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Height of pervertness

Submitted by Rahul xv Location: All India (All India, India)

Share crazy and pervert feelings ..what you have done crazy in the past and what you want to do which gives you difference experience

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Posted On Oct 12, 2024

Once in a loo there where 3 old uncle take me to a room and lock it from inside and and make me nude and finger my *** one my one the lick my *** and *** and nipples till I *** . I *** 7 times in their *** they all where lick my body and *** on my *** I was awesome feeling all are above 60 plus uncles and I like old uncle when they do this kind of stuff

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

I like old uncle who are pervert and do things with me grope me finger my *** *** my *** I love horney pervert uncle who want to eat young boy like me also love to fullfill their incest fantasy

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

I have a matured +45 slave who likes to play with my *** and clean it. Likes to drink my *** and be my dog. He likes to take pain and humiliation. He is both cuck and inc. anyone +45 with similar fantasy ping me

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

@love_cruising your experience is awsome .. I have tried the same with my nephew when he was in 10th and now he got into college

The difference is I succeeded and still we have fun secretly whenever we get time … boys nowadays are not shy and very open and most of them are good bottoms and they love to *** and get *** badly

Even if they have girl friend they are curious to *** *** and get *** ..

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Posted On Oct 13, 2024

Good you did not proceed..
There are certain boundaries....

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

थोड़े टाइम पहले मेरी बुआ ने नया मोबाइल लिया तो पुराना वाला मुझे दे दिया।
मेरा मोबाइल बहुत पुराना था तो मेने बुआ का फोन रख लिया और मेरे वाला बेचने का सोचा
मैं में मार्केट में गया वहा कुछ शॉप थी जिनपे रेट जानने के लिए गया । एक शॉप थी जिसने एक हैंडसम बंदा बैठा हुआ था जो 35 साल का होगा। हाफ शर्ट पहनी थी, बाइसेप्स बड़े थे, चौड़ा सीना, बड़ी गोल आंखे जो भूरी थी हल्की सी जैसे ऐश्वर्या राय की है और शेप की हुई दाढ़ी मूंछ, देखते ही मन होता था के काश इसके साथ s*x हो जाए एक बार बस, मर्दाना आवाज और खुले batton से दिखते छाती के बाल मन मचल जाता ही इसे मर्दों को देख कर।

में उसकी शॉप पे पहले काफी बार गया हूं मोबाइल की एक्सेसरी लेने पर कभी।उसको अकेला नही देखा, दो लड़के काम करते ही वही कस्टमर हो सामान देते थे।
में जब गया तो शायद वो बाहर गए हो या खाना खाने गए हो ,
मेने जानबूझ कर gay p*rn ki video hidden फ़ोल्डर से में गैलरी में डाल दी , और गूगल पे भी gay hot pics खोल दी, उसके अलावा मेरी एक दो बिना शर्ट वाली pic भी गैलरी में डाल जिसमे मेरा एक हाथ मेरी चूची पर था।
बस 5 मिनिट में उसकी दुकान के सामने ये सब किया और फिर मोबाइल लेके उसकी दुकान में गया।।
दोपहर थी तो कोई कस्टमर भी नहीं था।
मेने कहा ये मोबाइल बेचना ही तो कितने में जायेगा ?
उसने मॉडल पूछा और कब लिया था ये पुछा
मेने बताते हुए मोबाइल उसको दे दिया लॉक खोल के। वो मोबाइल कैमरा चेक करने लगा तो उसी के दुकान की एक फोटो उसको देखने लगा क्लियरिटी के लिए तो गैलरी में उसकी नजर मेरे पिक पे भी गई वो वो मेरी तरफ देखने लगा।और फिर उसने गैलरी के वीडियो भी देख लिए पर कुछ नही बोला। में भी मोबाइल में देख ही रहा था। उसने यूट्यूब खोला और पूछा साउंड केसा है तो मेने बोला बजा के देख लो फिर साउंड चेक करके बोला ठीक ही साउंड और फिर उसने कीमत बताई 5000 तो मुझे कम लगी।
मोल भाव करते हुए मेने कहा इंटरनेट स्पीड देखी बहुत शानदार ही 5g सपोर्ट करता है ऐसा बोल के मेने उस से गूगल खुलवा दिया जुसमे गय पिक सर्च किए हुए थे। वो देख के बोला 5000 ही दे सकता हूं इस मोबाइल के।
वो गूगल पे फोटो देख रहा था नीचे स्क्रोल कर कर के तो मुझे लगा इसको इंट्रेस्ट आ रहा है तो मेने बोला 5000 k साथ कुछ और दोगे ?
वो बोला और क्या चाहिए तुझे ?
मेने कहा आप बताओ क्या दोगे ? वो बोला ग्लास गार्ड लगा दूंगा तेरे नए मोबाइल पर,
मैने पूछा और क्या दोगे ?
उसने बोला एक इयरफोन ले लेना ।
वो मोबाइल में gay k*ss, s*ck के पिक देखते ही जा रहा पर कुछ हिंट नी दे रहा था की उसको s*x करने में इंट्रेस्ट है या नहीं।
दस मिनट तक मोबाइल देखा पूरा पर मुझे कीमत नहीं जम रही थी और न उसका इंटरेस्ट दिख रहा था तो मेने बोला के में घर पूछ के बताता हूं और मोबाइल लेके आने लगा।
उसने बोला के तेरे नंबर देजा अगर कोई कस्टमर आयेगा तो बता दूंगा तुझे।
मेने अपना नंबर दे दिया और आ गया।
अगले दिन दोपहर में फिर फोन आया और बोला के एक कस्टर आया है फोन दिखाने आ सकता है क्या ?
मेने कहा15 मिनिट लगेंगे।
उसने बोला आजा
में गया उसकी दुकान पर आज मेने फोन से सब वो वाली चीज हटा दी थी।
उसकी दुकान पे गया तो कोई कस्टमर नही था।मेने उसको पूछा के किसको दिखाना है फोन तब उसने बोला के कस्टमर तो चला गया
फिर उसने फोन लिया और देखने लगा तो फोन में कुछ नहीं था।
वो बोला के वो सब हटा दिया क्या,?
मैने बोला हा बेचना ही न तो सब डिलीट कर दिया
फिर मेने आगे रह के पूछ लिया आपको पसंद आया था क्या वो ?
वो कुछ नहीं बोला।
मेने बोला कस्टमर तो नहीं है तो में जाता हूं । फिर तब जाके वो बोला के "करेगा"
मेने पूछा क्या?
वो बोला जो कल मोबाइल में था वो
तब मेने देर ना करते हुए उसको पूछा के कहा कर सकते है तो वो बोला रात को 10 बजे आना यही फिर बताता हूं
में रात को गया तब वो मुझे शॉप की शटर गिरा के शॉप में पूछे ले गया जहा कैमरा नहीं था
वहा जाके सब उसने मेरा l*nd पकड़ा और बोला के मूंह में देते तब पता चला के वो मर्दाना बॉडी में एक प्यासा बॉटम है। उसको देख के लगता था के ये स्ट्रेट होगा या top होगा पर उसने तो सीधे मुंह खोल के मेरा चूसने लगा।
मेने भी बिना रुके चूसने दिया और उसने धीरे धीरे मेरा पूरा पेंट और अंडरवियर निकाल दिया।
चूसते टाइम वो मेरी आंखों में ही देखता रहा पूरे टाइम।
जब मेरा निकलने वाला था तो मेने कहा उसको तो बोला अभी मत निकालो और झट से पीछे हट गया मुंह से l*nd बाहर करते हुए
मेने थोड़ा रिलेक्स किया और फिर l*nd शांत हुआ तो वो फिर अपना पेंट खोल के झुकने लगा मेरे सामने तो मेने मना कर दिया बिना कंडोम के करने से, वैसे भी मुझे बड़ी एज वाले बॉटम नहीं पसंद।
तो वो फिर चूसने लगा और बोला की उसका मन तो g*nd में लेने का है। पर में बिना कुछ बोले उसकी गर्दन को पकड़ के अंदर बाहर करने लगा उसके मुंह में।।
बीच में मेने uska l*nd पकड़ने की कोशिश की तो हाथ नही लगाने देता
पर एक बार जबरजस्ती हाथ में लिया उसका तो बहुत ही छोटा था मूंगफली जैसा।
यकीन नहीं हुआ के एक गदरिले मर्द का एसा l*nd हो सकता है जैसा किसी बच्चे का हो। गोटिया भी छोटी छोटी थी
मेने अपना हाथ हटाया और दोनो हाथ से उसका सिर पकड़ा और झटके देना शुरू कर दिया और तब तक सिर नहीं छोड़ा जब तक के मेरा सारा वीर्य उसके गले में उतर गया।
हालाकि वो वीर्य मुंह में लेना नहीं चाह रहा था पर पता नहीं क्यों मुझे हल्की सी चीड़ आ गई थी , वो मेरा l*nd or वीर्य मुंह से निकलना चाह रहा था पर मेने कस के पकड़ा था तो सिर्फ मुंह से थोड़ी लार की बूंदे ही बाहर आ सकी।

उसके बाद हमने बिना कुछ बोले कपड़े पहने और काउंटर पर आए ,उसने शटर उठाई और बोला प्लीज किसी को बोलना मत।
मेने कहा नही बोलूंगा चिंता मत करो।
उसके बाद 2 दिन बाद दोपहर में उसने फिर कॉल किया और बोला मोबाइल के 6000 बिकवा देगा। हालाकि मेने मना कर दिया मोबाइल बेचने से।
फिर वो बोला ऐसा कर रात को आ 10 बजे के बाद
मेने फिर माना कर दिया क्योंकि मुझे अब उसके साथ s*x नही करना था
पर उसने बोला के नही करेंगे कुछ , ऐसे ही आजा एक बार तो फिर में गया

वहा गया तो उसने मुझे एक इयरफोन देके बोला ये मेरी तरफ से गिफ्ट है
मेने लेने से मना कर दिया, मुझे उस से फ्री में कुछ लेने का मन नही था।
पर वो और ऑप्शन देने लगा चीजों के जो पसंद है वो लेलो (हालाकि सब 1000 से 1500 के बीच की होगी) पता नही क्यों उसके मुझे गिफ्ट देने में इतना इंट्रेस्ट था

फिर मेने बोल दिया के आप इतना क्यों कर रहे हो , कोई जरूरत नहीं इन चीजों की वो में किसी को कुछ नहीं बोलूंगा चिंता मत करो और में वहा से आ गया।।

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

When I was studying in 8th. The coconut climber who was 46+ he regularly visit my house as he was the bar mate of my grandfather and he look after our farms. I put my moom's used panties and bra on the farm toilet for him to see. And he used to sniff it. One day I saw he was drunk and smoking beedi on our backyard I put mom's dress and open my window slightly. He saw me and come closer to window and began to touch himself. I got the backyard toilet acting like I didn't saw him. He followed me and entered inside toilet and kiss me hard s**k my lips cheeks and tough. He got a sweaty big black co**k I swallow it. He deep throat me till I vomit. And turn around and press his dirty a*s towards my face. And forcefully make me lick it. He crush my whole body with his iron hands. Pinch, bite and press my b**bs and nipples. Finger my a** hole. And c*m inside my throat making me drink.

The highlight was he call me with my moom's name through out the session

Later it become a daily routine for me to serve that black hung uncle. He also offer me to some of his friends.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

I once got my *** pounded hard by a 60 year old village uncle on a charpai (wooden bed) under the night sky right outside his house almost on the road. Neighbouring houses could have seen us. But it was still fun. I had gone to my relative's house which is situated in remote isolated village area. During the night in summer it's cooler outside in the breeze instead of inside the house. My distant cousin's father's friend was heavily drunk that night. And the whole village knew about him being a drunken jobless tharki always *** ki d of a guy. He was staring at my big juicy girly fat *** since five days. And whenever he used to get a chance to touch my ***, he used to touch my *** and smile and passionately lewd comments on my ***. He had a big thick black *** also. I didn't tell anyone about him touching my *** and I didn't visibly get angry at him for touching my *** and passing comments on me as well so he thought I am enjoying this. He flashed his *** to me. It was a black monster. We had gone there to celebrate my cousin's wedding to which this friend of my cousin's father was also invited. After celebrating and getting heavily drunk at night nobody was in sense and people just slept wherever they got a chance. I didn't drink. I was sleeping alone on the wooden bed. This guy found me lying on the bed with on my stomach with my *** pointing up towards the sky. He took advantage of the situation and started pulling my pants down and licking smacking and slurping on my *** cheeks and *** hole. After some kisses and foreplay he poured mustard oil on my *** and started pushing his *** into my *** and soon started ploughing my *** hard. I got *** like a stupid bitch.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

My boyfriend and I got drunk at his friends place. We were monogamous until that night when I started being a whore and fought with my boyfriend. All his friends got angry for the kind of filthy things I was talking so they decided to whore the *** out of me. He told me would enjoy me watch getting raped and abused by his friends. There were 4 of them who tied me up with my legs apart and slapped my balls n hole. *** my nipples and slapped me so much. They pulled my hair and squeezed my balls to torture me. My boyfriend started pissing in my *** when they *** my ***. One guy was stamping on my balls and keeps abusing me. They used *** to lube my hole and pissed in my *** after finishing. Then they all cheered my boyfriend to *** me while making me lick their floor, feet n armpits. I still remember the way he pounded my hole when he’s angry jealous and hates me. It was the best. They gave me too drink after that and let me sleep but they kept taking turns 2-3 times flooding my hole with their ***. And they got their waiters also to *** me. 2 Biharis abused me in Hindi and *** me. Got *** by 6 guys that night multiple times. Wasn’t able to walk so my boyfriend got me home some how and fingered my hole all night and pissed in it all night

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

Some other Height of pervertness that I have done is:

1. When I was teen, I used to smell & feel the underwear of one of my tenants who was 3-4 years elder to me. His clothes were let to dry at the terrace. I was so mad to touch his *** that during an event when he was wearing a kurta payjama, his *** line was visible and I got tempted beyond my control. Whenever I had to pass along him, I tried to be very close to him and passed my hand through his crotch. Making it to appear an accidental touch. I loved it then.
But now when I recall the moment, I feel it was stupid of me. He would have very well known that that touch was intentional and I am gay.

2. During my teens, when I was introduced to ***, the addiction for *** got another level. There was an uncle in my area in 30s. I knew he has *** in his phone and computer. I visited his home often since we were close and I played with their baby. During that time, I used to find moments, to sneak into his phone and watch some *** content and again keep back the phone before anyone sees. I used to play rhymes for the baby on their computer. One day, I found there was a pen drive connected to his computer that was full of *** videos. With lots of guts, I stole that pen drive and brought to my home and copied all the videos on my computer. Next day, I casually went to that Uncle's house and kept back the pen drive at the Same place. Lol. God knows whether they discovered the missing pen drive that night or not.

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

Well I have encountered far many perverted men in my life than anyone could even think of. These encounters are frequently from random men. However, I wanna share one instance which tool place recently. There was one creepy old man who used to regularly follow me in the bus everyday and stare at me. Although I have caught him many times starting at me creepily, I ignored him thinking that he must mentally ill. One day, the bus was very crowded and I was standing in the bus. He saw me standing and he came and stood behind me. As I have seen his creepy behaviour before, I was a bit cautious about this guy thinking that he may try to steal something from me. To my shock, he started rubbing his big *** against my sexy big white *** while pretending that it was accidental. Ofcourse I knew that he was doing it intentionally and I was feeling extremely awkward and embarassed to even react. I acted normal and ignored him as I was feeling shocked and scared thinking if anyone would notice. He got bolder and started to scratching his rough stubble beard and moustache on the back of my neck while whispering something into my ears. I was literally scared. Fortunately, I found a seat in the front and sat there. He creepily followed me there and stood right beside me. He was fully hard and I could see his big *** bulging out of his trousers. He brought it closer to my face and I didn't know how to react. Later, I got down at my stop. Soon after I got down, he too got down from the bus and he started following me at a distance. I was literally confused and didn't know what to do. I gathered all my courage and went to him and asked him what he wanted. He shamelessly told me that he has been fantasizing about me everyday and even jerks off several times a day fantasizing about me. He said that he's crazy about me and is very eager to *** me. Hearing this, I became shocked. He told me that he has a room and he doesn't mind to even pay me to *** me once. He was talking without any inhibitions and that kind of made me blush. He immediately got the signal and instructed me to just come to his room. He took me to his room and he enjoyed me for the whole night. We have met a couple of times after that. He once asked me if I can be his wife so that he can take me to his native village and *** me everyday..

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Posted On Oct 14, 2024

I was going home by trying to hitch-hike, no one was stopping at first, then a guy stopped and offered me lift on his two wheeler, he said he was going to use the same route. I was so happy that I finally got a ride.

While on the move, he started chit-chatting and asked me to be comfortable, I told him that I am comfortable. Then he asked me to sit closer to him, otherwise I would fall off. I sat a bit more closer, he again asked me to sit further closer, to this I kindly refused. To this, he moved back a little and was almost at my crotch. I was feeling weird but I ignored as long as I reached near my home. The next he does is - he started talking about girls, and asked me questions, if I have seen boobs in real, if I have touched a girl, if I was a virgin, if I masturbated, if I liked boobs or *** more, many more questions on the same lines. I awkwardly answered a few, mumbled or ignored the rest. I would admit here, those questions did turn me ON, I was getting hard. His intention was that only, on pretense of scratching his back, he breezed through by crotch area, I felt his hands on my hard ***. He must have also felt that, this happened a few times, then he just placed his hands on my crotch and started feeling it. He also passed a comment that I was enjoying our talks. I just replied that anyone will get hard if they talk about girls, boobs and ***.. He kept on groping and rubbing my ***. The next thing he did was to unzip my pants, that guy was riding his two-wheeler while trying all sorts of things. I didn’t resist till he unzipped me fully and put his hand inside, trying to move my underwear aside and touch my raw skin. At this point I was too turned on, hard AF and also could feel all the pre-*** oozing in my underwear, though his shenanigans felt real good but it felt weird and freaky too, so I moved his hand away. He must have felt that he was almost there.

Then he didn’t attempt to touch, next he stopped his vehicle and asked me to get down for a bit. I was uncomfortable, since I had a hard-on and it was very clearly visible over my pants. He looked so happy seeing that and kept on ogling at my crotch. He asked me how I was feeling, I told him ok and ignored him.

The place we were standing was near a barren land, with not much people near. I would be lying if I say that I was not scared. I asked him if we can continue moving or if I should get another ride or walk. To that he said, he just had to pee urgently. He asked me if I wanted to, I obviously knew he wanted to see my ***, so refused. He then went to just a few meters away, probably so that I can clearly watch him. I turned away and waited, then he shouted the fake name that I gave him, I thought he must have been done. So I turned around, to my surprise he still had his *** out, he just wanted to show his ***. He had a fully hard *** and was slightly stroking. This was the first time I had seen a ***, obviously other than mine and a few accidental ones. I am not gonna lie, he had a huge ***. After getting a glance, I told him that I was leaving, I will manage somehow.

He must have felt that it’s not working, so he straight away jumped to the point - he asked me if I will allow him to *** my ***. He said that it won’t take much time and no-one is ever gonna know about it. He also gave all sorts of offers, he even said that he will take me to a MILF and show me what real *** is. I was *** but scared too, too many uncertainties, so I said no and walked off.

Thankfully, he didn’t follow me and went his way.

I sometimes wonder, how it would have felt if I have given in to my *** self, haha.

(Answered in a rush, will later on edit and try to detail out more and refine it, incase anyone is interested!)

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

Guys share more experiences.. all the perversion stories are best .. very interesting forum

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

When I was a teenager I was into guys who were at least 5-10 years older to me. The thought of men a little older to me, but not too much would get me pre cumming. There were several incidents during my teenage years where I would day dream about *** of people around me, just to see or touch and to watch or feel it getting erect was fascinating. There was this guy who was my neighbour, we used to call him bhaiya only at my age back then. He was 7 years older to me, in college. Tall, fair skinned, jawline for day and lean body type. I just knew he would have a very nice ***. His thick lips and big eyes were so pretty. I somehow wanted to just touch him. I those days when I was young in my village people wouldn't be able to date much, let alone gays, but "straight" guys were super chill and *** and would casually have *** with gay guys because *** was rare but bussy was available. So I had already know that this "bhaiya" doesn't mind feelings a guy and rubbing bodies together to ***.

One time due to a wedding in their house, he slept in our house in my room. My room also had one of my cousins of my age and my neighbour. I couldn't sleep that night knowing he's sleeping right next to me. Why it was so irresistible is that I have actually felt his *** before and he has also felt my *** before. It happened twice. Once when I was sitting in his laptop he started to get hard. He was only 17 and I was 11 back then. So I wanted to feel it again. I knew he wanted to also but of course the age gap made it wierd for him.

I was a very *** kid so I didn't want to waste this opportunity. I was a small kid so slowly I slid towards him on the bed and I came very close to him. He was sleeping in his white vest and loose shorts with loose underwear too. I could see his face a little bit in the dark. First I made sure I don't look like a pervert and tried touching him randomly on his stomach and chest and waist area. Once I was sure he'll not wake up I bravely started going for the crotch area. I put my hand on his inner thigh area right besides his *** but not on his ***. I kept my hand here for a minute. My heartbeat was racing faster than Ferrari. I could feel his *** with the back of my fingers. And then I started touching his *** very gently and slowly and I kept checking whether he is awake or properly sleeping. Now I our my whole palm, gently and softly on his *** and by this time his *** was semi hard but just a few seconds when I touched the whole ***, it started to grow. Slowly he was getting hard and I could feel him get har through the shorts. It was amazing. A small honey teenager was living his perverted fantasies and my mind was blown. I wanted him and to touch his *** for 2-3 years and now I could feel it completely.

Now I didn't want to waste this night just by feeling it over the shorts. So I got more brave, and because he wasn't waking up, I slid my hands inside his shorts and underwear. But this time I didn't care whether he would wake up or not. Because I could feel him get complete hard so he might be dreaming of *** or might know what is happening but didn't get up because he was getting touched. In any case, it was a win win for both.

When I took his whole *** in my hand, the warmth of his *** made me hard and I was pretty cumming a lot. Also, his *** was better than I imagined because it was long but it was thick. So thick. He must be 7.5-8 inches but thickness was even more impressive. My whole hand didn't fit (Ofcourse my hands were small too but I'm 24 now and my hands are pretty much the same back then)

I started to gently stroke it and I could see him enjoying it in his dream. Whenever he would move even the slightest I stop jerking him but I would keep my hand on his *** only. I was afraid if I let it go once, I might not be able to insert my hand in his underwear again or if he sleeps on his stomach then also the opportunity will be gone. So I kept doing this. Gently stroking his ***. It was a great night. The only thing better would if we got to feel each other naked because back then I was doing a lot of SIDE stuff. There was no word for SIDE then, but I was into it a lot and mostly do body rubbing naked with guys and not ***. It was so hot! I still get hard thinking about him. He's married and have kids now though. I still know how his *** feels and whenever I see him, I still get a hard on but I'm mature now so I behave. I don't know whether he realised I masturbated him that night. I believe that he did, he didn't in the beginning ofcourse but when I was satisfied with touching his *** and took my hand out, he seemed to want it. He twisted and turned a bit after that without waking up and put his hand on my waist and brought me close to his crotch area, now I could feel his hard *** on my *** but he didn't do anything. He didn't rub it against me or anything. He just slept and in the morning we were a little away because I might have moved in my sleep. Nobody said anything because he was older although he was himself a teenager at that time.

I still like these moments more than *** right away. The mystery in not knowing who's gay, straight or bi was fun back then. The feeling of bodies and rubbing *** with friends, was so satisfying. Simpler times aahhhj

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Rahul xv
Posted On Oct 15, 2024

My pervertness is whenever I see any lonely public places i started dreaming about masturbating, taking selfies and videos there.

daily i go to office in cab..it's a long bus, whenever there are few persons in the bus , i go to back seats and start playing with *** and masturbation. I have done it for 6 to 7 times till now while crossing Kukatpally to hitech city. I feel awesome doing nasty things in public places.

Yesterday one girl in another bus caught me doing that and she was smiling. I think she saw me halk naked as i pulled my down pants till my foot.

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024


Amazing real experience mate .. many of us would have undergone such experience atleast once in our lifetime .. I remember lots of my teenage experiences by reading your experience

I wish I would share a lot here

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Posted On Oct 15, 2024

@manlymeat30 thanks, hope to read your stories too