals?

Also, if youre having *** in forest type crusing spots, avoid "gajar ghaas" , the tall wild *** that causes skin rashes and itching. Avoid putting your palm or fingers on dirty tree trunks because you might put them in your partners *** later. Avoid being bare feet in such crusing spots frequented by gay men, because sometimes there are tips of used syringes lying around.

Same with walls of dirty bathrooms or old buildings, avoid getting your fingers or hands on those walls. Because you'll touch each others private parts with the same hands.

And @panpipe69, you should show that to a doctor, could probably just be a melanin pigmentation patch or melasma but no one can tell you here for sure. Better to consult a doctor and end the worries. I hope its nothing.

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Posted On Feb 6, 2025

I have foreskin and am very cautious about the urin retained in the foreskin and precum..
So everytime after pee.. I neatly wash my *** head...
I also keep a small piece of tissue inside my foreskin so the foreskin is clean so are my underwear

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Posted On Feb 6, 2025

Everyone here is talking about personal hygiene which everyone should maintain irrespective of whether u r engaged in any sexual activity or not. Bad oral hygiene, smegma, smelly and dirty private parts are not only a big turnoff for ur partner but also can be reason for transmission of infections with or without ***. So it should be ur moral responsibility to maintain hygiene in general.

Coming to sexual hygiene, it depends. People like to go dirty like *** play, *** play, licking with lots of saliva spreaded on body, rimming etc. afterall a good *** does includes all this right. Its also not uncommon to get dirty during *** even if u are douched or taken all hygiene routine. Its all part of *** and nothing to worry if u maintain general hygiene standards and not engaged with random partners every time . After sexual activity u just need to follow regular regime like cleaning private parts with soap and water, better to take bath, gargle with antiseptic *** wash etc. if its not possible to do it immediately always keep antiseptic wipes to clean the area and than bath/wash with soap and water as soon as possible.
And remeber not to go to extream with random and cruising partners and take all safety precautions to avoid infections

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Posted On Feb 6, 2025

@Andy69luv try and avoid tissue paper around there. I've read few articles that say tissue paper bleaching and manufacturing leaves unhealthy chemicals on them.

Might I suggest you try cotton instead. The kind we buy from medical stores for the purpose of bandaging wounds. This alternative seems far more natural.

Nice to read someone else also washes *** head post peeing.

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Posted On Feb 7, 2025

Plz be clean and make habbit of being clean atleast prior meeting anyone.

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Posted On Feb 8, 2025

To all the ones here most of them mention about having a Clean *** or *** and their habits to have it clean so the partner won't gross out .

But what does sexual hygiene really mean ?

Sexual hygiene refers to hygiene practices which help PREVENTION OF SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES !

it's not only having a nice trimmed pubic hair to make your *** appealing or a nice groomed *** to make it look good nor it is to have a smelly ***
Yes hygiene is good and it makes things more appealing and less gross.
Here i mention the ones which aren't mentioned by others but are really worth mentioning

1)But there can be individuals with all douched *** ,but when you participate in *** *** and again put your male organ into the *** of the recipient it is harmful to him !
That is a barred practice of sexual hygiene !
This can lead to diseases such as diarrhoea / Dysentery
It can be a mild ecoli infection or a severe SHIGELLOSIS

2)Switching of condoms after *** and oral

3)the best sexual hygiene is CONDOM even though not 100 percent succesful it can act as a barrier to certain extent .


5) MONOANDRY can be the modern mantra for sexual hygiene you can know more about in my previous threads

6)Washing your organs after *** letbit be *** , male organ , anus

7)Peeing after *** can significantly reduce the chances of having a UTI (Trust me the bact are getting charged imto superbugs and don't self treat pls do consult a skilled medical professional to effectively treat and prevent antibiotic resistance )

8)Pubic hair as mentioned by someone is a NATURAL DEFENSE BARRIER don't just remove it but trim it to make things appealing especially with strangers as pubic hair prevents dirt Or dust from settling on your skin and shaving can cause abrasions which might lead to easily spread of disease like herpes , genital warts.Syphilis etc.

9)DON'T OVERWASH = if you overwash its going to do more harm than good it can lead to skin irritation and later can be root cause to dermatological problems

10)Regarding smell = you can avoid such smell by washing once a day and PAT DRY THE AREA and as mentioned by others retraction of *** when you pee and letting all the drops go, wearing COTTON clothes to let the groin breath and have enough passion to acceot the smell of your partner (you can't change your wife if she smells bad that's the bacteria their food habit and many other factors affecting the smell we are in India we sweat we smell ) Just have a nice shower before you meet your partner if they are grossed out

Thank you

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Posted On Feb 10, 2025

*** education must be an important topic in schools. Cut *** are definitely clean. Most tops here don't give a crap about hygiene. *** to *** can lead to infection for bottom. One way for smell is what we eat. If you are hydrated enough and eat less spicy food or have bad stomach can lead to smells. juice fruits definitely reduces the smell to a large extent.

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Posted On Feb 15, 2025

I will be glad if everyone at least follows basic, non sexual, school level guideline of having bath at least once a day and brushing 2 times (flossing is a plus). I am rather shocked to see most Indians don't brush before sleeping. Flossing is out of syllabus for us, many don't even know what that means. For me thought about bacteria feeding on food in between my teeth gives sleepless nights if for some reason I don't get to brush. If you do this you won't need to chew mints at last point to hide your smells. And if you have already developed bad breath and yellow teeth, brushing even 5 times a day won't do anything. Go to dentist and demand teeth cleaning. Takes about half hour and bad breath goes away like magic, and unlike mint it's permanent solution (provided you start following proper oral hygiene routine afterwards).

And before hookups, smell yourself. It's natural to have sweat accumulated if you are outside for hours after bathing, especially in city like mumbai. If your armpits are smelling, you can only imagine how it might be smelling down there. Avoid using scents on skin to hide smell, you don't want chemicals and your hidden but existing bacteria filled sweat to go into someone's ***. Use scents only if you are going to your college/work and return home, plain and vanilla. In sweaty scenarios i either restrict myself to spots like 2*2 where only hj might be possible or If I want more, i try to meet guys through grindr who can host and inform them outright that i am all messy rn and whether taking shower will be allowed at his place before meeting them. Most guys will allow it. You know yourself better than anyone else, and it should be embarrassing for adults that other adults inform them about their smells and request to take shower

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Posted On Feb 15, 2025

I focus on brushing because with bad oral hygiene even unprotected oral *** can be dangerous enough to transmit HIV. Plaque and hardened yellow tartar build up tends to put gums under stress and they often bleed, we all know HIV gets transmitted by blood and semen. Virus can easily enter bloodline with oral *** if you have bleeding gums. Also don't *** strangers without condoms for few hours after brushing, as brushing will usually form unnoticeable tears on gums, which are enough for HIV to get in

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Posted On Feb 15, 2025

Not one to post usually but i just wanted to bring to attention something i read a while ago.
Brushing before oral *** is to be discouraged, brushing can cause microcuts/abrasions that are allegedly "highways to the blood stream" making you more prone to contracting infections, use mouthwash maybe. Excessive scrubbing/ lack of lubrication while inserting anything into your behind / stuffing irregular shaped objects up there can also result in microtears in the lining, leading to the same.
You're more than welcome to research this for yourself.
Be responsible, and haffun you lovely bunch of people!

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Posted On Feb 16, 2025

@Chub_bot - thank you for these very important points on sexual hygiene. Much appreciated.

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Posted On Feb 18, 2025

For Fellatio make sure the Foreskin opens completely exposing Glans (head) and clean it. If doesn't open its a problem any grade of Phimosis it's an long term issue for men's health get it medically checked, rectify it.

For Analingus it's easy. Go to washroom wash it thoroughly.

And use protection always.

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Posted On Feb 18, 2025

@Chub bot writes and I quote,
" Brushing before oral *** is to be discouraged, brushing can cause microcuts/abrasions that are allegedly "highways to the blood stream" making you more prone to contracting infections, use mouthwash.........."

This is the most absurd advise I have ever read. For a healthy gum & teeth, brushing doesn't cause microcuts or abrasions; bleeding, irritation or pain occurs only if your gums are inflamed and diseased, in other words, you have periodontitis. The signs of periodontitis are red, swollen or tender gums, bleeding gums or bleeds when you brush, receding gum line, pain while chewing and bad breath. For a good oral hygene, beside flossing and brushing twice a day, atleast once a year, you should visit dentist for dental cleaning and once in two years you need deep cleaning.
My boy freind likes to french kiss me early in the morning as soon as I get up, before brushing my teeth; he always gives me a compliments by saying, how come your breath never smells.

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Posted On Feb 18, 2025

Personal hygene is necessary & importatnt but don't be obssesed with it else, you will not enjoy ***. Like in mid 1990s I used to think & behave like you guys are doing right now.
In those days, the medical science was not that advance but in 21st century, we have cure for all kinds of STDs whether bacterial or viral STDs. I do take precaution but I am not
as scared as I used to be. I don't take so much precaution about oral *** because it's very difficult to get HIV via oral ***. As regards to *** ***, if I am not comfortable with my
*** partner, I use condom, if I am comfortable, I don't use condom. Believe me guys *** without condom is so much better, you may even not need viagra or cialis if you are having ***
without condom. Well this is my peronal choice & opinion and in no way I am trying to advise, influence or coerce anybody on this thread to have *** without condom.