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Loo near Pune-Bremen Circle Aundh

Submitted by Raemo Location: Pune (Maharashtra, India)

This place starts getting hotter post 8 pm. Never expected, but people start coming in the loo... and sometimes wait there till they spot good people... but usually middle aged people come there.....will be visiting there again...

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Posted On Jul 31, 2022

@Cjostin. Yes this spot is active. Saw few really hot guys cruising around on Saturday. But it's not just a loo with partisions. It's common toilet and very dirty.

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Posted On Aug 3, 2022

I visited the Parihar Chowk today! A straight daddy was jerking off and moaning! However, when I entered he already came in the urinal 😭 Better luck next time!

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Posted On Sep 21, 2022

I really had a great fun in loo opposite Spicer college. Dont know what's the status now.

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Posted On Nov 23, 2022

Recently I was caught by cops at this spot late night. This is what happened.

It must have been beyond midnight that I went there for cruising. Had gone there a couple of times around the same time and had actually found genuine cruising gays who blew me and were interacting with one another. This one time when I went there, there was only one empty rickshaw parked outside, so I thought the driver must be inside. When I went inside there was an middle-aged, dirty, ugly man leaning against the wall of the entrance barrier with his pants halfway down the thighs and openly shagging (red flag #1).
I didn't pay heed to him as he was really ugly and smelly. So i just went up to the urinal and decided to wait there for some time. This guy started hissing and gesturing me to approach him, but didn't move away from the entrance. I didn't want to. But i still stepped back and stood inside the loo only. He wanted me to touch his ***. It was so gross i didn't. But he was still whispering saying "koi nahi hai, aa jao" while glancing outside, as if keeping a watch, but not moving away from the entrance (red flag #2).
I didn't touch him at all, nor was genuinely interested. But still decided to wait there hoping someone nice would come. Since I was not indulging him or approaching him, he decided to move a little towards me, yet staying in the view of the entrance still (red flag #3).
Thinking it was getting too much, I decided to leave and come back a little later after taking a round on my bike around the block. But just as I was about to step out, two middle aged men walked in authoritatively and blocked the entrance and asked "kay challay". The ugly guy scampered. I remained cool (but still had a lump in my throat) and responded "nothing just came here to pee". They were like "yeah we know what you were doing inside." After a little bit of "no you're wrong" and "don't fool us" and all that, I said ok let's go. This ugly guy had till then ran away, but one of them caught up with him. They both came on his bike and i took the other C0p$ on my bike.
At the c0p$ station, they were trying to intimidate the ugly guy because he was obviously poor looking, by fake-slapping him and threatening him to put him in the lockup. One of them even raised a chair to thrash him but did not (red flag #4). Meanwhile the other c0p$ guy was looking at me to see how scared I was. But I wasn't, for some reason. They tried to repeat the same question to both of us. The ugly guy said I was touching his ***. I was like "Me? touch you? have you looked at yourself?... and I don't need to go to any public toilet to do all this business".
C0p$ guy: We know what goes on in there, we have cameras outside to see who is inside for how long.
Me: OK then you would know that i wasn't inside for more than 2 mins (which was true. And I was confident and not scared because I know no one had seen me inside. since i was well concealed.)
C0p$ to me: Tell us what you were doing inside and we will let you go. We are trying to help you only. you are from a good background. you don't want any cases registered against yuo.
Me: What case will you register? you can register whatever you want, i am not gonna sign any of that when i told you i wasn't doing anything.
C0p$: But he (the ugly guy) is saying that you were touching him
Me: He is lying. Even I could lie and say anything, that doesn't mean it's true. You are not believing what I am saying right now, why should you believe him?
C0p$: Then you also say that he was touching you! (red flag #5)
Me: Listen, i am not gonna make any false statements just to get out. I was not doing anything what you think I was. I know what circumstances you bumped into me inside, but that doesn't prove anything. if you want to register a case, please do. but i am not going to lie.
During all this, the other C0p$ guy was trying to intimidate the ugly guy even more, but not once was he actually physically hurt (red flag #6). I knew they were trying to get me to turn on him so that it gets complicated and shitty, but i knew where that would've led to. I finally asked them how much they wanted. I shall not divulge the further details after this, but came back without losing anything.

The c0p$ had planted the ugly guy in the loo. But so stupid of them to think that gay guys like us would actually go for a stinking filthy beggar like guy for some sexual adventurism.

C0p$ on late night duties in a civilised area may indulge in these kinds of queer hunting because they don't have anything to do perhaps. Such easy traps are good tactics to get several thousand rupees in bribe in just one night. Can you imagine if they really were to register a case, what would be the content of the case? Who would approve it and take it ahead to the courts etc? Imagine the faltu ka paper work they will have to undergo to actually follow through the procedure when the day-time C0p$ have much more serious things to pursue to have such faltu cases being resolved? the paper work is tedious, mind you! So these are empty threats. Chalo, they even register the case. But if you are sure you were not doing anything, or even if you were, you were not actually at the risk of being seen or recorded from some far off street camera, you can still deny it. The effort to refute that from their end will be too much of a hassle esp when there are hundred other things to be done at a chowki during the day.

If they threaten to lock you up or beat you up, please know that this is against the law. It's called "custodial violence" and being jailed without evidence. If you point that out to them, they'll know that you know your laws, and won't try to scare you further.

If they ask you what you do for work, please lie and say some low-paying job, like call centre or sales and if they ask for your pay, say a low salary. From earlier experiences, they get jealous about salaries of guys caught in such scenarios thinking that how unjust it is that they, as law-protecting employees are getting paid so less, while us, supposedly-law breaking citizens are getting thousands a month.

Never hand over them your phone and unlock it for them to go through it. It's a personal and private property. They need a search warrant or a proper warrant to go through someone's phone. Which requires a long process from the courts to procure. No chowki has a random paper lying there which they can write on and show as a legit warrant.

If they ask for money, refuse. If you are not in a position or state of mind to refuse, and still have to shell out the money, agree, and ask them their name pointedly before giving it to them. This might scare them a little thinking that you will report them to anti-bribery officials. Because there is a number to report bribe asked by a gov official. Please research on that.

Last but not least, please remember that they feed on "fear". The moment they see fear in your eyes, and your face, they will put more pressure on you with random and impossible threats which will never be executable, forget being legit. So do not show any fear.

Always keep a friend in the loop who you can call and reach out for help if caught in such circumstances. Someone who is non-judgmental and will help you out immediately.

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Posted On Nov 23, 2022

@dietboner - This incidence is horrible, If there was some faint hearted he might get caught in the trap.
I appriciate that you showed the courage at the rright time, and came out of the situation safely.
And also thanks for the sharing the Incidant.

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Posted On Nov 23, 2022

Same incidents are now a days very common in public Loos.Police already set the pitch and wait for their turn.This loo is one of that.
Best way is to avoid any action in Loos if u find a good catch take him outside discuss know each other and then plan at some other location

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Posted On Nov 23, 2022

TBH, a few days back, I was just passing via Bremen Chowk around 7 pm ish and I spotted a police vehicle parked near that rickshaw stand! So please be careful! This place seems very risky nowdays! I've stopped going there!

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Posted On Nov 24, 2022

Ru guys talking about Spicer loo?

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Posted On Dec 7, 2022

Wow What a Morning i Got Lucky just 15min ago a with a Young fair Bot honestly i was going there for almost a week i used take my car used park near or opposite to the loo and didn't got Anyone but somehow today i went to the loo and unexpectedly a young College student came in and i was watching him curiously. He had a shine in his eyes and gave me a smile and i smiled back to him i was done peeing and i just wanted yo see what happens. I lit a smoke standing in there he went out saw if there's anyone near by came in again and this time close to me and whispered in my ear can i *** you. I got arrosesd by his words but got bit nervous at the same time again he said koi nahi hai mai dekh ke aaya hu. And he started unzip my pant got his hands on my *** pulled it out got down on his knees pulled my pants down and started licking and *** it. He was just going onn and onn then he started rubbing my balls with his hands and slowly grabbing them with his lips wow literally i was kinda in Heaven. He was so good i never had a someone who was *** so passionately.i was about to *** i asked him where he wants then what he asked was awesome pointed towards his *** and started *** harder and harder till i *** and then i grabbed his head and started *** his *** the sound was so arousing i came in his ***. He licked me clean pulled out some tissue from his pocket clend himself and me i didn't got chance to get his number as he was in hurry if you are reading this i want to meet you again please DM here I'll be waiting

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Posted On Dec 7, 2022

@Ruhann28 ...Wow!! That was nice experience!!
Ya due to some risky atmosphere in Pune.. Overall Cruising places and loo are not happening.. It's not quite but much more decreased.. Reason all were knows..

On last Saturday I went this loo around 7pm.. Almost more than half n hr I seen so many guys coming there for pee..
And Half of them are for cruising actions..

Finally I got one young guy..may be 24-25 age..Name as Raj.. Slim beard..And his cut d**k wow!!..So many times and so much time I s**ked him..But he didn't came out..As I want to leave for some other work I went from there..
But from so many days I got my likely D**k

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Posted On Dec 7, 2022

@Pune2016 i always go there now

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Posted On Mar 30, 2023

It's very open now a days two guys *** in front of me and standing nearby watching and other guys came to me but he's old look cheap guy so not interested n i am waiting for 10 minutes then a handsome guys come he said he's from Nagpur he's so cut 18 yras old i *** him nicely what a love lovely time he's so mourning ahhh ahhh wow....

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Posted On Apr 9, 2023

Yes, it active almost all time.
Visited around evening 6 pm today
Seems there is just in and outflux of cruising around. No fun is observed. I met there three guys namely 2 top n verse.all lack the place. Sometimes feel like there is more of road show around. Guys be careful better go to safe plce. Gr app is best to cruise for nearby locations

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Posted On Aug 6, 2023

Have been checking it out for the past few weeks. Bright, white tubelights have now been installed inside the loo. it's so bright inside you can carry out a surgery. However, I can still see some cruisers (and these are not moles or cops) hanging outside or nearby the loo. I wanted to know if there is any alternative area inside or around the loo where you can hookup? Like is it the ladies bathroom because it's hardly ever visited by anyone, or the backside of the loo where it is quite dark and bushy?

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Posted On May 20, 2024

I’m surprised to see that cruising happens here all day. I was passing by this route and even at 9.30am in the morning I found 3-4 people standing there waiting for crusing. One of them gave me the most soft deep and perfect blowjob.

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Posted On May 21, 2024

@Ankit pcmc.......

Where is this Bremen Chowk, Aundh exactly located. Can u please give some landmarks, some clues, some hints, where is its location on that road. Searched the entire stretch, cud not find it. Do the elderly, older men too come in here for cruising or only young boys, labour class, auto drivers, etc. How is the elderly, older men crowd here for crusing. What time do these elderly men come in here ? Is the loo neat, clean, immaculately clean n hygienic or just like all the other public loos, which stink with poop n urine, with no water, no lights. Please provide more details about this location n venue. Thank you.

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Posted On May 21, 2024


It's actually "RISHI chowk" right after Bremen chowk. Upon reaching there, take the left turn, you'll see the public loo ahead. First one is for ladies and next to it is for gents. You'll obviously see guys hanging around there. Bikes, cars will parked there as well.
There are whole of shops just opposite the loo. Vaibhav Novelties, Ramesh Dyeing etc.

However you'll need to be vigilent; there are guys loitering around in the dark waiting for anyone entering the loo.

As far as hygienic is concerned, it's not clean at all. The rooms are clogged with poop and dirt [ during the rains, it's worse ] There's no water. No lights. Still, inspite of these conditions, you will see many guys visiting this spot.


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Posted On Jun 16, 2024

I feel the whole thing about crusing has got interesting around the morning time. I have visited this loo many times early morning around 9am to 10.30 am. The crowd is better during those hours and it feels safe. Good quick fun has happened during morning hours here. Afternoon it’s literally very slow, not much action, same guys keep loitering around and evenings it gets crowded and one doesn’t know where to do things

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Posted On Jun 16, 2024

hey , i'm 20 year old n used to crusied it here , at start i got good and young guys , even get to meet some high class guys also , but don't know what happened now , i can just saw old or fat guys , if any young / slim / good looking guys shifted to anywhere else or change the timing , let me know here .

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Posted On Jul 11, 2024

Anyone there after 12:30 or 1 at night?

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Posted On Jul 15, 2024

Hey , anyone coming now ?

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Posted On Aug 16, 2024

It's still active now....
Visited yesterday...meet few guys there.
But little risky..
Not too clean place.
N sab log ache b nahi hote.
I was waiting outside near the loo.n one bike stopped. 2 guys ws there.n staring me...
Fir mai loo ke ander gya ....tabhi one guy green t shirt me ander aaya. N uska frd bahar hi wait kiya.
Fir ek dusre ke sath maze kiya hum... little ki..ss too...
I m still hard.
Guy in green full t shirt n glasses.
If u r reading this.. plz send me msg.

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Posted On Aug 16, 2024

More.. incident...
Sunday b gya tha mai yaha..
Kaafi log aa ja rahe the.
Kuch to hot b the..
But me me interested nahi the...don't know y...
Mey b aajkal sabko uncle pasand aate h...
2 hot guys to full kiss n smooch me lage pade the.
But plz be careful....lots of goons n police also visited this place...
Some traps also working there too I guess.
Kaafi bike n car park rahti h yaha.

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Posted On Sep 6, 2024

Anyone with big *** dm me

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Posted On Sep 7, 2024

This used to be one of the best spots in aundh. I had met many hot guys and also some African guys here.
It used to be a pleasure meeting handsome guys.
But nowadays there are many goons from Aundh vasti

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Posted On Sep 16, 2024

Hey i am 21 year old , if really some one is hot plz ping me , looking for good fun , U can find me near aundh

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